Talks With Sri Ramana Maharshi.
Sacred Geometry. Keys to Ascension. Infinite Waters. Consciousness Knowledge. The Great Shift Transformers: Return of The Alchemists! Alchemy - Sacred Secrets Revealed. Introduction to Alchemy Techniques. Key concepts taught on Turning Point 1. Key concepts taught on Turning Point 2. Turning Point Refresher 2. Key concepts taught on Turning Point 3. Turning Point Refresher 3. Turning Point Refresher 4.
Key concepts taught on Turning Point 6. Jung_himself-on-TRANSFERENCE & Archtypes. C.G. Jung - death is not the end. C.G.Jung Alchemy and how to predict the future. Carl Jung - Approaching the Unconscious. Carl Jung: The Wisdom of The Dream - Vol 1 - A Life of Dreams. Carl Jung: The Wisdom of The Dream - Vol 2 - Inheritance of Dreams. Carl Jung: The Wisdom of The Dream - Vol 3 - A World of Dreams. Hidden Wisdom: the History of Hermeticism.
1/2 Terence McKenna Hermeticism and Alchemy. 2/2 Terence McKenna Hermeticism and Alchemy. FULL Terence McKenna Hermeticism & Alchemy. 1/3 Terrence McKenna - Alchemy and the Hermetic Tradition. 2/3 Terence McKenna - Alchemy and the Hermetic Tradition. Exploring The Hermetic Tradition (Terence McKenna) [FULL] 3/3 Terence McKenna - Alchemy and the Hermetic Tradition. The Seven Hermetic Principles (For Manifesting) THE SEVEN MAGIC KEYS. As Above So Below, Hermetic Influence. Secret History of Saint Germain - Ascended Master of the New Golden Age.
St. Germain's Hermetic Garden & Tower of Eternity, by Iona Miller. Orientation of the Hermetic Philosophy - Doctrines of Hermes Trismegistus. Hermetic Order of Golden Dawn (Aurora Dourada) Aleister Crowley(Documentary)-The Wickedest Man In the World Documentary. Robert Anton Wilson: Aleister Crowley [FULL] The Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece, by Three Initiates. Kabbalah: The Secret of the Tree of Knowledge - Rabbi Laibl Wolf, Spiritgrow - Josef Kryss Center. Spiritual Exploration - Kabbalah: The Tree of Life Part 1. Tree of Life Basics. The QABALAH - IN DEPTH STRUCTURE. Merkabah: The Chariot of Ascension. Kabbalah: The Banishment of Adam and Eve - Rabbi Laibl Wolf, Spiritgrow - Josef Kryss Center. Kabbalah: Love and Fear, Truth and Illusion - Rabbi Laibl Wolf, Spiritgrow - Josef Kryss Center. Kabbalah: The Meaning of Desire - Rabbi Laibl Wolf, Spiritgrow - Josef Kryss Center. Kabbalah: Netzach, Hod and Yesod - Rabbi Laibl Wolf, Spiritgrow Josef Kryss Center.
Kabbalah: The Nature of Relationships - Rabbi Laibl Wolf, Spiritgrow Josef Kryss Center. Kabbalah: Divine Names. Mystical Insights on Exodus with Reb Moshe Feiglin. Kabbalah: Souls and Humans - Rabbi Menachem Wolf, Spiritgrow Josef Kryss Center. Kabbalah: Chessed Love and Benevolence - Rabbi Menachem Wolf, Spiritgrow Josef Kryss Center. Kabbalah: Tiferet Harmony and Balance - Rabbi Menachem Wolf, Spiritgrow Josef Kryss Center. Kabbalah: Gevurah Restraint and Might - Rabbi Menachem Wolf, Spiritgrow Josef Kryss Center.
Kabbalah: Angels and Demons - Rabbi Menachem Wolf, Spiritgrow Josef Kryss Center. Kabbalah: Malchut - Rabbi Laibl Wolf, Spiritgrow Josef Kryss Center. Kabbalah: Compassion, The Love Archetypes - Rabbi Laibl Wolf, Spiritgrow - Josef Kryss Center. Kabbalah: Arousing Love, The Tool of Meditation - Rabbi Laibl Wolf, Spiritgrow - Josef Kryss Center. Kabbalah: Reflected Love, How Long Does It Last - Rabbi Laibl Wolf, Spiritgrow - Josef Kryss Center. The Qabalah Codex Video (Full version) Kabbalah: The Secret of the Tree of Knowledge - Rabbi Laibl Wolf, Spiritgrow - Josef Kryss Center. Decoding the Past - Secrets of the Kabbalah. Spiritual Exploration - Kabbalah: The Tree of Life Part 2.
The Book of THoTH - Wisdom of the Ages. The Magick of Solomon: Lemegeton Secrets Revealed. The Book Of Enoch. The Enochian Alphabet - Language of the Angels - Vincent Bridges & Dan Winter part 4 of 8. The Enochian Alphabet - Language of the Angels - Vincent Bridges & Dan Winter part 6 of 8. The Enochian Alphabet - Language of the Angels - Vincent Bridges & Dan Winter part 7 of 8. The Enochian Alphabet - Language of the Angels - Vincent Bridges & Dan Winter part 8 of 8. The Enochian Alphabet - Language of the Angels - Vincent Bridges & Dan Winter part 5 of 8. The Enochian Alphabet - Language of the Angels - Vincent Bridges & Dan Winter part 3 of 8.
Hermetic Gnosis: Secrets of Spiritual Hermeticism. Gnosis - Secret Gate to Garden of Eden. The Gnostic Gospel (Peter Jones) Gnosis,Secret Lives Of Jesus (1/3) Gnosis,Secret Lives Of Jesus (2/3) Gnosis,Secret Lives Of Jesus (3/3) Psychospiritual Alchemy. (The following is a partial chapter from my forthcoming book The Inner Light: Self-Realization via the Western Esoteric Tradition (Axis Mundi Books, March 2014), and available now on Amazon. Introduction to Psycho-Spiritual Alchemy Aurum nostrum non est aurum vulgi (our gold is not ordinary gold). —Gerhard Dorn The key to alchemy is found in the word transmutation, a word that in its original Latin meaning refers to total change.
Physically this denotes a change of the properties of matter, and thus of substance; psycho-spiritually, it refers to inner transformation—in specific, certain actions to aid in freeing the spiritual essence that is ‘trapped’ within (echoing the Gnostic view that spirit is trapped in matter). This idea had its basis in the ancient belief that within the Earth ‘grew’ metals and that, given enough time, these metals would ultimately become gold. Background Historically, there are generally recognized to be three main lines of alchemy: Chinese, Indian, and Western.
Mental Alchemy - Rune Healing: Mind & Body. The 7 Steps in Alchemical Transformation. Seven Stages of Spiritual Alchemy « Ya Allahoo! First Stage – Calcination CALCINATION is the first of seven major operations in the alchemy of transformation. Chemically, the Calcination process involves heating a substance in a crucible or over an open flame until it is reduced to ashes. In the Arcanum Experiment, Calcination is represented by sulfuric acid, which the alchemists made from a naturally occurring substance called Vitriol.
Sulfuric acid is a powerful corrosive that eats away flesh and reacts with all metals except gold. Psychologically, this is the destruction of ego and our attachments to material possessions. Calcination is usually a natural humbling process as we are gradually assaulted and overcome by the trials and tribulations of life, though it can be a deliberate surrender of our inherent hubris gained through a variety of spiritual disciplines that ignite the fire of introspection and self-evaluation. Second Stage – Dissolution DISSOLUTION is the second major operation in the alchemy of transformation. Like this: Stages of Alchemy. The alchemists believed there was a formula to alchemical transmutation and that transmutation could be experienced if these seven operations or stages were followed.
Illustrations throughout alchemical manuscripts give visual keys to the seven sequential steps, and show a pathway to union with the Divine self or higher consciousness. The seven stages of alchemy are: Calcination This is the first stage of the alchemical practice and essentially represents the process of burning. It represents a burning within the self, of energies repressed due to trauma, projection of others thoughts, ego, and feelings or emotions. Dissolution Dissolution is the process of adding the element of water to the ashes of what has been burned by the fires of calcination. Separation In this stage of the alchemical process the individual is able to see himself in two parts or the opposites within.
Conjunction Fermentation Fermentation is also known as Putrefaction or decomposition. Distillation Coagulation. Rainbow Light Foundation: Spiritual Alchemy - 12 practical steps to spirituality. Psychic and Spiritual Alchemy. There have always been two conceptions of alchemy: As a materialistic transformation of baser metals into gold or silver The spiritual transformation of the human person into a higher state of being Some alchemists claimed that alchemy was the inner teaching within Christianity; that the manufacture of the philosopher's stone (lapis) was equivalent to the Christ-experience, the new birth. Likely, some of these were actual teachers within the Perennial Tradition, using the symbolism of alchemy to explain--or cover--their activities. The church issued several encyclicals and papal bulls against alchemy, but a number of church leaders as well as scientists and philosophers defended the art.
This essay presents exercises 1 in realizing 2 the Higher Consciousness and overcoming our bewitchment by the bodily senses. As the chart below indicates, the Higher Consciousness is the active principle within the spiritual level of being. TransAlchemy. Spiritual Alchemy. Alchemy Journal Vol.2 No.1. The Alchemy in Spiritual Progress Part I: Calcination (by Nanci Shanderá, Ph.D.) Burning with fever, drowning, being swept into a tornado, being challenged by the opposite sex, magically transforming into something or someone else, flying (without an airplane!)
, breathing underwater, being touched by an angel. Is this tonight’s television lineup? Is it another Harry Potter adventure? Or do these things sound strangely and personally familiar? If so, it is because these are experiences common to those on the spiritual pathway and ones that can appear in both dream and waking realities. In this, the first of seven articles on the alchemical process, we will explore the foundational stage called Calcination. In Calcination, we come face to face with the ego’s resistances. In an alchemist’s laboratory, Calcination involves heating a substance until it is reduced to ashes. Please don’t misunderstand what I am saying about the ego. Alchemy: the Cosmological Yoga Part 2: Phases of the Work. Alchemy - Seven Stages of Alchemical Transformation. The alchemists believed that the univeral formula contained in the Emerald Tablet was the basis for a spiritual technology first introduced on the planet in ancient Egypt more than 10,000 years ago.
This formula consists of seven consecutive operations performed on the "matter" - whether it be of a physical, psychological, or spiritual nature. To guide us through this process, we are going to make use of a tool actually used by the alchemists - a meditative mandala first published in 1759 as an illustration for the book "Azoth of the Philosophers" by the legendary German alchemist Basil Valentine.
The word "Azoth" in the title is one of the more arcane names for the One thing described in the tablet. The "A" and "Z" in the word related to the Greek alpha and omega, the beginning and end of all things. The word is meant to embrace the full meaning of the One Thing, which is both the chaotic First Matter at the beginning of the Work and the perfected Stone at its conclusion. Alchemy, Spiritual Transformation. Spiritual Alchemy, Hermetism, Kundalini Awakening, Elemental Atlantis language. The Hermetic Code in DNA.
William Cooper - Esoteric Keys to the Bible (Full Length) 10 signs of a spiritual awakening. As Above So Below, Hermetic Influence.