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Left Brain/Right Brain: Gorgeously Illustrated Mercedes Benz Ads. The Art of Clean Up: Sorting and Stacking Everyday Objects. Swiss artist Ursus Wehrli is releasing a new book on The Art of Clean Up, where he takes everyday scenes of disorder and rearranges them into neat rows, sorted by different attributes such as color, size, shape, and type, etc.

The Art of Clean Up: Sorting and Stacking Everyday Objects

Some of the preview images from the book seem borderline OCD, such as the pine branch that has been ordered by the needle size– others are on such a huge scale that it almost seems laughable, as if a giant had come along and re-organized a lawn full of towels and people. The book is a follow-up to his previous Tidying Up Art books, where Wehrli used to “tidy up” famous artworks, such as Van Gogh’s room or Botticelli’s beach. The alphabet soup is one of my favorites, as is the fruit salad– maybe its the concept of rearranging food that appeals to me (throwback to the IKEA cookbook!) But in my defense, they both look delicious. Exciting Links for Boring Days - StumbleUpon. Seven Surprising Uses for Baking Soda - Health - GOOD - StumbleUpon. - mail a bunch of flowers! - StumbleUpon. Prettiest Words: All of Them. 23 Pages. Could Always Use More, Though - StumbleUpon.

Words With Friends Cheat - Smart Cheat Board, Word Finder, and Helper. Words With Friends Cheat Introduction Everyone has played word games at least once in their life.

Words With Friends Cheat - Smart Cheat Board, Word Finder, and Helper

And most have found themselves stumped when it came to creating a word that would garner them the highest points possible. No dictionaries can be opened and everyone just relies on the collection of words that they can remember. Well, Words with Friends is the new popular word game and like many games of today, cheats are now available! StumbleUpon. Deep Underground Poetry. Elastic Enthusiastic by Angelo Plessas - StumbleUpon.

Shorts - StumbleUpon. Lifaros experimental flash gallery 2003-2009 - StumbleUpon. Tinygrow - StumbleUpon. - StumbleUpon. 10 Life-Enhancing Things You Can Do in Ten Minutes or Less - StumbleUpon.