Patch Schematics – The Aesthetics of Constraint / Best Practices / guest post by Paul Prudence (@MrPrudence) Visual programming languages, languages that create programs by the manipulation of graphical elements, as opposed to specifying lines of text, have seen an increased popularity in recent years both in audio and video synthesis.
Some of the more well-known environments, ones that are regularly used for projects that are featured on CAN, include VVVV (real-time motion graphics and physical IO) MAX/MSP (real-time music and multimedia), Pure Data (ostensibly an open source equivalent of MAX/MSP) and Quartz Composer (video synthesis for MAC). Visual programming owes its many of its conventions for the representation of information and programs from Flowcharts – a lesser used term for these kinds of environments is Data-flow Programming.
VPL’s date back to the late 60′s. A good example is the GraIL system (GRaphical Input Language) a flowchart language entered on a graphics tablet developed by the Rand Corporation in 1969. DMX-LED Patches – Kalle Karlen Parhelia subpatch group – Paul Prudence.
Digital Fab Lab UChile. La comunidad Fab Lab es una red global de laboratorios de fabricación digital que comparten un mismo conjunto de equipos y procesos.
Como lo señalo Neil Gershenfeld, estos espacios buscan tener la capacidad de llevar casi cualquier cosa a casi cualquier parte. La gente trabajando en los Fab Lab tienen la oportunidad de transformar sus ideas en objetos tangibles y funcionales. Ellos están inmersos en un ambiente creativo internacional que potencia el resolver problemas comunitarios.
Empezamos con la implementación de un laboratorio de fabricación digital en la Escuela de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Chile ya hacia el 2008, con la compra de la primera cortadora láser (Epilog Legend 36EXT). El laboratorio empezó su funcionamiento con la ayuda de impresoras 3D construidas por los mismos estudiantes en 2010 (Fab@Home). Proveemos acceso público desde 2012, permitiendo que gente con buenas idea usen nuestras herramientas digitales.
Pure data para Teletubbies - Puredata Wiki. Pure Data (o Pd) es un lenguaje de programación gráfica desarrollado por Miller Puckette durante los años 90 para la creación de música computarizada interactiva y obras de multimedia.
Aunque Puckette es el principal autor del software, Pd es un proyecto de código abierto y tiene una gran base de desarrolladores trabajando en nuevas extensiones al programa. [Definición de la wikipedia] ¿Te puede servir pure data para algo?. Hay varios perfiles de usuarios que podrían estar interesados. Esto es una clasificación posible: Interesados en DSP. Cómo instalarlo Editar sección Si no lo tienes ya instalado, abre el terminal de tu GNU/linux y escribe sudo apt-get install puredata (en debian usas generalmente su).
Pure Data Radio: how to stream mp3 audio for free. Streaming audio in mp3 format from Pure Data (Pd) is quite easy if you have access to a streaming server, and thankfully there are a number of free hosts out there that you can use to broadcast your audio across the web. What can you do with this? Streaming audio from Pd gives they the potential to run your own internet radio station. But, there's more you can do than just that. For one, this gives you the opportunity to create Pd patches that will broadcast live, generative audio streams like Markus Brandt's new production, which you can listen to on a browser that supports .ogg (Firefox 3.5 works), or with VLC, here: (thanks for sonofsol for posting this on the Pd forums). Alternately you could use it to share your latest Pd compositions, or route the audio from other software into Pd using Jack OS X or similar other tools.
Here's how you do it. Register for a free account. Free Shoutcast Servers - Pure Data Vocal Tract Shape Estimation Algorithm. Pure Data Video Mixer. ASPress - Designing Sound - About the Book. A textbook for next generation audio A unique, informative, very readable and practical book, "Designing Sound" presents advanced sound design methods for tomorrows video games, interactive applications and computer animations.
Keywords: Sound effects, sound design, synthesis, interactive audio, Pure Data, acoustics, digital signal processing, psychoacoustics, physical modelling, procedural audio, analysis, game audio, audio programming, film sound, animation, TV, radio, multi-media, theatre. Audience: Sound producers, game audio developers, sound technology students, film sound designers, interactive application programmers. Features Comprehensive theory chapters on: Physical sound, vibration and acoustics. What is procedural sound design and Pure Data? Pure Data is to ordinary sound editors what 3D Max is to Photoshop. FrontPage. Here is collection of howtos and tutorials in many different languages covering a number of different topics.
The following topics has been suggested to merge in to the below list: basic audio, audio synths, audio filters, video effects, video synths, 3D graphics, interfacing with the physical world (HID, arduino, etc), network programming. General Specific to FFT Beginner's Guide to the FFT-objects in PdFFT and Pd (by Marius Schebella) Algorithmic Composition PureData Algorithmic Composition Tutorials.
IEM: Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics Graz.