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Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction Design. Street Slide: Browsing Street Level Imagery‬‏ Smart Phones that Know Their Users by How They Walk. Your smart phone is a hideous liability that renders you increasingly vulnerable to a host of fraudulent activities–everything from identity theft to the emptying of your bank accounts–every day.

Smart Phones that Know Their Users by How They Walk

Right now phones are stolen because they’re valuable, but if you think about it, the data they contain–which will only become more lucrative once we’re using them as electronic wallets–is worth far more. The problem is that unlike your bank’s website, you use your phone throughout the day, which makes tapping in a password over and over again so impractical that few users bother to lock their phones in this way. The solution is biometrics–imagine phones with a fingerprint scanner–and the best kind operate transparently. So-called passive biometrics know who you are based on things you’re doing all the time anyway.

There’s No Success Like Failure: Google’s Biggest Product Flops. Microsoft's home of the future lulls teens to sleep with tweets (video) The 50 most significant moments of Internet history. Back in 1995, Time magazine published a cover story called 'On A Screen Near You'.

The 50 most significant moments of Internet history

It highlighted the results of an 18-month Carnegie Mellon University study (with the dated title 'Marketing Pornography on the Information Superhighway') that looked at how much porn there was on the Net. And as demonstrated by the magazine's cover image of a shocked little boy in front of a computer, the Internet was overrun with porn and perverts, and the kids weren't safe any more.

Future Emerging Technologies - FET house. TechFest 2011: Applied Sciences Group: Smart Interactive Displays‬‏ Blog - Tablet Newspaper (1994)