Tony Stark
The Destination is Unavoidable, The Path Taken is Optional - MoMoMomma - Mult...
Fem! Tony
Cardio. Hey!
First of all, it was not my fault i haven't updated in a while! If you Pm'ed me, you'd know. My computer hasn't let me on Fanfiction to log on for almost all of October. It's not the fact that i'm ignorign you, i've actually been writing in that time, but i thought that i should at least let you know why this took me 'forever' to write. Thank you soooo much, Zach, on Fanfiction support for helping me out! Challenge Time! Tony Stark was many things. He could probably rant on and on about all of his titles, stating firmly many things that he wasn't, however the rest of the Avengers had heard it so many times before he rather not, even if it was a chance to gloat loudly.
One thing that Tony was rather unhappy about was the fact that Jarvis had received an email from SHEILD addressed to all of them, on a sole topic of something small…or large, depending on your point of view. A fitness exam. Which meant the only shocker would be Tony. "No! "We'll be there tomorrow, Sir.
" "Stark. "One?
Different Tony. Uncle Tony. Hey!
First of all, it was not my fault i haven't updated in a while! If you Pm'ed me, you'd know. My computer hasn't let me on Fanfiction to log on for almost all of October. It's not the fact that i'm ignorign you, i've actually been writing in that time, but i thought that i should at least let you know why this took me 'forever' to write. Thank you soooo much, Zach, on Fanfiction support for helping me out! Okay, Challenge. It was requested that Tony was the 'adoptive uncle' of a bunch of ambassador's kids. Enjoy! Tony Stark was many things- Iron Man, Avenger, Billionaire, and something slightly overshot but still as impressive. Businessman. Sure, he wasn't a standard salesman that tried to seal the deal with a cheesy grin and a fake wink, instead he thought.
The Avengers had never exactly seen said businessman- on occasion they had heard him speak on the television about the recent battles or attacks, or him releasing a new product, but they had never actually seen him.
Powerful Tony
Standard Procedure. Here's a challenge where there's an Overprotective!
Jarvis! Enjoy! Many people thought that Jarvis was an emotionless machine. In all logical conclusions, he was not. An AI was an artificial intelligence, capable of thoughts and conclusion on his own. Jarvis was able to look at the world in code, 'looking' through sensors and cameras located on near all flat surfaces allowing him to interact with his creator or help out in situations in which his guidance was required. It was amusing in all sense when others were introduced to he, or when his coding was upgraded to allow more qualities of a normal human, as well as relating to popular movie and pop references to interact more soundly with his passengers.
One thing that humans always thought robots were lacking was the ability of humor, or the concept of creativity. Jarvis had both, as well as a protective streak. In the past his creator hadn't linked him to several security systems in the house, believing that Jarvis himself would do. "You-"
Ironman Powers.