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Tanya Dayman

A libran in love with yoga and the beauty of life.

Thermomix desserts

Green Smoothies & Boost Juices... and a Giveaway! - Quirky CookingQuirky Cooking. I’m sitting here with the kids and their cousins, watching ‘Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead’.

Green Smoothies & Boost Juices... and a Giveaway! - Quirky CookingQuirky Cooking

I love how the kids are totally fascinated with the difference that freshly juiced fruits and veges can make to a person’s health and well-being. The first time we watched this, Miss C (9 yrs old) decided she wanted to start drinking green juices.

Bread thermomix

Quirky Cooking. Grain free, dairy free, gut-friendly ideas for a healthy, happy Christmas day!

Quirky Cooking

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here… there’s bits of tinsel scattered through the house where the puppy has been attacking decorations, there’s sneaky presents stuffed under blankets in cupboards to keep them hidden from little eyes, there’s Christmas party invitations stuck on the fridge, special treats in the freezer, kids practicing the Christmas play for performing at the nursing home tomorrow, Christmas music playing… and the wet season has finally arrived, so there’s rumblings of thunder in the background, sudden rain showers, flickering electricity, fans on high speed, screeching parrots and croaking frogs.

I love Christmas time. Even if it is stinking hot here in Far North Queensland. Thermomix recipies.

Kitchari recipies