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Horizon scanning (instituce, platformy, aktivity)

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Futures. Scanning and Wearable Technology research. Home ‐ Horizon Scanning Research & Intelligence Centre. Homepage | Battelle. Technology Trends and Gadgets. Technology Forecasts | Wild Cards | For Strategic Planning - TechCast. Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends | Gartner. Lux Research | Technology Scouting and Market Research in Emerging Technologies. Horizon Scanning | Home | The Art and Science of Horizon Scanning in Strategic Planning. Shaping Tomorrow. Global Futures Studies & Research by The Millennium Project. The Future Brought to You by NASA. Megatrends Watch Institute | Global Megatrends.

Megatrend: Dynamic Technology & Innovation | The Trend Compendium 2030 | Expertise. In a world of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) it is vital to identify major trends in technology and innovation that provide answers to the most crucial future environmental, economic and societal challenges. Trend five reveals the power of innovation and major areas of technological opportunity changing the environment of humanity. Our analysis extends across three subtrends: "The power of innovation", "Life Sciences" and "Digital transformation".

The power of innovation – Driver of economic prosperity Being best prepared for future challenges calls upon research capabilities to find solutions to address such challenges. Hence it is essential to understand which innovational fields are truly cutting edge and will ultimately drive economic and societal development over the next decades. Life Sciences – Addressing major challenges of humanity Digital transformation – Our world is going digital Our world is going digital. FOCUS - Project Objectives. FOCUS will allow designing European security research to effectively cope with future EU roles responding to tomorrow's challenges resulting from the globalization of risks, threats and vulnerabilities.

The main contribution of the FOCUS project is the development of effective long-term prediction and assessment tool at an EU level that is populated with analyses done in the project. Moreover, it will deliver tangible products (such as an IT-based Knowledge Platform) and contents (as a roadmap) for planning of research and deciding on priorities. These products are usable beyond the project. FOCUS will achieve the following six objectives, building upon each other: Identify alternative sets of future tracks for security research in FP7 and subsequent programmes, supporting EU roles to deal with exogenous threats, risks and vulnerabilities. According to the task at hand, the scenarios do not address postures for specific crisis management missions.

Learn about the FOCUS method. CfWI HS Hub. Technology Scan and Assessment. What new technologies are on the horizon? The Technology Scan and Assessment is a series of ongoing studies that tracks trends, technologies, and innovations that could influence, or be leveraged as part of, next-generation intelligent transportation systems within a five to seven year time horizon. All reports speculate on the future impact of a given new technology or system to the transportation sector in general, and specifically to a future Vehicle-to-Vehicle, Vehicle-to-Device, Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2X) core system relying on vehicle Dedicated Short Range Communications, as contemplated in USDOT's Connected Vehicle Research and Development program.* About the Technology Scan and Assessment Series 1) Synthesize and enrich discussion about new technologies among members of the engineering community focused transportation safety, mobility and environmental sustainability Technology Scan Webinars, Events and Outreach Industrial/Consumer Electronics and Automotive Technology.

Horizon Scanning and Trend Monitoring as an Instrument of Environmental Policies for Strategic Early Warning and Effective Policy Advice • Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU) • Department of Political and Social Sciences. The main reasons for the construction of a Horizon Scanning System are the apparent acceleration of ecological processes on the one hand and socio-economic changes on the other hand.

For politicians, this raises the question of whether reactive breathlessness can be countered by earlier problem solving. Especially in Germany, environmental policy is committed to a precautionary principle and to the concept of intergenerational sustainability.The Project is divided into three phases: AP 1: Preparation: Design and testable construction of one of the specific requirements of the environmental ministry / UBA Horizon Scanning System. The first step of procedure includes1. The analysis of the information needs and the functions of a Horizon Scanning System. 2.

The evaluation of existing systems. 3. Proposals for a strategic design of the HSS including an appropriate search pattern. Publications: Project partners: About Horizon Scanning | The CADTH horizon scanning program identifies new and emerging health technologies likely to have a significant impact on health care in Canada. CADTH scans and monitors various health information sources to identify promising technologies not yet widely used in the Canadian health care system.

Our horizon scanning publications summarize information about a technology, including available evidence, regulatory status and potential costs, as well as concurrent developments and implementation issues. Horizon Scanning Publications Our horizon scanning publications include: Issues in Emerging Health Technologies — bulletins that provide a detailed description of a new or emerging health technologyHealth Technology Update — a horizon scanning newsletter, with brief articles on new and emerging health technologiesHorizon Scan Roundup — our annual compilation of horizon scanning reports from CADTH and other agencies.

Horizon Scanning Network. Horizon Scanning Protocol and Operations Manual - Research Protocol | AHRQ Effective Health Care Program. Horizon Scanning Programme Team - Groups. It is not about making predictions, but systematically investigating evidence about future trends. Horizon scanning helps government to analyse whether it is adequately prepared for potential opportunities and threats. This helps ensure that policies are resilient to different future environments. The Horizon Scanning Programme Team coordinates strategic horizon scanning work across departments, drawing on insights from experts in and outside government to challenge our thinking.

In 2014 to 2015 the team will increase its engagement with external experts through: In March 2014, the Cabinet Office’s Horizon Scanning Secretariat and the Government Office of Science’s Horizon Scanning Centre were merged to form the Horizon Scanning Programme Team. Role The Horizon Scanning Programme Team is responsible for: Members Ministerial oversight of the programme is provided by the Minister for Government Policy, Oliver Letwin.

The Cabinet Secretary Advisory Group membership is: Future in Focus | Helping companies understand the future to make better decisions today! March 2016 : The Future of Communities Sure, it’s a wildcard, but the notion of floating cities and floating communities would allow the colonization of the world’s oceans. It has long been a vision of dreamers and science fiction writers. Yet as technological capabilities advance and drivers gain force and momentum, the dream of waterborne colonies could be realized within decades. Plans for waterborne construction encompass projects that include small-scale yet ambitious schemes to create floating casinos, hotels, golf courses, and parking garages; proposals to extend existing waterfront developments with floating malls or entertainment centers; concepts for supersized cruise ships that have all the amenities of city life; and even building full-scale floating communities on abandoned oil rigs or synthetic islands that could house tens of thousands of residents.

This new frontier is inspiring individuals and groups to research and develop plans for building on the ocean’s surface. Future Agenda - The world’s largest open foresight initiative | Future Agenda.