Urban findings. Art, language and music. Gender. Evolution of humans. Prehistory. Wurdi Youang rocks could prove Aborigines were first astronomers. Ancient stones map the sun Could be upwards of 10,000 years old "This can't be done by guesswork.
" Early astronomers? Aboriginal Sundial Pre-Dates Stonehenge. World’s Oldest Deep-Sea Fishermen. Humanity's forgotten return to Africa revealed in DNA - life - 03 February 2014. Not so isolated: Khoisan tribes have European DNA (Image: Ariadne Van Zandbergen/Alamy) Call it humanity's unexpected U-turn.
The Quest for The Phoenicians Pt1. The Quest for The Phoenicians pt2. The Quest for The Phoenicians pt4. The Quest for The Phoenicians pt6. The Quest for The Phoenicians Pt3. The Quest for The Phoenicians pt5. Watch the Skies in the Year 52,007 A.D. Article #130 • written by Alan Bellows Fifty thousand years from now-- if all goes according to plan-- a bright streak will smudge the sky as a man-made meteor plunges into the Earth's atmosphere.
The Crypt of Civilization. In the basement of Phoebe Hearst Hall at Oglethorpe University in Georgia, there is a stainless steel vault door which was welded shut over sixty-five years ago.
Behind this door lies a 20' x 10' waterproofed room containing a menagerie of once-modern artifacts and microfilm records, placed there by men and women in the years between 1937 and 1940. If their goal is realized, the contents of this vault will remain unseen and undisturbed for the next 6,107 years. This ambitious project, which began in the dawn of the Second World War, is known as the Crypt of Civilization; it represents the first concerted effort to collect and preserve a snapshot of human civilization and technology. Though the term had not yet been coined at its inception, it was the first modern time capsule. 6 WTF Japanese Trends (You Can Blame on White Guys) It's practically a meme in the West: The Japanese are insane.
But, you know, loveably insane -- all squid-penises and liquor vending machines, not boring-old-crazy stuff like murder and cannibalism. What we don't realize, however, is that most of this madness is totally our fault. In the past, we've brushed up against the issue in a crowded train car -- discussing how Japanese manga was totally inspired by Donald Duck comics, for example -- but it goes beyond that. It turns out that much of Japan's iconic wackiness was actually imposed upon it by Western culture. Let's take a look at ... #6. Getty Connoisseurs of Japanese porn (hi, every single Cracked reader!) The missing link,who are the Amorites? The Amorites: From Arabia to the Levant 2500BC-1200BC. Canaan and the Hyksos kings. What Vikings really looked like. The fine decoration of the Oseberg ship in Norway, which was buried in the year 834, provides clues to what Vikings looked like.
Inside the ship were two women and the archaeologists believe the ship has served as a sarcophagus. (Photo: Annie Dalbéra) There’s no shortage of myths about the appearance of our notorious Viking ancestors. To find out more about these myths, ScienceNordic’s Danish partner site, videnskab.dk, asked its Facebook readers to list their favourite myths about what the Vikings looked like. We have picked out five myths from the resulting debate and asked researchers to help us confirm or bust these myths.
Armed with this information, our graphic designer then took a shot at drawing some examples of our infamous forefathers, which you can see in our picture gallery. A Visual Anthropology of the World's Last Living Nomadic Peoples. By Maria Popova From Morocco to Mongolia, or what we can learn about climate change from Inuit whale hunters. What is it about Dutch photographers that makes them so visually eloquent at capturing the human condition? From Jeroen Toirkens comes Nomad — a fascinating and strikingly beautiful visual anthropology of the Northern Hemisphere’s last living nomadic peoples, from Greenland to Turkey.
A decade in the making, this multi-continent journey unfolds in 150 black-and-white and full-color photos that reveal what feels like an alternate reality of a life often harsh, sometimes poetic, devoid of many of our modern luxuries and basic givens, from shiny digital gadgets to a permanent roof over one’s head. 6 Isolated Groups Who Had No Idea That Civilization Existed. Maybe you're proud of the fact that you still haven't updated to Facebook Timeline or started a Twitter account, or that you still read all of your books on paper.
But no matter how hard you swim against the mainstream, there are some groups out there who will always top your anachronistic stubbornness -- groups that have managed to avoid pretty much all of civilization right up until, oh, about nowish. #6. The Sentinelese Via Ferrebeekeeper The Sentinelese tribe make their home on North Sentinel Island, India. Via Survivalinternational.org"That's good. How Did They Avoid the Modern World for So Long? Easy. Via Survivalinternational.org. Daniel Wolpert: The real reason for brains.