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Dance notation

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Benesh Movement Notation. Sample of Benesh dance and movement notation Benesh Movement Notation (also known as choreology and dance script) is a system of dance notation that can document any form of dance or human movement.

Benesh Movement Notation

Invented by Joan and Rudolf Benesh in the late 1940s, the system uses abstract symbols based on figurative representations of the human body. Laban Movement Analysis. Möbius strip representing the theme of "Inner and Outer" used throughout Laban Movement Analysis Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) is a method and language for describing, visualizing, interpreting and documenting all varieties of human movement. It is one type of Laban Movement Study, originating from the work of Rudolf Laban and developed and extended by Lisa Ullmann, Irmgard Bartenieff, Warren Lamb and many others. In addition many derived practices have developed with great emphasis on LMA methods. Dance notation. Dance notation is the symbolic representation of human dance movement and form, using methods such as graphic symbols and figures, path mapping, numerical systems, and letter and word notations.

Dance notation

Several dance notation systems have been invented, many of which are designed to document specific forms of dance, such as tap dance. Recorded dance notation that describes a dance is known as a dance score.