Microsoft Wanted Google to Censor a Wikipedia Page About Microsoft. After asking Google to censor Microsoft.com, Microsoft has given Google a copyright takedown request for a Microsoft Wikipedia page.
Microsoft must want to scrub all mentions of itself on the Internet or something. It's the only sensible explanation for its vigilance! Or, I guess, the other reason for vomiting out inane takedown requests like this could be the inability to grasp the concept of copyright (or from a different view point, genuine arm talent at throwing shit on the wall). See Some Art While You Can — Google Will Eventually Replace Museums. The prints in the series Anonymous Paintings are enlarged reproductions of museum artworks that have been imaged by Google Street View technology and later blurred by Google on its Art Project website.
They are inkjet prints stretched on cotton panels, but they are also emblematic of the fascination that has built around Google’s Street View glitches and blurrings. Initially launched in 2011, Google Art Project was redesigned in April 2012 expanding the number of museums with the “walk-through” feature from 17 to 51. Now, you can saunter through the Metropolitan Museum of Art, MoMA and The Frick Collection from your living room. Growing Online Censorship Sparks Writers to Action. This post, which originally appeared on pen.org, was written by PEN America's Freedom to Write Fellow Deji Olukotun.
On my desk, I have a 1977 map of ARPANET, the experimental predecessor to today's Internet. On the lower right hand corner, you find a node at the Pentagon; slightly above that, you find Rutgers University, and way on the other side, you find Stanford and a node at the RAND corporation in Santa Monica, California. The Internet emerged, in other words, from a collaborative approach between government, academia and corporations. Over 35 years later, digital technologies continue to be shaped by a variety of stakeholders, but civil society groups play an increasingly important role as well. Google Censoring Search Results Damaging to the Australian Government.
We certainly live in Orwellian times.
As revealed last month, Google is censoring search results damaging to the U.S. empire. Years ago we exposed how Google News went from implementing the vision of its founder which was to provide diverse sources of news, to censoring news sources and preventing criticism of Bush from appearing on its main front page. It further ensured giving an unfair advantage to U.S. friendly news media by using thousands of repetitions "sources" all from the same source.
These changes occurred when George W Bush criticized Google News for having news critical from him including from Mathaba News Agency. Now with the launch today of Mathaba News Australia in partnership with regional partners starting with AdelaideX, not only is the Murdoch News Corporation worried and violating the terms and conditions of use of our site but Google web search has again apparently been caught censoring web search results.
Internet Censor Google Claims to be Fighting Internet Censorship. Nobody knows Google censorship better than Seth Finkelstein Summary: Google has a new charm offence/PR trying to paint itself as a battling force against censorship (depends whose) In this age of intimidation and terror by secret agencies we quickly learn that British press is under attack by those secret agencies and overzealous politicians [1, 2, 3].
Some newspapers buckle [1], whereas others don’t, although even those that pretend not to are selling out in other ways (yes, that would be The Guardian). Get round internet censors using a friend's connection - tech - 30 October 2013. People living under repressive regimes will soon be able to access the web using the internet connection of friends in censorship-free countries FOR people living under repressive regimes censorship is an everyday reality, and browsing the internet freely is impossible without some serious technical know-how.
This week Google threw its weight behind an idea that lets people circumvent censorship by using the internet connection of a friend in a non-censored country. A collaboration between the University of Washington in Seattle and non-profit firm Brave New Software, uProxy lets users share their internet connection with friends on social networks through a browser extension. When both parties have the uProxy extension installed, one can forge an encrypted link through the other person's browser and out onto the internet via their social network connection. Get round internet censors using a friend's connection - tech - 30 October 2013. China: despite censorship, web users comment on Tiananmen car crash. Google's Eric Schmidt Lambasts NSA Over Spying, Following New Snowden Revelations. Why is Google Censoring Search Results to Nix Warnings Just Like Ones Issued by a UK Regulator?
Yves here.
Movie Group Wants Google to Censor Its Own Trailer - ExtraTorrent.cc The World. In order to make piracy less visible, rights owners keep sending dozens of millions of takedown notices to the search engine.
However, not all of those notices are accurate. The high number of automated requests and the fact that rights owners fail to check their validity normally result in questionable takedowns. Another interesting example took place a few days ago, when Magnolia Pictures asked Google to remove a list of URLs which happened to be certainly not infringing. This particular DMCA takedown request included trailers and the IMDb listing of the movie, along with news articles in The Week and Salon. Google's Content ID software is an Orwellian censor that actually works. You still advocate employing them at $10 per hour.
You are still making simplistic calculations. If we use the Seattle minimum wage of $15 per hour and account for non-sweatshop burdened costs, the actual minimum cost would be $30 per hour. If we allow the company half the profit, so they can attract some capital to innovate and compete worldwide and continue to exist to employ some people and so that pension funds that are invested can continue to pay some teachers pensions, that's $1.5 billion. Before There Was Google Street View, There Was The Aspen Movie Map - History Lesson - Curbed Ski. Google Exec (and former head of Darpa), Regina Dugan’s Infomercial For Dystopia : Pribek. July 15, 2013 · Posted in Ramble. How Soon Before Obama's Bodyguards Don Google Glass?
DARPA Grand Challenge: Final Part 1. Am I the only one that thinks Google is a DARPA front? Google Hires DARPA Head Regina Dugan. Today in the News: Google to help fix ‘Obamacare’ site. German journalists advised to steer clear of Google and Yahoo. The German Federation of Journalists has recommended to its members that they avoid using Google and Yahoo for searches and email services, to prevent snooping by US and British intelligence.
Citing "scandalous" reports of interception by the NSA and GCHQ of both web companies' traffic, the union, which represents around 38,000 journalists, said in a statement: "The German Federation of Journalists recommends journalists to avoid until further notice the use of search engines and e-mail services from Google and Yahoo for their research and digital communication.
" Michael Konken, head of the union, said that there are safe alternatives both for Internet searches and for accessing and sending email. DARPA Challenge. All in the Family: Darpa Chief Owed $250,000 by Darpa Contractor. The Pentagon’s premier research arm isn’t just giving six-figure contracts to a company owned in part by agency director Regina Dugan and her relatives.
Turns out the Dugan family firm owes the Darpa chief a quarter-million dollars, too. Financial ethics records obtained by Danger Room raise the uncomfortable possibility that Darpa money could ultimately wind up in the pocket of its director. And that introduces at least the possibility of the appearance of a conflict of interest at the very top of the legendary Defense Department science-and-technology division. A Darpa representative insists that Dugan did nothing wrong. Exclusive: Pentagon Probe Will Review Every Darpa Contract. Since Regina Dugan became the director of Darpa, the Pentagon’s top research division has signed millions of dollars’ worth of contracts with her family firm, which in turn owes her at least a quarter-million dollars. Google Hires DARPA Head Regina Dugan. DARPA boss Regina Dugan is leaving the Pentagon to take a position at Google. Profile on TED.com. Google's Sebastian Thrun: 3 Visions in the 'Age of Disruption'
NEW YORK — Today we drive cars, shell out enormous sums for higher education and navigate the world with electronics that demand the unwavering attention of our ears, eyes, hands and feet. Google’s Sebastian Thrun, however, envisions a safer, more affordable and more fluid world of tomorrow. “This is the age of disruption,” Thrun told a crowd Tuesday at Wired’s annual business conference in New York City. Aside from heading the search engine giant’s super-secretive Google X laboratory, Thrun is a Stanford University professor and a leading computer scientist. Since the early 1990s he has worked to develop artificial intelligence and robotics systems, starting with the University of Bonn’s RHINO project. WIRED Business Conference: The Intelligence Revolution from WIRED on FORA.tv Self-Driving Cars One of Thrun’s first loves was the self-driving car.
‘The cars would go a mile, crash and burn up in flames. “By far the biggest challenge is technology. Digital Education Glass-Eyed Future.