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Actor Andy Griffith, a beloved television mainstay, died Tuesday morning in North Carolina. He was 86. The Twittersphere was abuzz once the news broke; fans posted homages to their favorite moments from Matlock and The Andy Griffith Show, while Hollywood friends and costars savored moments working with the man behind the lovable and folksy sheriff of Mayberry. As it turns out, Twitter users aren’t the only ones who are tweeting in tribute to Griffith. SEE ALSO: Andy Griffith Dies at 86 Youtube is brimming with parrots, parakeets and cockatiels (oh my!) Big Island Reporter International. TheBigIslandReporter.com Daily. Reader - The Big Island Reporter. Mark Wood. Big Island Reporter (BlueTurbanStone) sur Twitter. Mark Wood. Mark Wood. The Big Island Reporter Hawaii Web Portal.
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