Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Home Page. Amatuer \ Ham Radio. Listen Live. Frequencies \ Codes \ Links. eXRS Technology for 2 way Radio Communication. eXtreme Radio Service (eXRS) two-way radios use proprietary Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) in the ISM band (900 MHz frequencies). This FHSS system combines the power of digital technology with narrow band FM modulation technique. Merging the two technologies facilitates a radio communications system that maintains a narrow band base signal to ensure for maximum usable range within a given dB power budget, comparable to traditional fixed frequency narrow band FM radios, but with the added benefit of wide band digital security and privacy provided by the frequency hopping spread spectrum algorithm. Maintaining the information signal as narrow band FM modulation centered on discrete frequencies allows for a large pool of non-overlapping hopping frequencies to draw upon within a given section of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum.
Interference Free is a major advantage that eXRS has over existing FRS and GMRS radios. Zello. Live conversation. Shared messages. CB Radio Chat. Extra Smileys, Memes, witzige Figuren, LOLcats und andere Emoticons für die Lieblings-Chat-App! Genial für WhatsApp, KakaoTalk, LINE oder andere Chat und Messaging Apps. Mehr als 5 Millionen Downloads! Bisher gibt es diese:* Smileys/Sticker/Emoji: bald gibt es ein neues Emoticon-Paket! * Internet Figuren: Troll face, LOL guy, Y U NO, Success Kid, ..* Witzige Bilder: komische zufällig ausgewählte Bilder* Memes (NEU seit Juli 2013): Philosoraptor,, Skeptical Baby, ...* LOLcats: Sie können gar nicht genug davon bekommen Bald gibt es:* Mehr Memes* Viel mehr Smileys* Ihre Vorschläge!
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