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Simplified Scientific Astrology, by Max Heindel, HTML Page 1 of 4. By A Complete Textbook. The Message of the Stars, by Max Heindel. By Max Heindel and Augusta Foss Heindel Click here for the graphics printed book cover.
Hebrew Mazzaroth. ZDK ASTARIA Cultures - EMUSPATEL Introductory Literature Creator's Design Proclaimed in the Sky!
(Prophetic Types in the Jewish Constellations and Hebrew Stars.) For thousands of years, Mankind has looked up into the night skies and beheld the starry-heavens. And the breathtaking sight has caused him to ponder the MEANING of what he is seeing. Thus, Philosophers have long confused one another over what that actual meaning might be! Well, as you may have noted in the rest of Our Web Site, WE feel that it is OUR sacred duty to bring you the TRUTH.
Another view of the Heavens - Zodiac Age and the Ten Sefiroth. Emphasis Mine: Another view of the Heavens is the following: Ephesians 4:9 (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?
4:10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.) Greek katoteros, kat-o’-ter’-os; comp. from Gr. kato, kat’-o, downwards, beneath, bottom, down, under, thus meaning inferior (locally, of Hades): -- lower. Also as seen in Chapter Six under John 8:23, "And he (Jesus) said unto them, You are from beneath (below); I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world.
Yantra Mantra. The Jantar Mantar is an equinoctial sundial, consisting a gigantic triangular gnomon with the hypotenuse parallel to the Earth's axis.
On either side of the gnomon is a quadrant of a circle, parallel to the plane of the equator. The instrument is intended to measure the time of day, correct to half a second and declination of the Sun and the other heavenly bodies. History[edit] The jantars have evocative names like, Samrat Yantra, Jai Prakash, Ram Yantra and Niyati Chakra; each of which are used to for various astronomical calculations.
Sabian Symbols.
Main Page - Astro-Databank, Astrology data and horoscope of 2000. Astrology: Arabic Parts Astrology Calculator. The Doctrine of Signatures, recognize herbs. THE INTERPRETATION OF A HOROSCOPE. By Marc Edmund Jones A Note of Explanation The article that follows is based on a talk Marc Jones gave for "The Guild" in 1942.
It was subsequently published in the April issue of "The Astrological Review" that same year. The Sabian symbols used for this talk were taken from Marc's 1931 mimeograph lesson set on Symbolical Astrology. He later asked that those symbols not be used anymore, after he went back to the original brief notations he took at the time the Sabian symbols were derived in 1925. The chart of Theodore Roosevelt that was used to illustrate his talk is included here below. The "15 point analysis" set forth in this talk was revised years later and published as a "Sixteen-Point Analysis" in Marc Jones' 1960 book, The Essentials of Astrological Analysis . How to Proceed After Getting an Overview of the Chart MADAME PRESIDENT, MEMBERS AND FRIENDS: As announced in the Guild program, this is not supposed to be a talk in the ordinary sense of the word. No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6.
Astrology & the Chakras. In this article I would like to explore the exciting possibility of bridging two of history's greatest psychological systems -- astrology and the chakras.
Conventionally, these two systems have been seen as having little or nothing to do with each other, the former primarily concerning the outer world, or macrocosm, and the latter involving the inner world, or microcosm. In fact, as we shall soon see, these two systems are but two sides of the same coin, each one complementing the other and thus enhancing our understanding of both. The basic system of correspondences I will be using here is drawn from teachers I have studied with in the Kriya Yoga lineage.1 The general system of "chakric horoscopes" and their guidelines for interpretation are my own, developed over more than a decade of working with these basic correspondences.
With that said, let us begin by exploring some of the core ideas of chakric philosophy. What Are the Chakras? Chakra 2 is called Svadisthana. References and Notes. Diet Astrology: Health and diet for all zodiac sun signs & free. One's astrological chart describes his/her unique constitutional makeup. From this, a medical astrologer can identify health issues he/she is most likely to experience, as well as specific recommendations of what they can do to regain and maintain optimum well-being. Astrology identifies four basic constitutional types: fire, earth, air and water.