Joli navire ! - Hi lay days! On inaugure ce blog aujourd’hui en beauté avec un DIY qui sent bon les vacances au bord de l’eau! On se fait plaisir avec un tuto facile a réaliser : le sac navire de Moschino. Vu et porté par beaucoup de blogueuses – notamment The Cherry Blossom Girl – il a rapidement été en rupture de stock sur plusieurs sites – 545€ tout de même! Mais impossible de ne pas surfer sur la vague des minaudières improbables, on se met donc à la page et on fait marcher les méninges. Poussée par un vent de folie créative je décide de succomber à la tentation … mais de garder mon compte en banque bien au frais! Attirail nécessaire pour frimer sur les plages : un carré de sky ou cuir blanc d’environ 35X35une chaîne de un mètre4 œillets + 2 anneaux de la même couleur de préférencedu fil blanc résistantune fermeture éclair de 25cm.
A vos risques et périls, vous pouvez tout coudre à la main mais l’aventure sera plus longue, moussaillons! À l’abordage! Succomberez-vous à l’appel du large ?! Jeweled Clutch | DIY Farmer’s Market Carpetbag. I think Spring is finally trying to creep in, and I for one couldn’t be happier about it’s arrival. One of my favorite parts of Spring is my local farmers’ market which pops up every Saturday morning with offerings of locally-grown produce, amazing meats and cheeses, and fresh cut herbs and flowers.
A serious visit to the farmer’s market, though, requires a serious tote bag, and today, I’ve got the perfect one…and believe it or not, it’s made from a doormat.Supplies: 1 Flat-Weave Rug (approx 2′ x 3′), Heavy Cotton Twine, Upholstery or Darning Needle, 56″ of 1″-Wide Leather Strap, Hole Punch, (8) Rivets and Rivet Setter, Hammer Fold the rug in half on the longer side with the right-sides facing one another. Hand sew the sides together using the needle and twine. A simple whip stitch will do, but keep the stitches relatively close together (i.e. ~1/4″).
To box the corners and give the bag some volume, match the side seam you just sewed with the bottom fold to make a point. Mandy Pellegrin. STORAGE BOX. March 13, 2013 Today I have a storage box diy for you. As always the measurements are in cm. (If you wonder why the numbers are so “awkward”, it´s because I used an a4 paper and wanted the box to be as big as it possibly could.)
First draw the figure on the paper. The white dashed lines are where you should fold. /// Idag har jag ett förvaringslåde diy till er. Cut out a circle with a 3.5 diameter and use eyelets to fasten it to the lid. /// Klipp ut en cirkel med diametern 3.5cm. Fold one side and the bottom piece, inwards and draw a line between where they meet and to the other side. /// Vik in ena sidan och botten på lådan och dra ett streck från hörnet där de möts till det andra hörnet. Now it´s time to glue the box together. /// Nu är det dags att limma ihop lådan. MARNI POLKA DOT BAG / SUMMER EDITION 2013 (full video) MARNI SPRING SUMMER 2012 BAGS - Video manufacturing tri-color weaving. ACCESSORIES | Phillip Lim 31 Minute Bag. Bag: 31 minute bag, 3.1 Phillip Lim Was it too simple, too easy, too clean? Doubts that kept me from investing in this Phillip Lim clutch that I fell in love with months ago. Still, every morning when picking what to wear I felt I was missing this bag.
My favorite bag up until now has been a black vintage clutch with no additives, no clasps, no color, no closure, it is just a black rectangle. But this one has left me down as it is too flat and is unable to carry all the daily necessities. I needed one that was just as minimalistic but more functional. There couldn't be a more perfect bag to fill this void than Phillip Lim's huge 31 minute bag with single strap. Don't expect a big post about what I got from Christmas. DIY | The Fast Forward Clutch / VHS Video Clutch. For this project you’ll need to take a trip to a hardware store and your mom’s attic. I actually made this DIY specially for Nastygal.com, they came up with the idea to name it 'the fast forward clutch', it was just too good not to share here too! Materials: • Two VHS video cases (I used frosted ones, one bigger than the other) • A pair of tiny bolts and nuts • Drill • Copper parts used to attach pipes to a wall • A strap from one of your other bags Step One: Start off by ripping the plastic from the video cases.
(Now you can check that off your list of things you always wanted to do but weren’t allowed to when you were a kid.) Step Two: Drill two holes in the middle of the two cases with a small metal drill. DRIES VAN NOTEN INSPIRED TOTE | DO/DIY | Singapore's Own Dedicated DIY Blog. When I think of Dries Van Noten the first thing that always pops in is that iconic large check that he does so well exhibit A, above. And also, if you remember a few seasons back he was in to the whole batik, ikat thing and in the spirit of that movement I've taken the liberty of combining those ideas in this DIY. For this tote, I employed a japanese tie dye technique known as shibori, which is fancy-pants for well... fancy-pants tie dye.
And looky here! You've got yourself a nice grid tote in the vein of Dries Van Noten. You can use a brush, dipped in dye to fill in the empty spots but I left mine like that with all the imperfections so i doesn't look too polished. Enjoy! // Between the lines // I'm maybe not very original with this project. You can find tutorials for this kind of (snack) bags everywhere on the net. Derived from the paper brown bag, they're very simple to make. When using old pants, however, they're even simpler to make, is what I thought. I used an old pair of jeans, which were ripped at the knees, and let's face it, which also got a little too tight around the waist... For the strap, I used a thin, orange leather, partly torn belt (the top and bottom layers got separated beyond repair this time). The project is kind of straightforward and summarized in the pictures below.
I probably won't use my bag as a snack bag but rather as a make-up bag. Just one remark before you get started: the size of the bag obviously is determined by the width of the pants' legs. You will need: an old pair of pants, an old belt, needle and thread, and a sewing machine (although you could do this project entirely by hand). Instructions: 1. 2. . - two strips of about 3cm, each. 3. 4. 5. Facilecécile - Page 3. 18 mars 2014 elles ...ont brodé des fleurs.... Bravo les filles ! Et merci Caty pour cette belle photo! 16 mars 2014 elles ... Même sans fil ... Sans aiguille ... Le dépaysement est total et si bon.... Merci la Tourraine ... Merci les tourangelles ....... 13 mars 2014 se lacher.... Broder l'improbable... Ne rien calculer.. Ne rien mesurer... Juste aimer broder... 12 mars 2014 Que des sourires ...pour la belle Indienne... Merci La belgique ! Les enfants vous remercient pour les chocolats ...!
11 mars 2014 Livret N°2...Le chaperon 10 mars 2014 Renaissance... 08 mars 2014 Vintage .... Je pense que l'accessoire fait le tout dans la tenue... Accessoire N°1 pour le salon de NAntes = Fait ! Vintage Oblige!! 07 mars 2014 le N°100... Ce N° 100 est très émouvant , du chemin de parcouru...pour cette GRANDE équipe.... Un édito qui se lit tout doucement pour ne rien manquer... Des projets si riches .... Un HIP HIP HIP à tous !! Mon Impatience , est celle de rencontrer ces deux artistes ... à NANTES! Un bloc pour lequel je craque ....
Facilecécile. Portfolio « Collectif France Tricot. DIY | Leather - See Through Envelope. Foldable document map/ travel bag/ clutch/ whatever you want to call it or use it for, I bases this design on an envelope and used my two favorite materials to make it; clear plastic and white leather. During my last trip to Stockholm I used it to keep my important documents safe, and it was a joy to get it out of my bag every time! -leather -4 button studs -clear plastic -sewing machine/needle thread Nº1 Fold the envelope open and trace it on the leather. Also trace the little flap one more time and cut both out. Nº2 Make two holes in the small piece of leather and screw on the button studs. Nº3 Attach the second pair of button studs to the bottom of the main large piece of leather. Nº4 Stitch the plastic with the leather flap onto the main piece of leather, making sure the flap aligns at the top.
Sequin Clutch - Part 1. Fashion’s Night Out comes but once a year, and it seemed fitting that I should only be seen while carrying something completely covered in sequins. Come on – this isn’t just shopping, this is shopping with DJs. Silliness aside, this really is a classic evening out bag that I’ve made by borrowing some ideas about assembly from working with fur. It really is similar in that you want to create a very sturdy project without upsetting the perfect exterior of the material you’re working with. It’s large enough for essentials but small enough to look like you live an effortless existence where you’re so pulled together that your entire life fits in a tiny evening bag. Trace the pattern (not the side panels) onto the cotton fabric. Cut the pattern pieces from fusible interfacing. Fuse the interfacing aligned with the lines you traced on earlier, then cut around loosely (leave another 1/2 to 1 inch of margin.) Start sewing the sequins from the center of the bullseye.
It should look similar to this. Fashionbilly on a Jeepney. 31st Oct 2011 kimsabala.tumblr.com I have moved! Click on any of these photos to go to my new blog :) Please and thank you! 31st Oct 2011 | 2 notes 25th Oct 2011 | 12 notes (Source: kimsabala, via eatnothingforever) 24th Oct 2011 | 1 note New blog for the 739847234th time (by Kimberly Faith Sabala) 21st Oct 2011 poseidonology1-deactivated20140 asked: Hi there!
Ohmygosh I think this reply is waaaay too delayed :)) Anyway, if you plan to shift to ADV, you first need to take a qualifying exam. 21st Oct 2011 | 3 notes feathers again Hi everybody :) I’ve been MIA for a really long time, I know! Here’s an outfit post for now :) I couldn’t decide which coverup looked better so I took a photo of both :)) (Source: fashionbillyonajeepney) 21st Oct 2011 dayanarapolangcus asked: Love your blog especially your DIY :) can follow me back THANKS(^_−)−☆ Thanks! Checking out yours now :) 18th Oct 2011 Healthy Deals Healthy can mean a lot of things.
“What’s a Healthy Deal?” Healthy Deals Philippines 17th Oct 2011 | 6 notes. Unique Jewelry, Cool Accessories. » 6 pack plastic rings - Green is Universal ReUser's Guide. Bolsos - Blog sobre bolsos, complementos y moda. ARA KUO. Singapore Fashion Blog | Black Outfits | DIY Fashion Tutorial | Runway report | Fashion Advice | Style Lookbook - Part 2. Time really flies when you are having fun. It’s been a year since I started colouring my hair regularly at Hairloom and I have to say that my hair has never been this colourful nor good-looking!
You can give a pair of twins the same clothes but what determines the style really comes down to a great hairstyle and a fabulous pair of shoes. Let’s recap and celebrate my year of rainbow-coloured hair! My first hair colouring with Hairloom and I showed them a picture of the pink that I wanted and they delivered! There are many types of pink and this was really the exact shade that I asked for. I could not be happier! I was inspired by a friend’s mint green phone cover and pink phone. Went a little brighter cause I really liked Lady Gaga’s teal hair! At this point, my roots were showing and I wanted to darken it to let my scalp take a break from all that bleaching. Regular hair colour didn’t last long. DIY zip me necklace tutorial. So here's one from me :) Take a zipper and split it, then glue it as shown in picture. Do the same thing with other side too. When you're done glue them together..
Put it on a strip or whatever you want and your necklace is finished :) Necklace itself is simple yet striking, but you can decorate it with beads or flowers according to your wishes :) xoxo,P. From Now To Eternity Exhibition, Mother, Redchurch street E2. Plastic bags made useful. STUDIO Pepe Heykoop - A chair? Summer 2011 Shopping Guide. Contemporary Jewelry by ana hagopian :: barcelona :: Paper jewelry.
Cucumbersome. Tutorial para collares de tela, piel... En cucumbersome siempre encuentro tutoriales muy interesantes... Esta vez Britt nos muestra como hacer collares como este. Para hacerlos, sólo tenemos que recortar en forma de 8 la tela, piel, plástico, etc... y entrelazarlos como muestran las imágenes. ¡Espero que os guste! Recetas caseras: Pegamento. Creo que voy a empezar un nuevo apartado de recetas caseras ¿qué os parece? Hay muchas super sencillas que nos pueden sacar de un apuro en un momento dado y muchas más que bien pueden sustituir el producto "de tienda".
Empiezo con recetas para hacer cola en casa... - 200g de arroz - 300ml de agua Hervir el arroz a fuego lento. . - 3 partes de harina - 1 parte de azúcar - 1 cucharada de vinagre - un poco de agua Poner la harina y el azúcar en la paella y añadir un poco de agua. Haz tu jabón de aceite. DIY Braided Hex Nut Bracelet – HonestlyWTF. Junktion products. Missjulia. TetraBox Lamp. :: Waste Not Do Want. Hawaiian Soda top Lei.
Tiles | Great Green Goods - Shopping the Eco-friendly Way! PLANT WARDROBES BY NICOLE DEXTRAS - art, installation sustainable lifestyle, do-it-yourself, creative environmental options, craft, organics, gardening, planting, flower pots, reusing, old and vintage, nature, environmental news, recyc. Polly Want A Crafter? ワンショルダーバッグ TRIANGLE/collabo - メッセンジャーバッグ、ショルダーバッグはメンズバッグ通販の SEAL store【シールブランド】
Brooks Brothers | Men | Social Primer. Notre Loft, déco, aménagement, travaux, location, achat de loft. ReMade USA by Shannon South * recycled leather bags.