Evan Grant: Making sound visible through cymatics. Douglas Adams: Parrots, the universe and everything. TEDxSF - A Curation Of People And Ideas... Posted by Tom Foremski - June 5, 2011 I've been to several TEDxSF events but the most recent one felt like a breakthrough event because of the mix of people and talks, plus the new venue.
The event was sold out with about 650 tickets for the Yerba Buena location, a larger theater than the Academy of Sciences, where it used to be held. The mix of people was eclectic as always. There were at least two or three talks where I wished for the return of the old Vaudeville stage hook, or maybe a remote controlled trapdoor. Most of the rest of the talks were interesting, intriguing, and some were even brilliant. But it was a packed afternoon, from noon to 6pm, a bit too long. TED talks are a form of modern theater within an old school format in that it's a one-way stage. However, the formulaic format of TED talks is pretty good, so maybe the organizers know not to mess with what works. Among the standout performances: - Dr. Simon Mainwaring. Dave Kim with his violin and box of tricks was excellent.
TEDxSF November.
The Tweets. The Speakers. Independently organized TED community in San Francisco. TEDxSF (Build 20110413222027) Global health does not only encompass the maternal deaths in Zambia or underweight infants in Guatemala, it's about you and me--it's about every single human being on the planet.
It's about us being able to envision 7 Billion Well. From the bottom to the top, we can make a difference in the lives of every person. We often hear about global health as a distant topic, but nothing can be further from the truth. This is because WE can make a real impact in each others' lives regardless of distance now more than ever before in our history. Imagine a world in which each human being not only saw health as their responsibility but had rightful access to better sanitation and water, adequate nutrition, and healthcare. Join luminaries in academia, technology, medicine, entertainment, business, and beyond in envisioning a world of 7 Billion Well. Watch Videos. Foursquare. TEDxSF on USTREAM: . (Build 20110413222027) Ustream © Search Log in / Sign up With Facebook (faster) Log in or sign up with Facebook See what your friends like and watch, get awesome recommendations Instant login, no passwords or With email or username Forgot your password?
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