Agis Page of miniature painting and gaming - Tau. Www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m490132a_UK_WD315_WarriorsFireCaste.pdf. Www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m490154a_UK_WD317_ConvertingTauBattlesuits.pdf. Tau Broadside conversion (now includes Kroot Pathfinders) - WarSeer. And here come the Kroot Pathfinders.
Personally, I love both the Kroot models and fluff. In my Tau sept, Kroot hold a particular honor amongst the Tau, unlike in normal septs where Kroot are used as live bait and the Ethereals give the Kroot lots of self-righteous lecturing about how eating the enemy is "wrong", but imprisoning, re-educating, and castrating them is just fine. My sept's fluff is that Ethereal in charge ordered that the Kroot and the "pure-blooded" Tau should be given all the same equality, so as not to hinder the Greater Good with hypocritical internal prejudice. (Humans would have it pretty good too, even by Tau standards.) More to come! Tau Battlesuit Conversions. January 15, 2009 How to make Tau Battlesuit conversions, courtesy of Warhammer Tau.
Many people ask about my my Tau Battlesuit conversions, so I have decided to put together a quick and easy guide to follow with full descriptions and photos. You'll have plenty of unique Tau Battlesuits in your Tau army with a little effort. First, you need a Tau Battlesuit kit, plus a few extras. I mostly buy my spare parts from www.bitzbox.co.uk where Tau parts don't appear to be in high demand...not the parts I need anyway. Tau Battlesuits Conversion Parts1 Tau Battlesuit kit1 spare Tau Battlesuit flamer1 Armour plate for the interior back door of a Tau tank.2 Tau Firewarrior shoulder pads Converting Tau Battlesuits Part 1: Extra Armour Torso Tau Battlesuits look rather puny considering how badass they are, so I decided to bulk mine up a bit.
Next, take the interior armour plate from the Tau tank kit (it's not like you're gonna use it) and trim off a section of 6 small squares, 2 wide by 3 long. Advanced Tau Tactica :: Index page. Advanced Tau Tactica :: View topic - [Heavy Support] The Sniper Drone Team.