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60+ Upcoming Social Media & Tech Events. Every week, Mashable puts together a calendar of upcoming social media and web events, parties and conferences.

60+ Upcoming Social Media & Tech Events

Here are some tips on how to network, share your information and promote your event using social media: Mashable's Weekly Social Media and Marketing Event Guide is proudly supported by Eventbrite, the Web's Event Marketplace. May 9-11, 2001, Chicago, IL: School of WOM is the Word of Mouth Marketing Association's annual spring conference. School of WOM will provide marketers with in-depth practical knowledge on the arts and sciences of Word of Mouth and Social Media marketing. School of WOM attendees learn the techniques, methods, and processes that are being implemented into your business practices today that they can bring back and implement tomorrow.

Should Virtual Suicide Be Outlawed? (Build 20110413222027) Gladiator - Free TV. * Plus ICANN fee of €0.13/yr. *** Domains with bulk pricing do not qualify for additional promotional discounts. † Free InstantPage®/Hosting with Website Builder are not included with .XXX domain registrations.

Gladiator - Free TV

All comparison prices are accurate as of 8/21/2013 and are subject to change without notice. †† .CA domain names will be registered through GoDaddy Domains Canada, Inc., a CIRA certified registrar. + Special savings apply only to first year of registration. ++ .CO.UK, .ORG.UK, .ME.UK, .EU, .ES, .SE, .COM.AU, .NET.AU and .ORG.AU domains not included. ^^ Discount based on current retail value. Perfectly Timed Bubble Pop [PIC] How Small Businesses Can Use Social Media for Customer Service [INTERVIEW] This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business.

How Small Businesses Can Use Social Media for Customer Service [INTERVIEW]

Customer relationship management isn't just the domain of big brands, and these days, more and more companies are offering free online tools to make it easier for SMBs to keep track of and reach out to their customers. For some SMBs — whether they're brick-and-mortar shops or online businesses — being able to monitor customer feedback, respond to complaints and help answer questions across a wide variety of websites is incredibly valuable, and it establishes a rapport with customers, who are likely to spread the word and praise the SMB for its outreach. To get a better understanding of what the CRM tasks are and the best tools to accomplish them, Mashable spoke with Marsha Collier, who wrote the book on online customer service. Best Tools to Use Best Practices & Streams to Study. Study: Companies Missing Opportunity To Utilize Social Media. From Facebook to Twitter: Save Your Community From Redundancy.

Caroline Chen | March 10, 2011 | 8 Comments inShare107 By understanding the nuances of each platform's digital culture, you can create unique and relevant content, speak the right language, and effectively grow both communities.

From Facebook to Twitter: Save Your Community From Redundancy

Of all the social platforms, it's hard to avoid your favorite brand on Twitter or Facebook. There's a page for every living, breathing moment you have: shampoo, face wash, makeup, breakfast, work, lunch, exercise, dinner, entertainment, and sleep. Twitter / Home. Cadmus. Social Media Management, Twitter Tools, Social CRM.

PostRank. Jon Stewart Mocks Muammar Gaddafi's Style, Ruthlessness & For Blaming Osama Bin Laden. Language Services Associates Makes Common Sense Advisory’s List of “Top 35 Global Language Service Providers” The Future of the Social Media Strategist. The Social Media Strategist Series is supported by StrongMail, which helps marketers forge meaningful, profitable and long-lasting connections with customers through e-mail marketing and social media. Learn more here. With evolving corporate social needs comes ever-changing roles for those who identify "social media" as a core part of their job titles. While the social media strategist role is currently a burgeoning career choice across varying industries, some debate the career's longevity.

Jeremiah Owyang, an industry analyst with digital strategy consulting firm Altimeter Group, interviewed 140 enterprise-class social strategists for a report on the "Career Path of the Corporate Social Strategist" that hit the web last November. 5 Huge Trends in Social Media Right Now. What's the first thing young women do when they wake up?

5 Huge Trends in Social Media Right Now

Check Facebook. How do enterprise employees pass the time at work? With social media. Why Influencer Marketing Needs to Go Beyond Follower Counts. Gary Lee is the CEO of mBLAST, providers of cloud-based solutions to help PR and marketing professionals better identify and engage with their key influencers.

Why Influencer Marketing Needs to Go Beyond Follower Counts

From diet pills to get rich quick schemes, our culture is often obsessed with finding the quick and easy solution for every challenge. Lose 10 pounds in two weeks (no diet or exercise required). Make six figures from this simple investment, guaranteed. Best practices for developing a social media policy. These social media policy guidelines are available as a downloadable PDF.

Best practices for developing a social media policy

The Society for New Communications Research Best Practices committee has spent a year researching corporate social media policies. The project included gathering case studies on companies’ blogging policy development and implementation for companies managing internal and external corporate blogs and other forms of social media. From this research, the committee developed a set of SNCR-endorsed best practices. We now present these 27 best practices and policies for developing and implementing corporate blogging policies and guidelines. From our research, six factors emerged as the highest priority in the successful development and implementation of a corporate blogging policy.

5 Tips to Strengthen Your Company’s Social Media Voice. Dermot McCormack is the executive vice president of digital media at MTV Music & Logo Group.

5 Tips to Strengthen Your Company’s Social Media Voice

Many brands and companies are still struggling with how to develop a successful social media engagement model — one that goes beyond spitting out corporate messages and instead develops a two-way dialog with the audience. Since MTV’s inception, we’ve been fully committed to providing the audience with a voice across all our screens. Social Media Marketing: 5 Lessons From Business Leaders Who Get It. While a small, influential group of businesspeople are paving the way for social media adoption among leaders and even lending insight into how social media may be used by CEOs in the future, executives from many of the world's biggest businesses are behind the curve in adoption, according to a recent study.

Social Media Marketing: 5 Lessons From Business Leaders Who Get It

The study found that only 36% of the CEOs at the world's 50 largest companies are engaging via social media or their company websites. The study also found that for those CEOs using social media, most of the activity was akin to traditional one-to-many communication methods — 28% of CEOs gain visibility online by posting letters or messages on their company websites, for example. Interestingly, video was the strongest component among CEOs using social media, with 18% having a video presence via their companies' websites or YouTube channels.

Only a small percentage of respondents, though, reported having a profile on Twitter (8%), Facebook (4%), MySpace (4%) or LinkedIn (4%). 10 paid social media monitoring services for nonprofits. Tweet Twitter data galore: A screen grab from

10 paid social media monitoring services for nonprofits

Trackur, Sprout Social, Thrive & other monitoring tools worth paying for Target audience: Mid-size nonprofits, cause organizations, agencies, brands, NGOs, Web publishers, individuals. Guide to monitoring social media conversations. Image by √oхέƒx™ on Flickr How & why your organization should be tuning in the social Web Most brands and nonprofits have received the memo: To succeed in today’s interconnected world, you need to listen to what your supporters and customers are saying about you. With the new year still fresh, you may be finally ready to put into place a listening program to tap into the conversations taking place on the social Web about your organization or sector. Social media has blown apart yesterday’s top-down communication funnel and replaced it with a peer-to-peer model of empowered citizens and producers. People are tiring of mass media and prefer to listen to their peers’ recommendations about products, services and causes.

The 10 Social Media Metrics Your Company Should Monitor. While companies are starting to adopt Social Media for online marketing campaigns, and even letting employees participate, the question of ROI (Return on Investment) arises, along with doubts about what metrics to measure. How do you know how effective your social media campaigns are if you’re not measuring any metrics, let alone an overall ROI? Below, we discuss ten important Social Metrics for companies. According to 2009 Mzinga & Babson Executive Education study, over 80% of professionals do not measure ROI for their company’s social media programs. Granted, Social Metrics and their measurement techniques are relatively new, and this might account for the lag in tracking.

However, there are some organizations measuring social metrics, which enables them to eventually measure ROI. Visitors and sources of trafficNetwork size (followers, fans, members)Quantity of commentary about brand or product. ROI of Listening: 17 Things to Do with What You Hear. Top 10 social media dashboard tools. Hootsuite: Among the best of breed. Customer intelligence. Metrics for measuring Enterprise 2.0 adoption and ROI.

What do Enterprise 2.0 and weight loss fads have in common? First off, I'll admit the concept might be a stretch, but work with me here. Two of the hottest topics currently in debate regarding E2.0 are ROI and adoption. We agree, we disagree, we agree to disagree, and round and round we go. Top 20 social media monitoring vendors for business. Piwik - Web analytics - Open source. Altimeter Report: Social Marketing Analytics (Altimeter Group & Web Analytics Demystified) Social Marketing Analytics: A New Framework for Measuring Results in Social Media, by John Lovett and Jeremiah Owyang. New study: Deep brand engagement correlates with financial performance « Altimeter Group : A Holistic Approach To Emerging Technologies.

Altimeter Report: The 8 Success Criteria For Facebook Page Marketing « Altimeter Group : A Holistic Approach To Emerging Technologies. What CMOs Are Thinking About Social Media. Social Media Marketing vs Traditional Marketing. Social Media in Plain English. Social Media Networking, Social Networking, Social Media Traffic. 5 Masterminds Redefining Social Media Marketing. Social Networking Services, Social Networking, Website Traffic. Chicago Online Advertising Consultants. For many Chicago business owners figuring out which of the many online advertising consultants to hire to help you grow your business can be a challenging and confusing process. Here are some important factors to consider that will help you make your decision a little easier and with a whole lot more confidence.

What Size & Types of Businesses Do The Consultants Serve? When it comes to consultants with or without experience in your industry this can be a tricky point. While the mechanics of online advertising are similar for all businesses, there can be differences, so it makes sense to hire a company that has experience with businesses similar to yours… but only to a point. You see, too narrow a focus can be problematic as well.

Businesses See Social Networking as Moderately Important. Email Trumps SocNets in Current Importance Asked to rate various technology tools on a scale of 1 to 7 (7 meaning extremely important and 1 not important at all), the average respondent rated social networking tools at slightly more than 4. Most Companies Have Social Media Strategies. Why Media Agencies Don't Need Separate Units For Social Media - Advertising Age - DigitalNext. HOW TO: Back Your Social Media Marketing Plan With Numbers. Like any other marketing strategy, a social media marketing plan must make financial sense before implementation. And as always, measuring success is tough.

So, often, marketers would just take the convenient way out by eliminating projections and ROI measurement in a proposal. The end conclusion is often a “NO” as management couldn’t see how it would improve revenue growth. This could be avoided if we knew how to use numbers to support our plan. Backing Up Your Plan With Numbers 1. 2. 3. Presenting: 10 of the Smartest Big Brands in Social Media. 21 Creative Ways To Increase Your Facebook Fanbase.

Target Runs Black Friday Ads on Facebook, Twitter. L.A. Auto Show: Social media plays large part in launch campaigns. EIU Media Directory. Companies Believe Social Media Can Increase Revenue! 1001 Twitter Users Who Will Follow You Back. How To: Get More Qualified Followers on Twitter. Open Graph protocol.


Who are Buddy Media's competitors. Shoutlet. Social Media Management, Social CRM. Sprout Social: Insights. Facebook Marketing Strategy. Interactive Promotions for Brand Marketing by Wildfire Promotion Builder. Moderation. Join Us. Social Media Management. Rapid Adoption of Vitrue’s Self-Serve Social Software Fuels Company’s Record-Breaking Growth for Q3 2010. Social Marketing Services. Involver: The Web's Most Trusted Social Marketing Platform. Involver: The Web's Most Trusted Social Marketing Platform. Involver: The Web's Most Trusted Social Marketing Platform. Media6Degrees raises $17M to aim ads at social audiences. Viral YouTube video marketing. Diseñando una estrategia de Contenidos en los Social Media.