Open.Ed – The University of Edinburgh Open Educational Resources. OER Digest – Your bi-weekly newsletter for open education updates, opportunities, and reminders. OER Commons. BBC Sound Effects - Research & Education Space. The Infrastructure of Openness: Results from a Multi-Institutional Survey on OER Platforms – International Journal of Open Educational Resources. By Rob Nyland, Boise State University, USA The purpose of this study is to understand how higher education institutions are selecting and using technology platforms for the creation and delivery of Open Educational Resources (OER).
A survey about OER technology was sent to various higher education institutions, resulting in 33 responses. The results suggest that institutions are most commonly using existing tools like the Learning Management System (LMS) to deliver OER, however third-party courseware also has a strong presence. The results also suggest that there is little evidence that institutions engage in structured evaluations when selecting OER technologies, but rather the selection process is most often driven by faculty preference. OER-Canvas got translated #OER. An analysis of peer reviewed publications on openness in education in half a century: Trends and patterns in the open hemisphere. Best of Austria: OER-Certification for Higher Education. The Evolution of Librarians: Open Education Leadership.
We are proud to have Tanya Spilovoy, WCET Director of Open Policy, provide periodic updates on events in the world of open education.
Today’s post talks about her role in the development and teaching of a professional development program for librarians focusing on OER. Librarians have jumped to the forefront in OER planning, leadership, and organization. It is great to engage with them! – Russ Poulin, WCET. GLAM. Directory of Open Access Journals. OER Commons. II - Home. The best free cultural & educational media on the web. 25 Years of EdTech – 2002: Open licences & OER.
(As much as I love OER, this is a crap logo) This is part of the ongoing 25 Years of Ed Tech series Now that the foundations of modern ed tech had been laid with the web, CMC, elearning, wikis, etc. the more interesting developments could commence.
6 Great Websites to Access Digital Texbooks. Big ‘Open’ Educational Resources Provider Joins Forces With Microsoft. A leading provider of “open” educational resources has secured a potentially huge platform for reaching K-12 schools by striking a partnership with Microsoft to deliver its curriculum through the tech giant’s classroom products.
The nonprofit Open Up Resources will integrate its curriculum, which is created on an open license, into Microsoft’s Office 365 for Education, a classroom productivity suite that is available for free to schools. The deal was announced today. Open educational resources are based on licenses that allow users to alter, repurpose and distribute those resources as the users see fit. Happy Open Education Week 2018! Open Education Week is a celebration of the global Open Education Movement.
Its goal is to raise awareness about the movement and its impact on teaching and learning worldwide. Join us March 5-9, 2018! Open Education Working Group. By Sandra Schön, Javiera Atenas and Martin Ebner A couple of weeks ago, the Open Education Working Group, decided to partner with OER info, to translate a beautiful Canvas to create OERs and OER project.
To translate the Canvas we launched an Open Call via our twitter channels and we got a great response. The Canvas was originally developed in German by Sandra Schön @sandra_schoen , and Martin Ebner @mebner for @OERinfo – Informationsstelle OER (2017) – An explanation of OER: Teaching, learning and research resources. Fulton-Montgomery Community College has been working with Open Educational Resources (OER) since 2015.
As defined by the Hewlett Foundation: “OER are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others. Open educational resources include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge.”
FM has twelve faculty members that have used or are using OER in twenty-two courses. A lot of my exposure and experience with OER has been at the librarian level; meaning, I help faculty discover and implement OER into their courses. These experiences, at a small community college, were necessarily limited in scope. A colleague had been to the open education conference in prior years and suggested that I attend the conference in 2017. Student-created OERs. 'Inclusive access' takes off as model for college textbook sales. Major education publishers -- including Pearson, Cengage and McGraw-Hill Education -- report that the number of colleges offering "inclusive-access" programs has grown rapidly in recent years.
Where previously students might have been assigned textbooks individually, now many institutions are signing up whole classes of students to automatically receive digital course materials at a discounted rate, rather than purchasing individually. The "inclusive" aspect of the model means that every student has the same materials on the first day of class, with the charge included as part of their tuition. For publishers with struggling print businesses, the inclusive-access model is a lifeline. Tim Peyton, vice president of strategic partnerships at Pearson, said it was no secret that publishers like Pearson had made textbooks too expensive and had seen sales drop as a result. OER Mythbusting 2017. Inclusive Learning Design Handbook. Who is Currently Excluded?
All learners potentially face barriers to learning. These can be seen as a product of a mismatch between the needs of the learner and the learning experience and environment. University of Cambridge Language Centre: Open Courseware - Index. To support language learning the Language Centre is making a range of its language learning resources available as open courseware under the Creative Commons Licence.
The resources can be used for self-study but for their most effective use they will benefit from a learning environment with some face-to-face contact. There are no taught courses provided here, at the Language Centre, for any of these resources. The Language Centre cannot undertake to provide any support for the resources made available as open courseware. Please check the FAQ page for each application for additional information and to contact the maintainers of the software. Why I don’t share Elsevier’s vision of the transition to open access. Last week Elsevier’s VP for Policy and Communications, Gemma Hersh, published a think-piece on the company’s vision of the transition to open access (OA).
She makes some valid points but glosses over others that I would like to pick up on. Some of Elsevier’s vision is self-serving, but that should come as no surprise since the company has skin in the game and naturally wants to defend its considerable commercial interests. And some of it is, frankly, bizarre. You can read the whole article for yourself – it’s not long. I would recommend also having a look at the reaction from the OECD’s Toby Green. The article opens constructively: August Open Perspective: What are Open Education Degrees? – Year of Open. App and resource store. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning. Catherine Schmidt-Jones [], University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States of America Many users of online open education resources (OERs) are learners seeking insights into problems encountered as they pursue their everyday interests and activities.
As well as benefitting from intrinsic motivation, such authentic learning activity provides context that helps the learner absorb and integrate the meaning of the knowledge. The purpose of this study was to explore barriers that prevent some online learners from using OERs in this way. Participants had experienced difficulties using music theory OERs to pursue personal music-making goals. Provided with online tutoring through an action research methodology, they appeared to benefit particularly from five aspects of active guidance: additional motivation, connections between generalized knowledge and personal experience, relevant learning activities, focus of attention, and goal-oriented feedback. How Do You Know If Something Is in the Public Domain? [Flow Chart] What was once a web filled with code and scrolling text, the Internet is now the world’s largest conglomerate of images. And as visual content continues to rule, the number of images available online will only grow.
But just because you can Google an image — and technically copy or save it — doesn’t mean the web is a free-for-all of visual data. Photographers and designers need to put food on the table. If every online image was available for free, there would be a lot more starving artists. Fortunately for them, copyrights apply in cyberspace just as in print. Creative Commons Global Summit 2017. Keynotes ♦ Tracks ♦ Sessions Keynotes Our first keynote will be international copyright and intellectual property expert Ruth Okediji, William L. Prosser professor of law at the University of Minnesota. Professor Okediji is the author of several books on copyright and intellectual property. Creative Commons staves off death blow to “noncommercial” licensing. Creative Commons, the free culture licensing scheme, has survived a far-reaching legal challenge to its "noncommercial" licensing platform. Open Education - A Local Issue.
The OER Content Trap. Sleeping Dog keeps a blog: That's me in the picture: personalisation of Open Learning Resources vector graphics. This post is one of a series on a proposal for an Open Educational Resource vector graphics library, and builds on the post on customisation and localisation. Abstract. Sleeping Dog keeps a blog: Customisation and localisation of Open Learning Resources vector graphics. New university initiatives focus on bringing open educational resources to the masses. The effort to replace textbooks with open educational resources (OER) is gaining momentum as colleges move past pilots to expand the use of free or inexpensive course materials across states and systems.
In states such as New Hampshire and New York, university systems are building new initiatives that build on years of lessons learned about using OER in the classroom. At the same time, organizations such as Achieving the Dream are investing millions of dollars to help community colleges in 13 different states build OER-based degree programs. Oer15: Window boxes, Battles, and Bandwagons. Copyright FAQ. What is Copyright? Copyright is a monopoly property right that, in the UK, automatically protects an original work (as soon as it is created) from unlicensed copying, re-use and dissemination to the public.
Busting myths about open education. Reuse tracking. RDF metadata presents information about a work's ancestry in a machine readable way. The websites of users who properly used our license chooser tool already have this setup. While it is possible to trace backwards to find a derived work's source, it is impossible to trace forwards to find all of a source work's derivatives without the aid of extra infrastructure. In this page, you will find proposals for several ethical (respects user's privacy, does not involve radio-tagging people with malware or drm) solutions to this problem. Participants - Open Inform. Minister Holder Announces New Open Access Policy for Research -
News Release. Open Educational Practices and Digital Skills for a Digital European Union. The recent Digital Agenda’s Stakeholder Forum on Europe’s new digital priorities provided plenty of strategic links and action bridges to Education in the Digital Era discussion following the conference. Commissioner Oettinger called for a true European Digital Union through the creation of a Digital Single Market to harness the potential of the ongoing digital revolution. Creative Commons celebrates Fair Use Week. OER Synthesis and Evaluation / HEFCE-Review-Critical-factors. OER Synthesis and Evaluation / HEFCE-Review-Critical-factors. Outputs - SCORE. Intellectual Property Rights In eLearning. Current Issues in Emerging eLearning. Aspects of openness in education. OER Commons. OpenAttribute. Openlearning: Technology Enhanced Learning. Directory of OER repositories.
TEDxNYED - David Wiley - 03/06/10. The Access Compromise and the 5th R. The Extended Argument for Openness in Education: Introduction to Openness in Education. OpenLearning: Teach and learn online for free. Blackboard Collaborate. Launching Blackboard Collaborate. State of the Commons — Creative Commons. Creating and using video resources for language teaching. (Open Educational Practice) - a free webinar. Jorum. Open Professionals Education Network. Workshop: considering openness. Home. Warwick Open Access (OA) Policy - University of Warwick Library.
The power of free: In search of democratic academic publishing strategies. 2014. 4E Introduction — Digisim - A Flipped Academic. Google releases set of beautiful, freely usable icons. Bibliography of OER, ROER et al. (PART 2) – other languages. Bibliography of OER, ROER and related subjects. COAR » 7 things you should know about…Institutional Repositories, CRIS Systems, and their Interoperability. Paperity Home. Paperity Home. Making Connections: Exploring Open Educational Resources and Open Educational Practice in Wales (Treforest), Centre for Excellence in Learning & Teaching. Recording Information. The Ed Techie.
One big problem with open access and why the best way to fix it isn't going to work - Curt Rice. Should Instagram Adopt CC Licensing? Should Instagram Adopt CC Licensing? Reusing Open Resources: Learning in Open Networks for Work, Life and Education Advancing Technology Enhanced Learning: Allison Littlejohn, Chris Pegler: Books. M&L Webinar: Academic video: Choosing the Right Tool for the Job - Spreed. Parody copyright laws set to come into effect. Open access threat receding, suggests briefing. CAMELOT Training : CAMELOT Project. Celebrating Open Government Around the Globe. Creative Commons Information Pack. OER: insights into a multilingual landscape - EUROCALL 2014 conferenc…
Langoer, Langoer. Courses. Get CC Savvy. Libraries may digitize books without permission, EU top court rules. Open Access and the Humanities. Resources. Big Data University. ?action=relogin&new_loc=%2Fwebapps%2FBb-sites-course-creation-BBLEARN%2FcheckCourseEnrollment.