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Blue Moon Coven - Traditional Gardnerian Wicca. Amhran Coven (Wicca Coven) | MySpace. Wiki: Coven. Society: Religion and Spirituality: Pagan: Wicc. Cauldron Living: The new online portal to meet the needs of the. Home.


Temple of Gaia Inc. Teampall Na Callaighe ~ The Janet and Stewart Farrar, and Gavin. Welcome! Article. Nehallenic Wicca - The Path of the Ways Author: Posted: April 24th. 2004 Times Viewed: 6,111 Walking the path of the Great Mother can take a seeker on many a colorful and exciting adventure. Just who the Great Mother is remains a matter of personal direction, as She has as many names as there are stars in the galaxy. Those of us who find the Great Mother in the goddess Nehallenia discover that the destination of our travels is not as important as the journey itself.

This is the essential idea of Wicca of the Ways, a tradition more commonly known as Nehallenic Wicca. While named for and centered around a goddess, Nehallenic Wicca is a tradition open to everyone that reveres all forms of life in any gender. I am the "coordinator," if you will, of Nehallenic Wicca in North America, and as such I welcome you to explore this tradition. This is an inscription left by a Roman merchant at the shrine of the traveler's goddess Nehallenia.

Maybe your interest has been piqued. The Hearth: An Alternative for the Solitary Practitioner. An Alternative for the Solitary Practitioner It’s not always easy to find a local coven so many of us are solitary practitioners. The internet, however, offers new opportunities for those who would like to practice in a group but, for whatever reason, cannot join a community coven. Today there are many online pagan groups. Pagan websites are numerous and many include forums (this site included) but there are more alternatives yet.

The Blue Moonlight Coven, offers Sabat and Esbat rituals conducted using The Palace chat software ( ). The Palace is a graphical chat program that was developed by Jim Blumgardner and first introduced late in 1995. Since then thousands of independent Palace severs have emerged addressing almost every topic imaginable from science fiction to religion and about everything in-between. At Blue Moonlight Coven there are various backgrounds for different occasions. There are also some excellent books. Start of a wiccan coven (Privater Modus) I started my journey many years ago and was drawn to a nature. I found I was more at home in the wild of Zimbabwe than the city of Portsmouth UK where I now live.

I could never truely call this home and still refer to my parents home as my home. Do not get me wrong the UK is beautiful and has some lovely people living here. But I would rather be in the middle of no-where cooking on an open fire and watching the stars at night. In a hot climate where it pours down with rain when it rains and the sunshines 90% of the year. So when I came accross Wicca I looked at it in hundreds of forms and I suddenly realised that this was a way of life I had been living my life by most of my life. I have been working on my coven and put together everything so that I may open the coven in a completely fresh and whole way. I have had plenty of people asking when the coven is going to start but I want this to be right before we begin. FCNM: Firefly Circle of the Noscielo Moonclair (Privater Modus)

Family and Friends - Covens & Temples. Alder Stand Coven - Kent.