Tous les numéros. Artificial States? On the Enduring Geographical Myth of Natural Borders (juliet fall) 4al. 2006: 2).
The consequences, they argue, are “failed states, conflict and economicmisery” (Alesina et al. 2006: 3). This leads to their main argument: “the basic idea isto compare the borders of a country to a geometric figure. If a country looks like a perfect square with borders drawn with straight lines, the chances are these borderswere drawn artificially. On the contrary, borders which are coastlines or squigglylines (perhaps meant to capture geographic features and/or ethnicities) are less likelyto be artificial. Squiggly geographic lines (like mountains) are likely to separateethnic groups, for obvious reasons of communication and migration” (Alesina et al.2006: 8).Their methodology rests on the correlation between two measures of artificiality:-
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