USA issues
NEXT MARKET CRASH: 10 Signs it's Coming. The Fight for the Soul of Seattle. Reaction to Governor Newsom Shutting Down Small Businesses. USA Inc. Dept. of Offense Admits to Use of Directed Energy Weapons though only used by the bad guys!
Tartarian Underground Rail Train Systems (1976) ~ NY to LA under 30 Minutes. PG&E Proposes to Establish New Commercial Electric Vehicle Rate Class. A Chilling Warning from Trump's Former N.S.C. Dir. of Strategic Planning[1080P] - TRUMP MILITARY IS GOING TO DELIVER VACCINE IN A VERY POWERFUL MANNER...[1920x1012] - W.H.O. They Are Coming After Your Children. Someone Snitched on a Food Pantry Helping Needy During Pandemic, So Gov't Shut It Down. Amesbury, MA — There have been few things more divisive in recent American history than the current pandemic which we have been watching unfold over the past two months.
While politics should play absolutely no role in a pandemic, it’s become the polarizing central issue currently tearing America in half.
More Nurses Speaking Out Truths about the Great Lies of CV19. Help Ensure Unhoused Neighbors Get Their Stimulus Checks - Community Solutions. When Congress passed the CARES Act on March 27, they funded $2 trillion in economic relief to businesses, nonprofits, and families, as well as funding for critical sectors like health care, housing, and education.
The CARES Act also included direct payments to individuals and families, called economic impact payments (EIP). The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced that the stimulus checks will be sent in the coming weeks. Most people will not need to take any action to receive their checks, but there are special considerations for certain groups.
Stimulus Checks & The Coronavirus Stimulus Bill. "Hunting Down Americans Door2Door Fleeing NYC" ~ King Trump USA Inc. Government Orders. PLANNEDemonic ~ NYC Nursers and First Responders Posing, Cheering & Celebrating Mass Die Off!!!
Coronavirus Stimulus Check: When Are They Coming?
1932 "Almost Civil War" We Weren't Told About.
"NEW" Empty Hospital Videos From All Over The US. AND... "The Tape Runs Out"
MUST SEE and SHARE ~ Virus' Don't Spread & PROOF that The CV19 Tests Give You the Virus!
U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans. For decades, a so-called anti-propaganda law prevented the U.S. government’s mammoth broadcasting arm from delivering programming to American audiences.
But on July 2, that came silently to an end with the implementation of a new reform passed in January. The result: an unleashing of thousands of hours per week of government-funded radio and TV programs for domestic U.S. consumption in a reform initially criticized as a green light for U.S. domestic propaganda efforts. So what just happened? Until this month, a vast ocean of U.S. programming produced by the Broadcasting Board of Governors such as Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, and the Middle East Broadcasting Networks could only be viewed or listened to at broadcast quality in foreign countries.
18 MONTHS??? Some National Parks Waive Entrance Fees for "Social Distancing "!!!
Tucker: America is being sold to China. Who Owns USA Inc. ? A Primer. Made in China No More! ~ Get Prepped/Get Prepared Ports are Empty in Los Angeles. First, Marijuana. Are Magic Mushrooms Next?
In Oregon and Denver, where marijuana is legal for recreational use, activists are now pushing toward a psychedelic frontier: “magic mushrooms.”
Groups in both states are sponsoring ballot measures that would eliminate criminal penalties for possession of the mushrooms whose active ingredient, psilocybin, can cause hallucinations, euphoria and changes in perception. They point to research showing that psilocybin might be helpful for people suffering from depression or anxiety. “We don’t want individuals to lose their freedom over something that’s natural and has health benefits,” said Kevin Matthews, the campaign director of , the group working to decriminalize magic mushrooms in Colorado’s capital. None of the proposed initiatives envisions fully legalizing psilocybin mushrooms, which would allow the government to regulate and tax sales in a similar fashion to medical and recreational marijuana.
Human Tissue Found - Social Credit Scoring HERE - WAR - CIVIL UNREST Forced Relocation. The impeachment of Donald Trump, explained. The Trump-Ukraine scandal began in September 2019 with the revelation that an intelligence officer had filed a whistleblower complaint to the intelligence community inspector general alleging wrongdoing on the part of Trump.
The whistleblower, who we now know was a member of the CIA and detailed to the National Security Council, claimed that a phone call in July 2019 between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky set off alarm bells in the intelligence community.
Tsunami poses risk to almost 100,000 on West Coast. Almost 100,000 people along the U.S.
Pacific Northwest coastline are living in the path of a potentially deadly tsunami similar to the one that hit Japan four years ago. But researchers with the U.S. Geological Survey, University of Colorado Boulder, and California State University, Sacramento found that 77 percent of those communities in California, Oregon and Washington probably would have the necessary 15 to 25 minutes to reach higher ground and escape the monster waves.
Their odds improve with tsunami education, institution of evacuation drills and a speedy response.
Hot Topics – StopTheCrime. A Rockefeller “Predatory” Property DEBT and Foreclosure Scheme We have provided an “example” of how YOUR county or city approves these loans on your behalf by attaching the County of Sonoma – Authorization for Third-Party PACE Financing Project in Unincorporated Sonoma County – Please understand this is an “example” of what you WILL find in YOUR city or County.
To participate in the city or county Residential PACE Program, YOUR city or county. Dorian: SC Governer says "Get Out Now OR your on your on. "
Is China colonizing America?
Dear Editor: Every year hundreds of billions of dollars leave the United States and go to China.
Our once great manufacturing cities in Detroit are deteriorating while new factories and skyscrapers are flourishing in China. Our nation buys much more from China than they buy from us. China has loaned the U.S. over $1 trillion, which has given China a tremendous amount of leverage over us, and they have been buying up our businesses, real estate, and natural resources. We send China our money and they use it to buy pieces of our country. Earlier, the Federal Reserve announced that they gave approval for the Chinese-owned banks to buy shares in our banks. A recent investigation by the U.S. After being bailed out by U.S. taxpayers, GM is now involved in 11 joint ventures with companies owned by the Chinese government.
Heroin's Children: Inside the US opioid crisis - Fault Lines. How Much Food Prices Will Rise After Midwest USA Floods (804)
Association of State Dam Safety. On this page: Understanding Dam Failures The Causes of Dam Failures Learning From the Past: A Snapshot of Historic U.S.
Dam Failures Marking Significant Dam Failures Dam Failure Case Studies and Lessons Learned Understanding Dam Failures Hundreds of dam failures have occurred throughout U.S. history.
The Government has Issued the US TV Station to Broadcast this Information! What are They Hiding. Welcome to the Literal Nanny State. Donald Trump - RED DAWN is Here and America better PREPARE! The Chinese Takeover (2019-2020)
Inceasing Water Wars: Obscene Profits vs. Community Access ~
Clues from recent quakes point TOWARD the POLES!
The Evidence Pours In: Poverty Getting Much Worse in America. November 16th, 2018 By Paul Buchheit Guest writer for Wake Up World A White House report recently proclaimed that the “War on Poverty is largely over and a success.”
United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley said it was “ridiculous for the United Nations to examine poverty in America.”
It's The End Of The Welfare State. This would extinguish the wildfire and a WHOLE LOT more! - Heavy forecast. US Blizzard 2018: 17 killed after a brutal winter storm. US Blizzard 2018: 17 killed after a brutal winter storm (Heavy winter storm) A private contractor clears deep snow from a driveway during a heavy winter storm in Incline Village, Nevada. , Reuters Share. Tesla Technology Has Been Revived. List of Walmart, Sams Club store closings. BENTONVILLE, Ark. — Walmart announced Friday the company will close 154 locations in the United States, including the company’s 102 smallest format stores, Walmart Express, which had been in pilot since 2011. Scroll down for the list of stores: Sam's Club #4903: 941 Grinnell St., Fall River, MA - 1/28/2016. ALL ΑMERΙCΑNS MUST CΟMPLY BY 2020 - ΥOU WON'T ΒELΙEVE WHAT IT LEADS TO! (WATCH EVERYTHING REVEALED)
225 MILLION AMERICANS Just Experienced THIS!!! Are You Noticing A PATTERN?
Poverty & Social Welfare. Why is the Trump administration using billions in taxpayer dollars to subsidize GMO agriculture?
"Look at that WATER"! Onlookers "freaked out" as Lake Michigan has rare moment. SKYNET (Space Fence, 5G Network, Food Supply). A MUST SEE! Watch 1080P!
The Demographic Transformation of the U.S.
U.N. Ready For Deployment! Chicago Preparing For Martial Law. Pt 16 Don't Buy Meat at Wal Mart FEMA Camp Shops. ‘Gay’ laws set stage for pedophilia ‘rights’
Satellite reveals strange very fast moving reflective light source - Clears N America in 45 minutes!
Prison labour is a billion-dollar industry, with uncertain returns for inmates. SILICON VALLEY mavens seldom stumble into San Quentin, a notorious Californian prison. But when Chris Redlitz, a venture capitalist, visited seven years ago, he found that many of the inmates were keen and savvy businessmen.
The trip spurred him to create The Last Mile, a charity that teaches San Quentin inmates how to start businesses and code websites, for which they can earn up to $17 an hour. One of the first people it helped was Tulio Cardozo, who served a five-year sentence after a botched attempt at cooking hashish, which also left him with severe burns across half his body. Two years after he was released, he got a job as a lead developer in a San Francisco startup.
What I Learned From My Friend In Houston Re: Shelters, & More! DON'T FORGET HOUSTON!
Mississippi River going dry ABOVE New Madrid Fault - Crack in ground?
More Water Disappearing! This Time it is The Mississippi River.
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 29, 2017 ( Dane Wigington )
Statements from European Health, Water, & Environment Authorities on Water Fluoridation.
Although the U.S. Centers for Disease Control hails water fluoridation as one of the “top ten public health achievements of the twentieth century,” most of the western world, including the vast majority of western Europe, does not fluoridate its water supply. At present, 97% of the western European population drinks non-fluoridated water. This includes: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Portugal, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland, and approximately 90% of both the United Kingdom and Spain.
Judge Anna von Reitz - On Resurrect The Republic. Harvard scientists announce launch of geoengineering program that could have disastrous results.
Medical Error is Still the #3 Cause of Death in the U.S. – Are We Really Okay With This?
Removing The Shackles: American Psycho: Has the United States lost its collective mind?
Carbon Hypocrite Bill Gates Says Only Carbon Taxes Will Stop the Dreaded Climate Change. Massive Heat Under Yellowstone/NOT MAGMA!
How to send a water sample to EPA Watch. Two citizen scientists who head a non-profit forensic food lab in central Texas have joined forces to stop lead poisoning in municipal water supplies across the United States.
Police Will Be Able To Read Everyone’s Internet Search History Under New Plan. U.S. Health Care Ranked Worst in the Developed World. BREAKING National Guard Attacking Unarmed Americans 2017. More Foreign Troops In Colorado: The End Game Is Near- Paul Martin Interview. The empire strikes back: DEA quietly announces “Schedule I” status for CBD extracts to comply with United Nations demands… CBD Prohibition? Hemp industry disputes – (NaturalNews) In case you didn’t notice, the war against human freedom is now in full force across the entire establishment: Big Media, Big Pharma, Big Government, Big Banks and Big Agriculture are assaulting our bodies and minds by the hour, it seems.
Larry Nichols: 30 Electors Are Looking For Excuse To Flip From Trump. Breaking: NYPD Just Raided Hillary's Property. What They Found Will Put Her & Bill In Prison.
Podesta email bombshell: Clinton campaign was heavily funded by Monsanto. CDC senior scientists lodge complaint against CDC. ALERT, ALERT WIKILEAKS EXPOSES CLINTON PLOT AGAINST TRUMP GLOBALIST SATANIC PLANS FOR AMERICA. HILLARY CLINTON'S HORROR SHOW: Revealed by Wikileaks. Hexavalent chromium (chromium-6) was just found in 75% of drinking water... the mass chemical suicide of America is under way.
Electoral victory for Hillary already LOCKED IN via massive bribery... George Soros admits on video... democracy be damned... THEFT of the presidency already complete. BOMBSHELL: HILLARY EMAIL REVEALS DARK SECRET TO TERROR FUNDING… THIS WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING. While you were distracted by BREXIT, Monsanto's puppets in the U.S. Senate announced a 'compromise' to outlaw GMO labeling laws nationwide. Media Black-out: Militarized Police Raid Dakota Protest To Break Up Peaceful Prayer Circle.
Hllary's Collapse - It Was All Staged - Proof!!!!
Roxanne Quimby donates 87,000 acres of land to US government likely for a northern national park. Top 10 Signs Americans are Living in a Police State. DEA Says Marijuana Will Remain Illegal at the Federal Level. Hillary Clinton's health in rapid collapse... voters in shock after photos show her unable to walk up small flight of stairs. (BREAKING NEWS) The real reason behind the secret FEMA alert meeting.
Area 51 Mushroom Cloud. Bernie Sanders Will Ban Fracking. Hillary Clinton 'Sold Fracking to the World'
Big Pharma goes all-out with massive increase in lobbying of U.S. lawmakers to protect drug price monopolies.