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InCites - Research Analytics - Thomson Reuters. InCites™ is a customized, web-based research evaluation tool that allows you to analyze institutional productivity and benchmark your output against peers worldwide.

InCites - Research Analytics - Thomson Reuters

With customized citation data, global metrics, and multidimensional profiles on the leading research institutions, InCites gives comprehensive insight into your institution's performance. And with robust visualization and reporting tools, you can create and share reports quickly and easily. And now, access Essential Science Indicators and Journal Citation Reports directly from the InCites platform. InCites-a single environment for research and bibliometric assessment and evaluation to better support your long term vision and keep you informed of the latest trends with a multifaceted analytics view.

With InCites You Can. Journal Metrics: Research analytics redefined. October 18, 2012: Modified SNIP Leiden University's Centre for Science & Technology Studies (CWTS) has introduced a number of modifications to the SNIP journal metric.

Journal Metrics: Research analytics redefined

The aim of these modifications is to further improve the mechanism used by the SNIP metric to correct for differences in citation practices between scientific fields. In this way, the accuracy of comparisons of the citation impact of journals from different fields will increase. The modifications that have been made only affect the denominator of the SNIP metric which is responsible for the correction for field citation pattern differences. The three most significant modifications to SNIP: Download the new SNIP values on the 'values' page Created by Professor Henk Moed at CTWS, University of Leiden, Source-Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) measures contextual citation impact by weighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject field.

SNIP corrects for such differences. Relevant links. Tools. A growing directory of noteworthy altmetrics apps: ImpactStory ImpactStory is a Web-based application that makes it easy to track the impact of a wide range of research artifacts (such as papers, datasets, slides, research code).


The system aggregates impact data from many sources, from Mendeley to GitHub to Twitter and more, and displays it in a single, permalinked report. ReaderMeter. Institutional Repositories and measuring research impact. For better or worse universities and researchers are coming under increasing pressure to demonstrate the wider impact that their funded research has beyond the end of the research project.

Institutional Repositories and measuring research impact

But some are questioning whether traditional methods of measuring impact (peer-review, citation counts, Journal Impact Factor) are still fit for purpose in the modern research environment. The open nature of the social web is continuing to have a disrupting effect on many aspects of scholarly communication. Today's research article is increasingly likely to be disseminated via social media/bookmarking websites making it instantly available to huge numbers of potential readers due to the innately viral nature of these services. The exciting part is that modern web technologies make it possible to track each time an article is accessed from a tweet, blog or social bookmarking site.

Now researchers can see in real-time how their research is being received around the globe. 'View metrics' CrowdoMeter.


Total-impact: uncover the invisible impact of reseach. Mendeley. Altmetric. ScienceCard. ReaderMeter: research impact, crowdsourced. CitedIn: A webtool to explore citations on the web.