1st- Let's Detox, Decalcify & Activate your Pineal Gland
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Shiftshock Survival, Diet & Preparedness. Pineal Gland. Fluoride & IQ: The 50 Studies. As of September 2016, a total of 57 studies have investigated the relationship between fluoride and human intelligence, and over 40 studies have investigated the relationship fluoride and learning/memory in animals.
Of these investigations, 50 of the 57 human studies have found that elevated fluoride exposure is associated with reduced IQ, while 45 animal studies have found that fluoride exposure impairs the learning and/or memory capacity of animals. The human studies, which are based on IQ examinations of over 12,000 children, provide compelling evidence that fluoride exposure during the early years of life can damage a child’s developing brain. After reviewing 27 of the human IQ studies, a team of Harvard scientists concluded that fluoride’s effect on the young brain should now be a “high research priority.”
(Choi, et al 2012). Quick Facts About the 50 Studies: Methodological Limitations Summary. Impact of fluoride on neurological development in children. July 25, 2012 — For years health experts have been unable to agree on whether fluoride in the drinking water may be toxic to the developing human brain.
Extremely high levels of fluoride are known to cause neurotoxicity in adults, and negative impacts on memory and learning have been reported in rodent studies, but little is known about the substance’s impact on children’s neurodevelopment. In a meta-analysis, researchers from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and China Medical University in Shenyang for the first time combined 27 studies and found strong indications that fluoride may adversely affect cognitive development in children.
Based on the findings, the authors say that this risk should not be ignored, and that more research on fluoride’s impact on the developing brain is warranted. The study was published online in Environmental Health Perspectives on July 20, 2012. * This sentence was updated on September 5, 2012. Read a September 2012 statement by the authors.
Safely Detox Fluoride From Your Body. As many people already know the commonly used sodium fluoride is extremely toxic, and contrary to mo...
As many people already know the commonly used sodium fluoride is extremely toxic, and contrary to most “medical professionals” it is not good for the human body. But if you have become health conscious and stopped drinking fluoridated water, your good right? Yes and No. If you were raised in a community that fluoridates the water, it has built up in your system. Sodium fluoride is an accumulative poison.
You need headphones...
Alpha Wave Binaural Beat for Third Eye Activation (15-Minutes)
Pineal Gland I + WIND & RAIN (936Hz & OM for your pineal gland activation)
936Hz Pineal Gland Activation Meditation. Journey Into Frequency - Pineal Activation Meditation. 936Hz Mastery and Pineal Gland Activator Solfeggio Meditation. Journey Into Frequency - Pineal Activation Meditation. Pineal Gland (Third Eye) Activation Meditation - Middle Pillar With Archangel Names. THIRD EYE SUBLIMINAL. Binaural Beats - Third Eye (Best Video Headphone must)
One Hour 3rd Eye Awakening Isochronic Binaural Beat Session - Pure Tone.
Pineal Gland I (936Hz & OM for your pineal gland activation)
What is the Pineal Gland?
The pineal gland: your connection to the Universal Matrix. The Pineal Gland - The "Seat of the Soul"?
Wonderful article, that needs to be shared!
Entirely by Gary Vey (viewzone.com), After writing se... Wonderful article, that needs to be shared! Entirely by Gary Vey (viewzone.com), After writing several articles on reincarnation and enlightenment, many readers asked me why I never mentioned the significance of the pineal gland -- a small structure about the size of a pea, located in the middle of the brain. For centuries this gland has been thought of by occultists and spititual masters as the "seat of the soul" -- a phrase made popular by Descartes (1662 AD).
Descartes was obsessed with understanding who we are. He observed that the senses can be fooled, that most of what we think we know is really illusion and finally struggled with the possibility that our own identity as individuals was also not real. His famous statement endures: Cogno ergo sum -- I think, therefore I am. Today, with an understanding of computers, we might take issue with Descartes. Brain Sand. Decalcify Your Pineal Gland! A guided meditation to unblock your Ajna Chakra, Third Eye. Sudevi. How to Clean Up the Pineal Gland. Cleaning up the Pineal Gland is useful for those wishing to develop their multidimensional perceptio...
Cleaning up the Pineal Gland is useful for those wishing to develop their multidimensional perception. The Pineal gland will naturally make its own DMT when fully operational and we will be able to remain in a visionary state most of the time. An awakened pineal gland brings the ability to consciously astral travel, explore other dimensions, foresee the future and receive communications from loving dimensional beings.DMT is a component of Ayahuasca - a plant medicine from the Amazon that brings profound physical and heart healing through its purgative effects and the perception of other dimensions. Thus it would appear human beings were intended to be visionary beings and be able to tap into the information in other dimensions.
This dimensional perception transcends the ego and rapidly heals our sufferings, conflicts and thus karmas.Here are some basics for pineal detox:1.