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Modern Egyptian Ritual Magick: Welcome.

Ni Netjeru

Kemetic Eclectic & Empathic Spirituality. PER ASET. BOS. Reccommended Wesbites for Egyptian Spirituality. SEMAT ANKHTY - Le forum. International Network of Kemetics. Nuhati Am Nutjeru - Home. Temple of Kemetic Wicca. Daily Devotions Performing your daily devotions will keep your spiritual and psychic energy levels high and in tune for when you need to work with them. When you follow a magickal path, your growth and success will depend partly upon your ability to focus and direct charged energies as you send them out into the universe for whatever intended purpose.

If you ignore your connection to magick energy, then it will weaken over time as will your gifted power(s). This is just one of several major areas where performing daily devotions are especially important whether you are a novice or an experienced practitioner of Wicca or other Pagan religio-spiritual tradition. Daily devotions will help in strengthen your ability to control your inner spiritual energy and the energy you draw from the Universe.

Having a daily devotional routine helps in easing your ability to raise needed energy, at various times throughout your day, for spellwork, rituals, and ceremonies. 1. 2. 3. 4. Hetep, ~ Dr. Fruit of the Nile - Main Page. The Kemetic Orthodox Faith. Kemetic Calendar - Wepwawet Wiki. From Wepwawet Wiki The Kemetic Calendar consists of 360 days, plus 5 days which are considered to be outside the year, called the Days Upon the Year or the Epagomenal Days. The year is broken down into 3 seasons of 4 months, each lasting 30 days. The year begins on Wep Ronpet, The Opening of the Year, usually occurring around the first or second week of August. The Months and Seasons The three seasons of the Kemetic year are Akhet, Peret, and Shomu. Akhet Akhet, meaning inundation, is the first season.

Peret The second season, Peret, means growing or coming forth. Shomu The final season, Shomu, means heat. The Epagomenal Days There are five Days Upon the Year. Day 1: The Birthday of Wesir Day 2: The Birthday of Heru-wer Day 3: The Birthday of Set Day 4: The Birthday of Aset Day 5: The Birthday of Nebt-het The day following the birthday of Nebt-het is Wep Ronpet, the first day of the new year. KEMET-WAY INFO-SITE ON KEMETIC SPIRITUALITY, KEMETIC WAY OF LIFE, AND THE GENERAL AFRICAN WAY OF LIFE. Temple of Tutankhamun.