The influence of tourism website on tourists' behavior to determine destination selection: A case study of creative economy in Korea. Namho Chung is a professor and faculty member of the College of Hotel & Tourism Management and the director of Smart Tourism Research Center (STRC) at Kyung Hee University in Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Los sitios web enfocados al turismo ayudan a los turistas a determinan la elección del destino. – jesuseduardodg
He received his Ph.D degree in MIS from Sungkyunkwan University.
His research interests include travel behavior, information search and decision making, destination marketing, knowledge management and the development of information systems for Destination Management Organizations. Smart tourism: Traveler, business, and organizational perspectives. Chulmo Koo is an Associate Professor in College of Hotel & Tourism Management, Kyung Hee University, South Korea.
Turismo inteligente a través de viajes, negocios y organizaciones – jesuseduardodg
He received his PhD in business administration of Sogang University, South Korea.
He has been served a post-doctorate fellowship in the University of Minnesota, MIS Research Center, USA, a full time instructor in Marshall University, West Virginia, USA, Assistant Professor in Chosun University, South Korea, and tenured Associate Professor in Kyung Hee University, South Korea. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Korea Service Management and a director of smart tourism research center in Kyung Hee University.
Jaehyun Park is an Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering and Economics at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan. He has a Ph.D from the Information Systems Department at Case Western Reserve University; MDes (Design) from Illinois Institute of Technology; and B.F.A (Fine Arts and Design) from Seoul National University. Creating value from Social Big Data: Implications for Smart Tourism Destinations. JavaScript is disabled on your browser.
Social Big Data son activos estratégicos que ayudan al crecimiento inteligente de un destino turístico. – jesuseduardodg
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Highlights. Development of Social Media Strategies in Tourism Destination. JavaScript is disabled on your browser.
Please enable JavaScript to use all the features on this page. Abstract Social media play a significant role both on the demand and on the supply side of tourism allowing destinations to interact directly with visitors via various internet platforms and monitor and react on visitorś opinions and evaluations of services. The paper defines the tourism destinations; characterizes the social media and communications in tourism. It summarizes the main characteristics of social media with implication to destination communication strategy and it deals with changes in visitorś behaviour affecting the destination marketing. Keywords. Social media micro-film marketing by Chinese destinations: The case of Shaoxing. Jun Shao is an Assistant Professor in the School of Landscape Architecture at Beijing Forestry University.
Her research interests include destination marketing, tourism planning and social media marketing. Xiong Li is a Professor and Dean in the School of Landscape Architecture at Beijing Forestry University. A tourist kit ‘made in Italy’: An ‘intelligent’ system for implementing new generation destination cards.
Este estudio investiga las ventajas y la potencialidad del 'kit turístico', una solución italiana basada en el concepto de una tarjeta prepaga emitida por un gran operador postal. La tarjeta de destino puede ser recargada por los turistas de acuerdo a sus necesidades y su validez no está restringida a períodos cortos. – jesuseduardodg
Smart tourism technologies in travel planning: The role of exploration and exploitation. C.
Este estudio examina el mecanismo de cómo los viajeros usan estas tecnologías para mejorar la satisfacción con los viajes. – jesuseduardodg
Derrick Huang is an Associate Professor at the Department of Information Technology and Operations Management, College of Business, Florida Atlantic University.
Previously, as a practitioner, he held executive-level positions in the area of marketing and strategic planning in a number of high-tech companies. Dr. Huang’s research interest lies in the business value and strategic impact of information technology in organizations, and his current focus is on the economics of information security investments, risk management of information systems, and health-care IT. Measuring tourism destinations using mobile tracking data.
Este documento nos plantea una metodología para medir los flujos de visitantes a destinos utilizando datos de seguimiento de espacio-tiempo. Con base en una revisión de la literatura sobre este tema, proponemos que un destino turístico tiene cinco dimensiones: espacial, temporal, composicional, social y dinámica, que se puede medir utilizando datos de seguimiento del espacio-tiempo. – jesuseduardodg
Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes. The concept of smart tourism in the context of tourism information services. JavaScript is disabled on your browser.
Please enable JavaScript to use all the features on this page. Highlights. Destination marketing: The use of technology since the millennium. JavaScript is disabled on your browser.
Please enable JavaScript to use all the features on this page. Highlights Introduces the six papers included in this special edition. Explores the rapid and expansive technological enhancement and innovations in destination management. Innovación y destinos inteligentes: Oportunidad para el Know How Turístico Español.
El avance tecnológico a lo largo de los años ha ido evolucionado y a su vez contribuyendo al turismo, debido a que hoy en día existen destinos turísticos que han adoptado diferentes medios tecnológicos para mejorar la oferta turística. – jesuseduardodg
Investigaciones Turísticas. China's “smart tourism destination” initiative: A taste of the service-dominant logic. Volume 2, Issue 2, June 2013, Pages 59–61 Researching Destination Experiences Edited By Peter Lugosi and Andrew Walls Highlights SDL may help explain China's “smart tourism destination” initiative.
Tourist experience, communication estrategy, destination competitiveness – karbg
The initiative enhances tourist experience co-creation and sharing.
The initiative changes the communication pattern between tourists and DMOs. Informe destinos turísticos inteligentes: construyendo el futuro.
La investigación que se plantea en este documento nos habla acerca de los destinos turísticos inteligentes, los cuales deben estar conformado por un territorio y un sistema turístico correctamente gestionados. – jesuseduardodg
Smart destinations: Foundations, analytics, and applications.
Fuera del destino, la DMO debe adquirir conocimientos sobre el entorno competitivo, las oportunidades y las amenazas, y las tendencias que cambiarán el futuro panorama competitivo. Dentro del destino, la DMO debe usar este conocimiento para evaluar estratégicamente las fortalezas y debilidades del destino, alinear los recursos de los interesados y desarrollar las competencias adecuadas para formular una estrategia que sea competitiva y sostenible. – jesuseduardodg
Internet of Things: Geographical Routing based on healthcare centers vicinity for mobile smart tourism destination. Professor Wesam Almobaideen (almobaideen@inf.ju.edu.jo) has received his Ph.D. in Computer Networks from the University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, Master degree in Computer Science from the University of Jordan, and B.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Mu'ta University, Karak, Jordan.
El teléfono inteligente, los dispositivos de sensores, la comunicación celular y el Internet de las cosas (IoT) son tecnologías recientes que brindan servicios basados en la ubicación móvil, estos podrían ayudar turistas que se desplazan entre varios sitios, a obtener un conjunto innovador de servicios que hacen que su viaje sea más fácil y seguro. – jesuseduardodg
He is currently a full professor at the Computer Science Department, The University of Jordan.
His research interests include: Wireless network, Computer and network security, Routing protocols, Internet of Things, Smart tourism. Knowledge transfer in smart tourism destinations: Analyzing the effects of a network structure. JavaScript is disabled on your browser.
Profundizar el debate científico sobre este tema mediante la aplicación de un enfoque analítico de red a tres destinos turísticos italianos. – jesuseduardodg
Please enable JavaScript to use all the features on this page. Highlights A smart tourism destination is a combined network of stakeholders and their technological representations (websites). Using three Italian destinations the analysis reveals the strict structural relationship of the two components. A spectral analysis also shows the importance of considering an integrated assembly of real and virtual elements when studying knowledge diffusion and opinion formation.
Creating value from Social Big Data: Implications for Smart Tourism Destinations. The Use of Intelligence in Tourism Destination Management: An Emerging Role for DMOs - Sheehan - 2016 - International Journal of Tourism Research.