Sweet stuff
Artificial sweeteners have toxic effects on gut microbes. FDA-approved artificial sweeteners and sport supplements were found to be toxic to digestive gut microbes, according to a new paper published in Molecules by researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) in Israel and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.
The collaborative study indicated relative toxicity of six artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose, saccharine, neotame, advantame, and acesulfame potassium-k) and 10 sport supplements containing these artificial sweeteners. The bacteria found in the digestive system became toxic when exposed to concentrations of only one mg.
/ml. of the artificial sweeteners.
The Case for Sugar, And How To Choose The Healthiest Sweetener. Although sugar has been seriously demonized in the modern health movement, this article is here to demystify sweeteners and debunk the notion that all sweeteners are bad.
We will explore what sugar is, what makes a sweetener healthy or unhealthy, how to choose the healthiest sweetener, as well as how to use sugar mindfully to optimize health, performance, and generally enjoy your life! Sweet, Sweet, Sugar. Fake Sugars that Kill: A New Warning about Artificial Sweeteners. High Fructose Corn Syrup Has Been Quietly, Deceitfully Renamed. High fructose corn syrup is a killer.
Since humans started consuming it, obesity rates have more than tripled and diabetes incidence has increased more than seven fold. Even when used in moderation it is a major cause of heart disease, obesity, cancer, dementia, liver failure, tooth decay, and more.
Does Aspartame Cause Cancer? This Information Could Save Your Life Video. Xylitol: Not as Sweet As It's Cracked Up to Be. Xylitol is truly the darling of sugar substitutes today.
The American Dietetic Association touts use of xylitol, a sugar alcohol sold alone and in a variety of processed foods, as offering health benefits such as reduced glycemic response compared with sucrose, increased absorption of B vitamins and calcium, and even a reduction in dental caries risk. Consequently, people with blood sugar issues are flocking to processed foods containing xylitol as a way to satisfy that sweet tooth without the downside of exacerbating the risk factors for Metabolic Syndrome: heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Even within the healthfood community, xylitol is almost universally considered a healthy substitute for sugar in particular because it doesn’t directly contribute toward the growth of intestinal yeasts aka Candida.
Sweetener Stevia Was Once Hailed As An Anti-Fertility Agent for Population Reduction. By TSM Maybe it’s not so sweet now… If you’ve thought stevia, the natural alternative to sugar and artificial sweetners with aspartame, et al., is too good to be true, there may be a catch.
Check out this textbook written in 1970 by Paul and Anne Ehrlich, the precursor to the textbook Ecoscience they wrote with Obama Science Czar John P. Holdren seven years later.
Mouth to Farm: The Reverse Journey of Gelatin Candy. How Jelly Belly Makes Their Disgusting Flavors. Consumer Group Warns Against Consuming Splenda. Findings of a study on the link between sucralose and cancer that caused uproar when they were presented at a cancer conference in 2013 have finally been published.
The food industry dismissed the results of the study when they were presented in London, but they are now available for the world to see in the peer-reviewed International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. In response to the study, the consumer group The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is recommended that people avoid consuming sucralose, more popularly known as Splenda. The study found that:
How Sugar Destroys Your Liver and Brain... Plus Tips to Help You Break Free from Sugar Addiction. 7th February 2016 By Dr.
Why a Stick of Chewing Gum is More Harmful To Your Health Than Anything You Eat - The Health Wyze Report. High Fructose Corn Syrup responsible for rampant obesity.
There was a time when "food" was something you ate or drank to nourish your body.
It's a necessity of life -- like air and water -- and you could usually depend on food to be nourishing and healthy. But then something happened. Someone decided that food didn't have to be nutritious or healthy -- as long as they could make a profit from selling it. Early in human civilization, the limited diets of local farming and food production were supplemented by food specialists who imported things like spices, grains and sugar, making our consumption of food more interesting and varied.
Farmers and fishermen sold their products in local markets, making it easier for the average human to obtain and eat a well balanced and varied diet.
Splenda Contaminates 65 Percent of Breastmilk Sampled, Government Study Finds. 3rd September 2015 By Sayer Ji Contributing Writer for Wake Up World A concerning new study finds that most of the breast milk samples tested contained artificial sweeteners.
Why has this never been discovered until now and what are the implications to our most vulnerable populations? Expanding on these findings, an article soon to be published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health on the presence of synthetic sweeteners in breast milk is bound to upset the apple cart when it comes to assessing the toxicological risk of these chemicals to breastfed infants.
Dr. Pepper Snapple Group uses flame retardant in drinks.
(NaturalHealth365) Just about everyone in America is familiar with popular beverages that the Dr.
Pepper Snapple Group produces. Canada Dry, Country Time, Crush, Diet Rite, Hawaiian Punch, Margaritaville, Dr. Pepper, Snapple, Sunkist, and Sundrop are just a few of the products that millions of people around the world have enjoyed for years.
Another "Low Calorie Sugar" Coming On the Market. By Catherine J. Frompovich Over the years we have seen all types of sugar substitutes and synthetics produced, and used, in the hopes of dealing with consumers’ sugar cravings while supposedly not increasing weight gain.
Products that Use Aborted Fetal Tissue: Pepsi, Kraft, Nestle and More - We Have It All.
Pepsi Co. Swaps Aspartame for Sucralose — But Is It Any Better?
25th August 2015 By Dr. Edward Group. Agave Nectar: Terrible or Terrific?
Photo credit: bigstock.com Sugar is extremely harmful to the body. This is one thing health experts will all agree on, if nothing else.
Why Sugar Is Called "The White Death"
As good as it may taste, sugar is NOT your friend. It may “feel” like your friend when it comforts you (due to the beta-endorphin rush in your brain), but sugar is really your ENEMY. Truth be told, regular consumption of sugary foods is one of the worst things that you can do for your health.
Senomyx/GMO. Mind Boggling Reasons You Should Never, Ever Drink Colas. Thousands of Scientific Papers Confirm that Sugar Causes Disease - NaturalON.
Devious Name Change for High Fructose Corn Syrup - NaturalON. Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World. 146 Reasons Why Sugar Is Ruining Your Health - Health Axis. Fructose causes reproductive problems, earlier death, study shows. Healthier Alternative. Aspartame poisoning and what you need to know. How Diet Sodas Mess With Your Brain (Video)
We have known for some time that drinking sodas can lead to an almost infinite amount of health complications, but what about diet soda?
Truvia sweetener a powerful pesticide; scientists shocked as fruit flies die in less than a week from eating GMO-derived erythritol.
Why Some Brands Of Ice Creams Don't Melt. (April McCarthy) A mom of two young children is wondering: What’s in ice cream sandwiches these days? Christie Watson’s kids love eating ice cream. But one recent morning, she saw an uneaten ice cream sandwich sitting on her patio table.
The Secrets of Sugar - the fifth estate - CBC News. Can Aspartame Make You Blind?
New Artificial Sweetener Approved by FDA 'Sweetest' Yet. Heather CallaghanActivist Post Just like its five previously approved counterparts, advantame is said by the FDA to be low-calorie and doesn't generally raise blood sugar. The FDA gave the green light to the new artificial sweetener on Monday.
Splenda Found To Have Possible Neurotoxic Properties. Sugar's effect on your health. Aspartame: GMO Bacteria Poop Causing Blindness!
When I Look at Candy, All I See Is Petrochemicals and GMO. Natural News exclusive: Phosphoric acid used in soda pop shown dissolving teeth in rare video. (2) Facebook. SweetSurprise.com. A practical guide to sugar and sweeteners. Sugar: the Sweetest Poison. Cooking with Splenda found to release cancer-causing dioxins in food. Patent confirms that aspartame is the excrement of GM bacteria. Sweetener warning: Acesulfame Potassium contains methylene chloride, a known carcinogen.
The Shocking Story of How Aspartame Became Legal. What Happens To Our Body After Drinking Coca Cola?
Study Finds Canned Drinks Expose Fetuses to Potentially Cancerous Chemical. 20 Practical Uses for Coca Cola… Proof That Coke Does Not Belong In the Human Body. Artificial Fruit Drink Creates Its Own Cancer Causing By-Product. Nearly all gum and candy contain either toxic GMO corn syrup or nerve-disrupting aspartame. Glow in the dark ice cream made from jellyfish costs £140 a scoop. Break a sugar addiction in a week using three simple steps.