European Shamanism / Shaman Portal. Shamanism had a strong tradition in the European continent before the rise of monotheism. Shamanism remains a traditional, organized religion with Uralic, Altaic people and Huns; and also in Mari-El and Udmurtia, two semi-autonomous provinces of Russia with large Finno-Ugric minority populations. The word 'Shaman,' is actually a Tungus (Siberian) word that means “Keeper of the Fire†for a spiritual practice that is as old as mankind, and is still practiced by indigenous people, as well as modern practitioners worldwide.
Shamanism is not rooted in any organized religious tradition, but is instead a system of controlled visionary journeys into alternate realities (and back,) in order to contact spirit guides and gain their assistance in divination and healing. When one thinks of traditional shamans and shamanism, it's easy to envision a Native (American or perhaps Aboriginal) medicine man performing rituals that are deeply rooted in cultural tribal traditions.
Scandinavian Shamanism. Shamanic Journey, Shamans and Shamanism. The Basement Shaman - Pure Plant Vision. African Shaman - John Lockley, Xhosa Sangoma. Contemporary Shaman. Shamanic Way. Sacred Essence. The Four Winds Society. Inca Shamanic Glossary. Use the Firefox browser with the CoolPreview add on. CoolPreview will give a magnifying glass icon at every link when you put your cursor on the link. Click on the icon and it will open a separate, smaller window with the definition of the term in it. You can either lock the window by clicking the padlock icon in the top bar of the little window, or move your cursor off the window and it will automatically close. This is almost as good as mouseovers. This third edition is dedicated to all of those who are teachers of this tradition.
Each and every one has answered the call and stepped up courageously for those who are yet to come. This page contains: Introduction Notes on Pronunciation Copyright Notice Usage Guidelines Search Guidelines Acknowledgments You Can Contribute Definitions Contact Me Introduction Because the Romans and the Greeks were exceedingly wise as well as enterprising, one does not marvel that they did things worthy of commendation and great praise. Notes on Pronunciation. El Mundo Magico. Shamanism Ireland. Slí An Chroí ::::: Native Celtic Shamanism in Ireland. Introduction to Shamanism one day workshops are offered once a month from February to August each year in the Slí an Chroí Centre, Dublin 7 from 10.30am - 5.30pm. “One Day Introduction To Slí An Chroí Healing Shamanism 2014 Schedule” #1.
(Sun.) February. 23rd #2. . #3. . #4. . #5. . #6. A one day “welcome” to Healing Shamanic Practice and Holistic Living where we explore the founding wisdom and experience the primary ways that make the shamanic practitioner “a true caretaker” of the self and of the earth. This workshop offers a safe, confidential and sacred space in which to take a voyage of self-healing in community of others doing likewise. No previous formal shamanic training experience is necessary to attend this workshop. Prehistoric Shamanism. Shamanism .co.uk. Shaman UK. Scandinavian Shamanic Studies. Seidr & Norse Shamanism-Trance Travel & Magic. There is a growing interest in recreating the ancient oracular or 'shamanistic' techniques that are commonly referred to by Asatruar as seithr and spae-craft. The word "seidr" is spelled with a letter from the Old Norse or Icelandic alphabet called "eth".
Since "eth" has a phonetic value somewhere between "d" and "th", seithr is variously spelled in English as "seid", "seidh", "seidr", "seidhr", "seith", or "seithr". Read these webpages to learn more about it. Peregrinus - What is Seid? - "...The shamanistic trolldom (magic) that in Norden primarily was performed by women (volver).
Also some of the gods such as Odin and Fro/ya, practiced it. Because of his seiding, Odin was accused of being unmanly. The Fundamental Importance and use of Seidh, by Graena Vanswynn: "In Nordic History there have been two kinds of magick practiced among the peoples of the Ancient North. Hrafnar - A society for the re-creation of the seithr tradition. Runes, Seidh, and Beyond, by Hringari Ódinssen. Northern Earth - Adventures In The Landscape. Since about 1950, shamanism has often been cited by scholars - some more successfully than others - attempting to unlock the secrets of obscure European ritual objects and practices, ancient myths and legends, and archaeological sites.
For instance, in 1957 E.O. James suggested that the therianthropic 'sorcerer' depicted in the cave art of Les Trois Fréres was a shaman, wearing a costume akin to those of recent Siberian history or in the process of transforming into an animal. This idea was taken up by others, including Makkay in 1963 and Lommel in 1967. Dodds identified a shamanic element in Greek religion and philosophy. Two therianthropic figures from the palaeolithic art of Les Troise Freres cave; on the left is Abbe Breuil's famous but flawed 'shamanic' figure. Interest in shamanism among archaeologists and prehistorians has expanded and accelerated rapidly since the mid-1980s.
But it is by no means cut and dried. The theory of Palaeolithic shamanism is based on a crude logic. The Apple Branch. The Apple Branch Blog.