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Inversion therapy

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Inversion Therapy Table. New Study Reveals .... "I am one of those patients who cancelled my back surgery because inversion therapy worked for me!! I suffered with chronic back pain and sciatica for three years! I have a herniated disc (L4-L5), had 5 epidural injections, physical therapy, chiropractc name it!! This was my last resort before surgery... I bought my inversion table about 6 weeks before my surgery. Two weeks before I was to go "under the knife", my pain diminished by 90% . Good enough for me, and glad to be off anti-inflammatory medications as well. . - Diane T. From: Jesse Cannone CFT, CPT, CPRS, CSPN To: Back pain sufferers looking for some answers... Dear back pain sufferer, fter desperately searching for any back pain solution that does the job... spending hundreds of dollars at your doctors on services which only give you very temporary relief... and being force-fed harmful drugs because you have no other choice...

I'm here to tell you - it's not your fault... and there IS hope. ... Why? Inversion Therapy for Back Pain, Neck Pain and Sciatica | LoseTheBackPain.Com. 7 Reasons Everyone with Back Pain Should Consider Inversion Therapy By Steven Hefferon, CMT, PTA, CPRS Let me start out by saying that I have had back pain and I have had sciatica. So I know the feeling. I know how frustrating it can be, and I know how it can suck the joy right out of your life. Be careful not to do dumb things Shortly after I graduated from high school, I owned a landscaping company. Well, on Day One I dug out the footer then went to the store and bought the cement. I put the first bag on my shoulder, but when I bent down and twisted a little to pick up the second bag, I heard a pop. Soon, my back was feeling a lot better. Barring trauma, our bodies are damn near perfect – and it’s not by mistake.

What condition are you suffering from? It is amazing how my life experiences have brought me to where I’m now writing about how I healed myself some 20-plus years ago. Want To Try Inversion Therapy? 7 key benefits of inversion for the back pain sufferer Maintains your height. Inversion Therapy - Back Pain Relief with Inversion Therapy. I have had back pain and I have had sciatica. So I know the feeling. I know how frustrating it can be, and I know how back pain can suck the joy right out of your life. Be Careful Not to Do Dumb Things Shortly after I graduated from high school, I owned a landscaping company. Well, on Day One I dug out the footer then went to the store and bought the cement. I put the first bag on my shoulder, but when I bent down and twisted a little to pick up the second bag, I heard a pop. Soon, my back was feeling a lot better.

What Condition Are You Suffering From? It is amazing how my life experiences have brought me to where I am now writing about how I healed myself some 20-plus years ago. 7 Key Benefits of Inversion for the Back Pain Sufferer While relieving your back pain is your primary reason for considering inversion therapy, there are a number of additional benefits many people experience with a regular program of inversion. Inversion therapy - : Holistic Healing.