Traditional Literature LIS534 by tamcu12. How to write a Pourquoi or How and Why Stories. One of the most popular types of folktales are the How and Why Stories.
But, what is a how and why story? It's a type of folk tale that explains how or why something is the way it is today. Sometimes, it is called "pourquoi" (por-kwa) which is French for "why. "
Famous American Folktales & Stories from A to Z. Folktale fables and legends Apps. Choosing High Quality Children's Literature/Traditional Literature. By Amie Rice and Angel Liang "Literature serves an important function in our society, for children shape their reality about themselves and others based on much of what they read.
Students' attitudes, values, and beliefs are influenced by children's literature" (As cited in Diamond, B.J., & Moore, M.A. 1995, p. 11). Young (2004) gave a clear description of traditional literature in the introduction to the book Happily Ever After: Sharing Folk Literature With Elementary and Middle School Students: