Timeline. Font Sales Map « Myfonts. Infographic: The 50 Most Popular Typefaces in the World. Do you know where Arial was created? Or what year Paul Renner designed Futura? How about who designed Bembo? No? No? No? And you call yourself a typography freak. Luckily, Seattle designer Shelby White has created a lovely little crib sheet to the top 50 typefaces around. [Click image for larger view] White -- who also runs an awesome design-inspiration blog -- started out out by plotting 50 fonts "most commonly used in a lot of today's design" on a world map.
The chart doesn't try to highlight any patterns or fascinating insights into the evolution of type. Typefaces of the World is available as a poster for $29. A History of Western Typefaces [INFOGRAPHIC] The Fontography Series is supported by join.me, the easiest way to have an online meeting. join.me lets you instantly share your screen with anyone, for free.
Use it to collaborate, demo, show off — the possibilities are endless. Try it today. You see approximately 490,000 words every day — and that's just on the web. If the designers behind those websites are any good, they put a lot of thought into the typefaces they use on each page. Fonts don't just display letters as words and sentences. They convey emotion, attitude and tone. Hate Comic Sans? The infographic below presents a history of typefaces, incorporating fun tidbits from tech, pop culture and the web. Infographic design by Nick Sigler Series supported by join.me The Fontography Series is supported by join.me, the easiest way to have an online meeting. Periodic Table of Typefaces on Behance. Large original English version HERESpanish version HEREPortuguese version HERE PRINTS, SOURCE FILES, and other Periodic Table of Typeface related goodies are available HERE The Periodic Table of Typefaces is obviously in the style of all the thousands of over-sized Periodic Table of Elements posters hanging in schools and homes around the world.
This particular table lists 100 of the most popular, influential and notorious typefaces today. As with traditional periodic tables, this table presents the subject matter grouped categorically. The Table of Typefaces groups by families and classes of typefaces: sans-serif, serif, script, blackletter, glyphic, display, grotesque, realist, didone, garalde, geometric, humanist, slab-serif and mixed. Each cell of the table lists the typeface and a one or two character "symbol" (made up by me simply based on logic), the designer, year designed and a ranking of 1 through 100. The sites used to determine the rankings are as follows :
Typedia: A Shared Encyclopedia of Typefaces. Home of the Universal Font Classification System. With so many fonts available on the market today, a simple alphabetical font list can't do the job and font vendors have accordingly devised a variety of ways to help users find the font they are looking for, leveraging the accessibility and power of the Web.
Different tools are available, suitable to the offering of the vendor and the user's level of expertise. Such tools typically include these kinds of font classifications: style, letter shape, keywords, designer, foundry, usage and category. The list below covers the main tools available on the Web. If you have suggestions for additions, by all means contact us at: info@type-expertise.com. Identifont Identifont is an independently-run site that leads you through an easy-to-answer set of questions relative to font shape characteristics, in order to propose a list of fonts matching your responses, based on a "proprietary expert system".
This process can be refined by providing it with one or more letters to use as a starting point. Type Library: Type Classifications. Nick Sherman > Senior Degree Project > Ideation. Long before the semester even started, I began thinking and writing about what exactly it was that I wanted to do. The first thing I decided to do was make a long list of all the topics I was heavily interested in—or at least enough to be happy spending a semester focusing on. Right from this point I became quite excited about this whole degree project thing. I love to go into ridiculous levels of detail with research and development, and that is something you rarely ever get an opportunity to do. So, I compiled a list of 30–35 topics which I could imagine holding my attention for a whole semester. From there, I took a step back broke the list down into 2 categories: the ideas that were based basically on research, and the others that already hinted towards a deeper analysis and need for problem solving.
Ideas that would be mostly research-oriented (but could grow) Ideas that move beyond research (analysis, problem solving, etc): So I was able to settle on the general topic. 1. 3. Continue… 100 best Typefaces of all times. So you need a Typeface. Atoz. On snot and fonts. Africa: ⦿ Africa ⦿ Berber ⦿ Coptic ⦿ Egypt ⦿ Hieroglyphics ⦿ Mauritius ⦿ Morocco ⦿ Other ⦿ South-Africa ⦿ Tunisia Oceania: ⦿ Australia ⦿ Maori ⦿ New Caledonia ⦿ New Zealand ⦿ Rongo Rongo Europe + the old USSR: ⦿ Albania ⦿ Austria ⦿ Basque ⦿ Belarus ⦿ Belgium ⦿ Bosnia ⦿ Bulgaria ⦿ Catalunya ⦿ Celtic/Gaelic ⦿ Croatia ⦿ Cyprus ⦿ Cyrillic ⦿ Czechia ⦿ Denmark ⦿ Eastern European ⦿ Esperanto ⦿ Estonia ⦿ Finland ⦿ France ⦿ Georgian ⦿ Germany ⦿ Greece ⦿ Greek ⦿ Hungary ⦿ Iceland ⦿ Ireland ⦿ Italy ⦿ Kazakhstan ⦿ Kosovo ⦿ Kyrgyzstan ⦿ Latvia ⦿ Liechtenstein ⦿ Lithuania ⦿ Luxemburg ⦿ Macedonia ⦿ Malta ⦿ Moldova ⦿ Montenegro ⦿ The Netherlands ⦿ Northern Ireland ⦿ Norway ⦿ Ogham ⦿ Old Italic ⦿ Poland ⦿ Portugal ⦿ Romania ⦿ Russia ⦿ Scotland ⦿ Serbia ⦿ Slovakia ⦿ Slovenia ⦿ Spain ⦿ Sweden ⦿ Switzerland ⦿ Turkey ⦿ United Kingdom ⦿ Ukraine ⦿ Uzbekistan ⦿ Wales Far East: ⦿ China ⦿ Hong-Kong ⦿ Japan ⦿ Korean/Hangul/Chosongul ⦿ Macao ⦿ Mongolia ⦿ North Korea ⦿ South Korea ⦿ Taiwan.
.. :: The International Typographic Style Timeline :: .. Graphis #1 Graphis, The International Journal of Visual Communication, was first published in 1944 by Walter Herdeg in Zurich, Switzerland. Graphis Inc. is the international publisher of books and magazines on communication design, advertising, photography, annual reports, posters, logos, packaging, book design, brochures, corporate identity, letterhead, interactive design and other design associated with graphic arts. Graphis was (and still is) one of the most important and influential European graphic design publication. Over 350 issues of Graphis magazine have been published. Graphis also publishes hardback annuals including: Graphis Design Annual, Graphis Advertising Annual, Graphis Photography Annual, Graphis Annual Reports Annual, and Graphis Poster Annual.
Max Bill Max Bill was a Swiss architect, artist, painter, typeface designer, and graphic designer. In 1944, he became a professor at the school of arts in Zurich.