Home - BioFuel Information. Types of biofuel - BioFuel Information. Vegetable oil is used in several old diesel engines that have indirect injection systems.
This oil is also used to create biodiesel, which when mixed with conventional diesel fuel is compatible for most diesel engines. Used vegetable oil is converted into biodiesel. Sometimes, water and particulates are separated from the used vegetable oil and then this is used as a fuel. Biodiesel is a famous biofuel in Europe. Biofuel. A biofuel is a fuel that contains energy from geologically recent carbon fixation.
These fuels are produced from living organisms. Examples of this carbon fixation occur in plants and microalgae. How Biofuel is Made. Skip to main navigation The energy that we get from biofuels originally came from the sun.
This solar energy was captured through photosynthesis by the plants used as feedstocks (raw materials) for biofuel production, and stored in the plants' cells. Many different plant materials can be used for biofuel: Sugar crops (such as sugar cane or sugar beet), or starch (like corn or maize) can be fermented to produce ethanol, a liquid fuel commonly used for transportation.Natural oils from plants like oil palm, soybean, or algae can be burned directly in a diesel engine or a furnace, or blended with petroleum, to produce fuels such as biodiesel.Wood and its byproducts can be converted into liquid biofuels, such as methanol or ethanol, or into woodgas.Wood can also be burned as solid fuel, like the familiar firewood.
Chipped waste biomass, such as the tops of trees discarded by logging operations, can be burned in specially designed furnaces. HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES. 1966_Maud_Some%20Characteristics%20Of%20The.