Mes 100 apps favorites pour iPad et iPhone. C’est probablement le billet le plus long que j’ai écrit. Aussi réduirai-je l’introduction à sa plus simple expression : mon téléphone est devenu un petit bureau portatif. Je l’ai partout avec moi et je travaille partout. Avec mes 100 applications préférées, ma vie de prof a été grandement facilitée. J’ai tenté de classer ces apps (sur Twitter, je suis tombé pour la 200e fois sur ce tableau périodique d’apps et j’ai voulu faire le mien). J’ai vite compris la vanité d’une telle entreprise. Au moins aurai-je essayé. S’éclairer Commençons avec la lumière. Écrire Tous mes articles de blog sont désormais écrits en Markdown avec 1Writer. Ensuite, je publie sur WordPress. Il est bien rare que j’ai à copier des textes à la main (je les trouve sur Wikipédia), mais parfois il faut le faire. Pour des documents un peu plus complexes (créer une infographie par exemple), j’utilise Pages. Je note beaucoup d’informations (les notes de mes élèves, les compétences, des informations de vie scolaire…).
Réseaux. The top 11 apps to use with Book Creator - Book Creator app. #1 Explain Everything It was no surprise to us that Explain Everything came top in this list. We’ve seen anecdotally that teachers love this app, and we know there are many, many ways it can be combined with Book Creator – and the workflow works both ways. For those who don’t know, Explain Everything is an interactive screencasting whiteboard app. It allows teachers or students to create presentations, tutorials, or lessons using an infinite canvas and a varied toolset. Last year we teamed up with the co-creator of Explain Everything (Reshan Richards) to produce a series of blog posts looking at how Book Creator and Explain Everything can be used together: Book Creator Ambassador Eileen Pasquini chose Explain Everything as her no.1 choice.
“One thing l’ve been doing is to bring ReadWorks passages into Explain Everything. “Once we bring this in to Book Creator the student expands on the passage creating response pages. Download Explain Everything #2 iMovie Download iMovie #3 Paper by 53. 40 exemples d'utilisation des QRcodes en classe. C'est un document trouvé en ligne et proposé par Carol Mortensen sur son blog MyWeb4Ed. Le document se présente comme un diaporama listant et expliquant les utilisation suivantes de QR Codes en classe. Chaque proposition (que j'essaie laborieusement de regrouper ici en grandes thématiques) émane d'un enseignant qui a, lui, mis en place la solution dans sa classe : Une école propose de nombreux usages de ces codes barres 2D et a même réalisé une vidéo de présentation de tous ces usages : Black & White and Scanned All Over Mais le diaporama collectif va plus loin qui liste de nombreux autres exemples. 1. d'un point de vue technique :
Détournements pédagogiques de Twitter. Plickers revisité. | learnenglish. QR Codes, le coffre à outils. 10 reasons to choose Sway as a tool for creating content in the classroom | learning TIME. Innovation in the field of education cannot be limited to introducing ICT to the students just by using a digital presentation created by a teacher.
If we want to go a step further, we should stop promoting passive learning. Students must stop being a co-driver, and become the driver and take charge of their learning. Traditionally, when a student didn’t know something, he asked his parents and/or teachers. However, currently it is much faster and easier to lay your hands on your mobile phone and look for the information on the internet. If children and adolescents are autonomous in their real life, why do we have to give them the well chewed content in schools?
Is it not reasonable that we show them how to search for information and content of a high quality? One of the ways that we can approach the active methodologies, where the student is the real protagonist, is through the creation of content. Do you know PowerPoint or Prezi? Like this: Like Loading... Storyboard Creator | Comic Strip Maker | Graphic Organizer. Outils numériques pour travailler les activités langagières. Speaking image Caractéristiques : site gratuit par simple inscription courriel.
Il permet de télécharger une image et de la rendre interactive en isolant des zones et en y insérant des commentaires textes, des liens internet ou des fichiers sons en podcast (mis en ligne et insérables grâce à une URL ). Rappel : Des sites en ligne gratuits permettent de convertir des document texte ( .doc ou PDF ) en image ( JPEG / PNG ). Exploitations pédagogiques possibles : Pour l’histoire des arts, créer des images enrichies sous forme d’un travail personnel de recherche ou bien de manière collaborative pour groupes. Site : Vidéo explicative : Online voice recorder Caractéristiques : Site gratuit en ligne. Exploitations pédagogiques possibles : Le fichier au format MP3 peut être sauvegardé sur son ordinateur et ensuite mis en ligne sur un Padlet.
Soundcloud Record Mp3 Voki. Share, Embed & Upload Audio with Clyp. - A Free Solution to all your PDF Problems. The app that lets you create Khan Academy-style videos in 60 seconds. How flipped educators can create video tutorials a la Khan in no time flat Blended learning and flipped learning just got a whole lot easier. Anyone can now create learning resources for students in little more time that is required for a normal explanation of a topic.
Recording solutions to math problems — almost as quick as solving the problem on paper.Highlighting important text, and explaining concepts along the way — a breeze.Sketching, labelling and explaining diagrams with audio annotation — child’s play.Providing personal feedback on a student’s work — super simple.Taking a photograph of anything – an art work, an experiment, a building – and then drawing on it while explaining concepts — quick and easy. The recordings can then be played on virtually any device, and are easily placed in a LMS or OLE (Online Learning Environment).
It makes blended and flipped learning much easier, as these types of learning resources are now easy for anyone to make. Download and install the app. Comment rendre une i... How to Easily Turn Yourself into a Cartoon and Why it’s So Effective by PowToon! I remember watching an absolutely crazy ad, where the head of MINI Cooper USA, publicly challenges the head of Porsche to a race.
I thought, “Woah, that takes guts, what if he loses?” But Jim Mcdowell,wasn’t scared. As the head of Mini Cooper, he believed in his product so much that he publicly put his name behind the car. Steve Jobs did the same; Every new iProduct launched was personally unveiled by him and in doing so, he became the face of Apple. But shiny cars and phones aren’t the only instances where company leaders stood up and took center stage.
Papa John continues to use himself to prove to everyone out there that “better ingredients make better Pizza.” Time and time again, ads featuring CEOs outperform ads that do not feature CEOs on ALL METRICS. A recent study from Ace Metrix spanning 13,000 ads reported that CEO appearances translated to higher scores in three major areas: What is it about showing Face that makes your ad, image or campaign so much more effective? Head Props: 21 Grab-And-Go Teaching Tools For Your Classroom. 21 Grab-And-Go Teaching Tools For Your Classroom by Lynn Usrey Every teacher wants to be able to make his or her classroom environment the optimum place for learning, interacting and engaging.
Today, there is a wide assortment of free technology options available to enhance your instruction. The tools are changing… quickly. So making the best choices, based on the resources available in your school, or through your board, is critical. Here are some top sure-fire picks to ensure your goal has real purpose, not just an introduction of technology for the sake of looking tech-savvy. How about starting with lesson creation? 1. 2. Need something for instant polling? 3. 4. 5. Connecting with home learning? 6. 7. 8. 9. Current Events and Video Sourcing – There are great well-known resources at YouTube and CNN Student News, but have a look at: 10. 11. 12.
The Less-Is-More Approach (And Tools 13-21) Since technology is always changing, don’t hesitate to explore new tools and ideas. Outils numériques pour travailler les activités langagières. RealtimeBoard. Tableau blanc virtuel pour le travail en groupe. RealtimeBoard est un étonnant service qui permet de créer un ou plusieurs tableaux blancs en ligne sur lesquels travailler, collaborer, réfléchir en temps réel seul ou à plusieurs.
C’est sans doute ce que j’ai pu tester de plus abouti et de plus fonctionnel dans ce domaine. Pour travailler seul ou avec des collègues, pour brainstormer en équipe ou avec vos étudiants, pour offrir u espace de travail collaboratif à vos élèves, RealTimeBoard peut avoir un nombre infini d’usages de toute sorte. L’utilisation est simple comme bonjour. Une fois que vous aurez identifié où se trouvent les principaux outils, l’usage est on ne peut plus naturel et intuitif.
On part d’une feuille blanche ou d’un des nombreux modèles fournis par le service. Frise, brainstorming, agenda, carte mentale… il y en a pour tous les goûts, ces modèles vous permettent de gagner du temps en les adaptant à vos besoins. La feuille blanche de votre tableau n’a pas de limites. Une bonne, une très bonne surprise. Quizalize.
20 idées de projets TICE tous domaines - Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium Review 2015. With Dragon Premium voice recognition software, commands are easy to add, and you can dictate either with a microphone headset or just speak into your computer’s microphone. There are still some technical aspects that aren't fine-tuned, such as the speed with which the software downloads and setting up some of the programs within it.
But its command capabilities and user-friendliness still earns it our Top Ten Reviews Silver Award. Dictation Compare Dragon Professional Dragon Premium Dragon Dictate Dragon Home Voice Finger ViaTalk e-Speaking Tazti Click to Enlarge Transferring speech to text is tricky, and Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium rises to the challenge. You should keep in mind that simply saying sentences the way you speak them to other people is not going to give you a neatly written document. It is also easy to correct text with Dragon Premium. Features One of these features is voice transcription. Commands Help & Support Getting help with the software is easy.
Dragon Premium Summary: The Best voice recognition software of 2015 | Top Ten Reviews.