Inside One Victim's Military Sexual Harassment Investigation.
Kim Crosby - Queer Gifted & Black. Ageism is a real system of oppression.
The way that people over the age of 65 are targeted more specifically for certain kinds of fraud and violence related to long term care facilities and services and also the way that young people are manipulated and abused by adults.
Irena Sendler. Highlights from personal life[edit] Irena Sendler was born as Irena Krzyżanowska on 15 February 1910 in Warsaw to Dr.
Stanisław Krzyżanowski, a physician, and his wife, Janina. Her father died in February 1917 from typhus contracted while treating patients whom his colleagues refused to treat in fear of contracting the disease, among them many Jews. After his death, Jewish community leaders offered her mother help in paying for Sendler's education. Sendler studied Polish literature at Warsaw University, and joined the Socialist party. She married Mieczyslaw Sendler, but then divorced in 1947. World War II[edit] I Am Malala. 17 Deplorable Examples Of White Privilege.
The REAL ‘Lone Ranger’ Was An African American Lawman Who Lived With Native American Indians. The real “Lone Ranger,” it turns out, was an African American man named Bass Reeves, who the legend was based upon.
Perhaps not surprisingly, many aspects of his life were written out of the story, including his ethnicity. The basics remained the same: a lawman hunting bad guys, accompanied by a Native American, riding on a white horse, and with a silver trademark. Historians of the American West have also, until recently, ignored the fact that this man was African American, a free black man who headed West to find himself less subject to the racist structure of the established Eastern and Southern states.
While historians have largely overlooked Reeves, there have been a few notable works on him. ELI5: What exactly is Obamacare and what did it change? : explainlikeimfive. Max Tegmark: Celebrating Darwin: Religion And Science Are Closer Than You Think. He looked really uneasy.
I'd just finished giving my first lecture of 8.282, MIT's freshman astronomy course, but this one student stayed behind in my classroom. He nervously explained that although he liked the subject, he worried that my teaching conflicted with his religion. I asked him what his religion was, and when I told him that it had officially declared there to be no conflict with Big Bang cosmology, something amazing happened: his anxiety just melted away right in front of my eyes! Poof! This gave me the idea to start the MIT Survey on Science, Religion and Origins, which we're officially publishing today in honor of Charles Darwin's 204th birthday. BEAUTIFUL: Veterans Fill Iraqi Restaurant in Lowell, MA After Vandal Smashes Its Window.
MpQA0.jpg (659×29999) HitRECordJoe. We’re going to be making a Music Video for the song “You Got All You Need” - come & play along with the song in the great outdoors!
To support this collaboration, we’re really excited to announce that SONY is going to be sending out FIFTY new Music Video Recorders (SONY HDR-MV1) to some of the more prominent and established musicians in our community! MUSICIANS: Play along to THIS SONG & RECord video yourself in Nature performing your part. The U.S. Passed Mandatory Health Insurance In 1798 Under President And Founding Father, John Adams. Many people who oppose the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”, also known as ‘Obamacare’, say the Founding Fathers wouldn’t have wanted the Government to make health insurance mandatory for private employees. This is simply not true. In 1798, under 2nd President and Founding Father John Adams, the United States passed a law requiring mandatory health insurance for any private employees working on Maritime vessels. The bill was called “An Act for The Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen” It’s safe to assume that John Adams, who was the first Vice President of this country, the 2nd President of this Country, one of the Founding Fathers, and was a key negotiator in the peace treaty between the United States and Britain, had a pretty clear idea of what the Founding Fathers would have been alright with.
Gingerism: Prejudice Against Redheads. In honor of St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow, I thought I’d re-post this one from 2010… Some recent ads making fun of redheads has brought gingerism — or hateful attitudes and behavior towards people with red hair, light skin, and freckles — into the news lately. It appears to be an ongoing form of discrimination, especially in Britain. Men and boys appear to be more frequent targets than women and girls, who at least are sometimes seen as uniquely beautiful. A recent series of verbal and physical attacks is nicely documented at Wikipedia.
The prejudice may be related to the long-standing antagonism between Britain and Ireland; discrimination against the Irish by the British crossed the Atlantic with early Americans. Katrin brought our attention to these three examples. Max Tegmark: Celebrating Darwin: Religion And Science Are Closer Than You Think. How To Exercise Out Of Self-Love and Not Due To Fat-Shaming. Full disclosure: I am kind of a curvy lady.