Characters: Macduff, a Scottish nobleman. All speeches (lines) for Macduff in "Macbeth" Macduff. What is Macduff's role in Macbeth? - ShakespeareAnswers. Short Answer: Heroic antagonist.
Macbeth, though villainous, is the protagonist and viewpoint character of the story. He and his wife have the most lines. This, however, means that Macbeth is not only the title character of a tragedy, but it's villain. Macbeth William Shakespeare Study Guide & Homework Help - Macduff (Character Analysis) Macbeth Macbeth (mak-BEHTH), thane of Glamis, later thane of Cawdor and king of Scotland.
A brave and successful military leader, and potentially a good and great man, he wins general admiration as well as the particular gratitude of King Duncan, his kinsman. Macduff in Macbeth. In a game of Marry, Date, or Dump, we'd dump Macbeth (duh); date Malcolm (nice boy, but too many responsibilities) and marry Macduff.
He's a loyal Scottish nobleman, a loving father and wife, and an all-around great guy. So what makes this 17th century #1 Dad tick? He Has Feels. Macduff. Macduff photo.