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Reported speech. School of Rock rocks!
This is a great movie and teachers will enjoy it a lot. The teacher has to learn how to deal with these students. He does it in a very unusual way. I used the scene for reported speech. Discuss the following questions with a partner: 1) What should the ideal school be like? 2) Tell your partner about a class you will never forget. 3) Who is your favorite teacher? Watch the following video segment and decide who said each of the following lines: English in Valencia: reported speech - gapfill exercise. Reported Speech. Reportedspeech_exercises.pdf (application/pdf Object) English Grammar Lessons. Erepspch2b1.pdf (application/pdf Object) Reported Speech Exercise at Auto-English. Reported Speech - 1. Reported Speech Exercise. Exercises - Reported Speech / Statements.
Indirect speech in English. If we want to say what other people said, thought or felt, we can use the direct or indirect speech.
The direct speech: "I like it," he said. "Irene is late," he thought. "I will pass the exam," she hoped. The indirect speech: He said he liked it. He thought that Irene was late. If these verbs are in the past tense, we change the following: a) verb tenses and verb forms b) pronouns c) the adverbs of time and place A) Verb tenses We change the tenses in the following way: Present - past "I never understand you," she told me. - She told me she never understood me. As you can see, both the past tense and the present perfect change into the past perfect. Notes 1. The verb forms remain the same in the following cases: If we use the past perfect tense.Eva: "I had never seen him.
" - Eva claimed that she had never seen him. B) Pronouns We have to change the pronouns to keep the same meaning of a sentence. " Sometimes we have to use a noun instead of a pronoun, otherwise the new sentence is confusing. " Reported Speech. Exercises on Reported Speech If we report what another person has said, we usually do not use the speaker’s exact words (direct speech), but reported (indirect) speech.
Therefore, you need to learn how to transform direct speech into reported speech. The structure is a little different depending on whether you want to transform a statement, question or request. Statements When transforming statements, check whether you have to change: pronouns present tense verbs (3rd person singular) place and time expressions tenses (backshift) → more on statements in reported speech Questions When transforming questions, check whether you have to change: Also note that you have to: transform the question into an indirect question use the interrogative or if / whether → more on questions in reported speech Requests pronouns place and time expressions.
Reported Speech. Reported Speech Exercises. Reported Speech Exercises Here's a list of all the reported speech exercises on this site: (Click here to read the explanations about reported speech)