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eCommerce SEO — How to boost eCommerce search rankings in 8 steps. One of the best ways to get traffic to your online store is by appearing in search engine rankings.

eCommerce SEO — How to boost eCommerce search rankings in 8 steps

This isn’t always an easy task, since eCommerce sites are focused on products rather than content. While eCommerce SEO might be challenging, the results can pay dividends for your eCommerce business over time. In this situation, numbers don’t lie. Consider: You can’t always compete with the big guys, but you can focus on ranking well for individual product and category pages for less competitive terms, like long-tail keywords. Website Review Tool & SEO Checker. Website SEO Checker & Audit Tool: Get Your Free SEO Score. Google Penalty Checker: Find Which Google Algorithm Hit your Website. Google Algorithm Update Impact Analysis Tool - Panguin SEO Tool.

How to Recover from a Google Penguin Penalty. May 29, 2014 6 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

How to Recover from a Google Penguin Penalty

If your website has been penalized by Google, it is incredibly important that the issue is corrected. Once you’re hit with a penalty, your website will first lose visibility on Google, then traffic, and then conversions. And that's bad for business. After all, what good is a website if nobody can find you? Fortunately, there are steps you can take to recover from penalties. Background on Google Penguin penalties There are two primary types of algorithmic Google penalties: Panda and Penguin. For the purpose of this article I am going to dive deeper into Penguin penalties. Related: How Local SEO Works and Why It Matters for Small Businesses Penguin is all about link spam. Penguin 2.1: October 4, 2013. The severity of your penalty and subsequent rankings decline will depend on your overall link profile. 1.

Google Penguin explained. Joost de Valk Joost de Valk is the founder and Chief Product Officer of Yoast.

Google Penguin explained

He's a digital marketer, developer and an Open Source fanatic. One of the most painful Google updates that can hit a website is called Penguin. Google Penguin aims to remove sites from the search results that have been trying to game Google by buying or otherwise “unnaturally acquiring” links to their website. It does that by basically applying a negative value to specific links. “Luckily”, if a site is hit by Google Penguin, 9 times out of 10, the owner has been gaming the search engine and could have seen it coming.

Check your site for Penguin, Panda and other Google penalties. Check your site for Penguin, Panda and other penalties: Every now and then, Google rolls out its search algo updates — Penguins, Pandas, mobile and local SEO updates, and what not.

Check your site for Penguin, Panda and other Google penalties

10 Google Hacks to Improve Your Search Rank for Free. Posted on 7/24/2018 Money alone can’t buy Google rank, but with a little time and strategy you can improve your position on the search engine results page (SERP) without spending a dime.

10 Google Hacks to Improve Your Search Rank for Free

Here are 10 free ways to improve your Google search rank. Improve your website’s user experience. According to a study on ranking factors by SEMrush, the top four ranking factors are website visits, time on site, pages per session, and bounce rate. Crazy Egg Website Optimization. You Can Incentivize Google Plus Reviews…Just Not in the Way You’d Think. It’s bad form to offer customers hard incentives to write you reviews.

You Can Incentivize Google Plus Reviews…Just Not in the Way You’d Think

That includes money, products, work, massages, Starbucks cards, Chuck-E-Cheese tokens, or anything else of tangible value. On Google Plus it’s also against the rules. Sites We Monitor. It’s unwise to incentivize positive skewed reviews. Is there anything you can’t get delivered to your front door?

It’s unwise to incentivize positive skewed reviews

(And yes, home renovators will attest you can even get a front door delivered to your front door.) The burgeoning subscription model can offer convenience to customers, but only if companies honor established consumer protection principles. The FTC’s proposed settlement with snack seller UrthBox, Inc., serves as a compliance reminder to industry members about consumer reviews and the Restore Online Shoppers’ Confidence Act. San Francisco-based UrthBox delivers goody packages once a month to snack-hankering consumers. Consumers could sign up for one-, three-, or six- month subscriptions at a monthly cost of between about $20 and $200, depending on the size of the box. For most of 2017, UrthBox ran an incentive program to encourage consumers to post positive reviews about its snack boxes on the Better Business Bureau website.

Here’s how that worked. The BBB site wasn’t the only place where UrthBox used these tactics.


The Case Against Incentivized Reviews. Research shows that 95 percent of shoppers read online reviews before they make a purchase, which might convince marketers and business owners alike to use incentivized reviews to boost their business’s online reputation.

The Case Against Incentivized Reviews

However, incentivized reviews are a controversial gray area. Some brands leverage them to increase their exposure and reputation, but doing so puts them in serious legal trouble for violating rules and they could face potentially massive financial penalties. Thankfully incentivized reviews aren’t the only way to attract and retain customers.

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