Ncltitpack.ncdpi.wikispaces. Educators who exhibit best practices with technology are creative, flexible, and adapt in ways which enable them to navigate the constraints, affordances, and interactions within TPACK framework.
True TPACK integration is a thoughtful approach in which educators understand how to relate concepts with technologies, demonstrate creative pedagogical practice, and facilitate learning and skills development with a learner centered approach through technology use. Learning Outcomes After attending this session, participants will be able to:Transfer TPACK learning to their own work (knowledge and behavior)Articulate the value and challenges of effective learning experiences supported by TPACK (attitude)Explore resources and observe models to gain strategies to implement TPACK in participants’ coaching/training, own work, and/or practiceRefine TPACK use with the implementation of activity types in their particular curriculum areas I.
Learning Activity Types (pedagogy/andragogy): II. III. Using TPACK as a Framework for Tech PD, Integration and Assessment. Henrico County Schools System has adopted the TPACK as the Framework for professional development and 21st Century Learning in the Henrico County Schools System.
Henrico County is one of the largest and earliest districts to pioneer and implement a one-to-one initiative. They have adopted this model as its conceptual framework to guide their progress towards the 21st Century Learning. The following video will set the stage to provide insight into how this school district uses technology for relevant and real-world learning.
See How Henrico County School District Incorporates Technology into Learning.Henrico 21 Overview from HCPS Instructional Technology on Vimeo. To see more videos visit this link. Below are some essential pieces toward meeting their vision. The TPACK ModelThe TPACK Model was created in response to the need to provide a framework around the important pieces of innovating learning with a focus on Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge. This is a diagram of the model. Www.tpack.org. ITLib Digital Library → Testing a TPACK-Based Technology Integration Assessment Rubric. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, in San Diego, CA, USA ISBN 978-1-880094-78-5 Publisher: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Chesapeake, VA Abstract Although there is ever-increasing emphasis on integrating technology in teaching, there are few well-tested and refined assessments to measure the quality of this integration.
The few measures that are available tend to favor constructivist approaches to teaching, and thus do not accurately assess the quality of technology integration across a range of different teaching approaches. We have developed a more “pedagogically inclusive” instrument that reflects key TPACK concepts and that has proven to be both reliable and valid in two successive rounds of testing. The instrument’s interrater reliability coefficient (.857) was computed using both Intraclass Correlation and a score agreement (84.1%) procedure. Citation Harris, J., Grandgenett, N. & Hofer, M. (2010). Teaching Teachers for the Future. We have understood for a long time that expert teachers are those who can bring together their deep knowledge of subject matter with profound understanding of what is good for learning.
The combination has been described as Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) and is more than the simple addition of two parts. The fusion is what enabled expert 20th century teachers to transform subject content and represent it in ways that made it accessible to individual learners in their specific contexts. In the 21st century, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is providing us with new ways to access and process knowledge in every field. ICT is also transforming pedagogy by providing new ways to engage learners. Expert teachers now are those who can bring together knowledge of subject matter, what is good for learning, and technology (ICT).
TPACK - Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge This professional website was developed by Dr Matthew J. Punya Mishra's web Ideas videos.