Expert legal advice and guidance you can rely on when you need it most.
Estate Planning Services. Tonkin Legal Partner, Shane Williams leads our Estate Planning practice.
It is Shane's job to recommend the best way to structure your estate to ensure your wishes are carried out in the most effective manner possible - and to make this happen. 3 Essential Tips for Selling Your House Privately : tonkinlawau — LiveJournal. Selling your house privately can save you a lot of money because you won’t have to pay estate agent fees and commission.
But it’s not always an easy process! Powers of Attorney. Our experienced Wills and Estate Planning lawyers will create legally-binding Powers of Attorney for you.
This is a very straightforward process and we have helped hundreds of clients to set these up, typically at the same time as preparing your Will. There are two main types to create: Enduring Powers of Attorney. I Own a Home — Should I Have a Will? The short answer is yes!
If you buy or sell a property, or if you have any other assets, then you should also have an up-to-date Last Will and Testament. Here are some insights from the Tonkin law firm, from our team of property lawyers and estate planning specialists. Why Make a Will? It can be difficult to think about estate planning and what it entails because it means looking at a time when you’ll no longer be around.
However, it’s essential not to ignore this process. Without a will, the courts will decide who gets your assets. Wills are not something that is just for rich people. Tonkin Legal Group. 3 Estate Planning Tips for Blended Families – Site Title. When it comes to making a family, there’s no one recipe for making it perfect, but there is one way you can protect and care for them – estate planning.
Here’s some insight into considerations for blended families, from a family lawyer in Melbourne at the Tonkin Legal Group. 1 – Providing for Your New PartnerWhen you marry or commit to a new partner, you can extend that love and care to them by adapting your current estate plan to provide support in the event that you pass away. Remember to remove a past spouse if necessary and to take your current partner’s current needs and unique circumstances into account. 2 – Preserve Your Children’s InheritanceWhen you’re in a blended family, leaving all your financial assets to your new partner won’t mean that anything will be left to your children. In fact, it will ultimately be your new partner’s decision whether to grant them any of your assets.
Estate Administration Services. As an Executor or Administrator, your major tasks include: Organise the death certificate and locate the Will Apply for a Grant of Probate Gather details about the assets and liabilities of the estate Ensure the estate assets are safe and insured Obtain valuations for the assets Sell the assets Complete income tax returns for the deceased Pay debts Set up trusts Distribute the assets.
You must act in the interests of the estate and the beneficiaries and avoid any conflict of interest or breach of fiduciary duty. Applying to become the Administrator If someone close to you has died without a Will (ie your parents or spouse), we will help you apply for a Grant of Letter of Administration from the Supreme Court of Victoria. This is usually granted to the next of kin with the largest claim on the estate. Applying for Grant of Probate We can help you apply for a Grant of Probate from the Victorian Supreme Court. 4 Questions About the Cost of Divorce in Australia. Getting a divorce means moving through a set legal process determined by the courts.
As a result, there is a cost of divorce in Australia. Here are some insights into these costs, including the cost of your application for divorce, from leading divorce lawyers in Melbourne. 1 – What is the Cost of an Application for Divorce? Currently, the cost of applying for divorce is AU$930. Get A Free Guide On Wills and Estates. Need to make a will and plan your estate?
Our free guide to wills and estates is here to answer your questions and get you started! Our Helpful Guide to Wills, Powers of Attorney and Estate Planning was written by our experienced Wills & Estate Planning lawyers to answer the questions they are most commonly asked. 5 Estate Planning Essentials – Site Title. Estate planning isn’t something most people enjoy doing, but it’s an important process that helps you preserve your legacy for your retirement and to take care of your family.
Here are some essential elements to consider when developing your estate plan, from family lawyers at the Tonkin Legal Group. 1 – Your Last Will and TestamentYour will should be up-to-date and reflect your wishes, which may have changed over the last few years. It is important to update your will when you get married, divorced, have children or come into possession of new assets. Remember to check with family lawyers to ensure that, if you are married or in a de facto relationship, that your partner won’t be excluded from their pension by inheriting your assets and exceeding the assets test limit for a single person. 2 – Your SuperannuationMany people think that superannuation is determined by your will – and it isn’t.
Property Conveyancing Services. Buying a property If you are buying a property, conveyancing involves quite a bit of research into the property you plan to buy to ensure there are no nasty surprises, as well as reviewing the legal documents and overseeing settlement.
It is our job to look after the following on your behalf: We can also help you arrange finance if necessary. Selling a Property If you are selling a property, the primary focus of the conveyancing process is to prepare the Contract of Sale, liaise with potential buyers and make sure you receive the cash at settlement! It is our job to do the following on your behalf: Prepare the legal documents including the Vendors Statement and Contract of Sale. What is a Prenuptial Agreement and Should I Have One? According to family lawyers, prenuptial agreements are something every person in a relationship should consider, especially if you are planning to get married. But what are they and do they really matter? Here are some insights from divorce lawyers in Melbourne from the Tonkin law firm. A Binding Financial Agreement In Australia, we don’t actually have prenuptial agreements – at least, not the prenups that infamously cause so much drama on American television.
Instead, we have something called a binding financial agreement (BFA). Challenging A Will. Legally, you can challenge the validity of a Will if: they did not have the capacity to make a Will at the time they signed it they made the Will under the influence of others you are a person they had a responsibility to provide for, and you believe they haven't left you a fair share of their assets there are technical problems with the will. e.g. it was not signed or witnessed properly. You can also seek the removal of an Executor or Trustee if you believe they have not executed their duties properly and seek financial compensation if you have suffered financial loss as a result of their wrongdoing.
Assessing your likelihood of success Our experienced Wills and Estate Planning lawyers will provide expert advice on whether you have legal grounds to contest the Will and assess your likelihood of making a successful claim. If you do not have a strong case, we will recommend you drop the idea of challenging the Will. 3 Sustainability Tips for Moving to a New House – Site Title. When you want to live more sustainably, you’re usually focussed on changes to everyday living – but how do you apply these values to big events, like moving to a new home? Here are some tips from property lawyers at the Tonkin Legal Group – specialists offering conveyancing in Melbourne. 1 – Second-Hand BoxesEven though new cardboard boxes are recyclable, the manufacturing and transport to market of this product carries a carbon footprint.
Buying cardboard boxes also adds to your expenses, which can make moving much more costly. Property Conveyancing Services. What is Family Law? Family law isn’t just about getting a divorce – it’s about a wide range of legal issues that relate to families, including separation agreements, family violence issues, property settlements and parenting plans. Here’s some insight from a family lawyer in Melbourne from the Tonkin Legal Group. Parenting Plans and Related Matters One of the most important areas of family law is solving issues relating to the care of children. This includes processes such as negotiating parenting plans after a separation or divorce, protecting the rights of parents and third parties (including grandparents and step-parents), child protection, adoption processes, international or interstate child relocation or recovery, and issues relating to fertility treatment and reproduction. Property Settlements Family Violence Issues Child Custody, Support and Spousal Maintenance.
Free Guide To Selling & Buying Property. Are you buying or selling property? You need to read our useful guide to the legal side of buying and selling, written by our expert property lawyers. Buying or selling your home, an investment property or land can be one of the biggest financial decisions that you make, so it's important to get it right, to protect you and your investment. That's because, when it's the family home, or what the government calls "the principal place of residence" that is about the only investment that does not get taxed when it's sold.
More importantly, its also your home, you will invest not only a lot of money, but emotion in it. Benefits Understand common terms used in buying and selling property. Still Available – COVID-19 Incentives for Residential Property Buyers in Melbourne – Site Title. Did you know that there are a wide range of incentives available for home buyers that were introduced to help support economic recovery after the pandemic?
Here are some insights into State and Federal incentives, from property lawyers at Tonkin Law. We provide professional legal services and conveyancing in Melbourne. Defending an Intervention Order. A family violence intervention order (also known as an IVO or AVO) protects a person from a family member who has committed family violence. Family violence is behaviour between family members that causes fear. It includes emotional and financial abuse, as well as physical violence and sexual abuse. 5 Questions About Divorce and Legal Separation in Australia. If you have never gone through a divorce, you probably have a lot of questions about the process of divorce and legal separation in Australia.
Here are some answers to questions that clients often ask about getting divorced, separation agreements, child custody and more, from divorce lawyers in Melbourne. Negotiating separation. Our experienced family lawyers will help you negotiate a fair outcome and protect your best interests and that of your children. Over the last 50 years, we have successfully guided and supported hundreds of people through this (sometimes very painful) process and out the other side. At Tonkin Legal, we firmly believe that the best way to reach agreement with your ex-partner is through negotiation wherever possible. Because everyone’s situation and relationships are different, there a number of ways that we can help you do this.
4 Tips for Helping Children to Adjust After Separation – Site Title. For parents, one of the primary concerns while undergoing legal separation in Australia is helping your children to adjust. This is a time of upheaval and feeling unsettled is normal, but there are some things you can do to help make this process easier. Defending an Intervention Order. Buying a Property? Here’s What Not to Do. Because of the amount of money and responsibility involved, buying a property isn’t just exciting – it’s complex and a bit stressful too! As property lawyers offering conveyancing in Melbourne, we know exactly what you should and shouldn’t do when buying a property. Property conveyancing. Why Make a Will? – Site Title. Challenging a Will or the division of an estate isn’t something that only happens in the movies. During this emotional time, family disputes can become hotly contested court battles, adding considerable stress to an already difficult process.
Negotiating separation. Pre-Settlement Inspections – What are They All About? Estate Planning Services. What is the Cost of a Divorce in Australia? – Site Title. Tonkin Legal Group - Law for Melbourne's north eastern suburbs. Important Costs to Consider When Buying a Home. Buying a home, our focus is usually – and understandably – on the property’s sale price, but that’s not the only cost that’s important to consider. Make sure your budget is ready for your new investment by considering all the costs involved, with these insights from property lawyers from the Tonkin Legal Group, offering conveyancing in Melbourne. Tonkin Legal Group - Law for Melbourne's north eastern suburbs. 3 Important Considerations When Buying a Home Together – Site Title.
Tonkin Legal Group - Law for Melbourne's north eastern suburbs. 9 Things to Do When You When You Have Separated from Your Spouse. Tonkin Legal Group - Law for Melbourne's north eastern suburbs. How are Assets Divided in a Divorce? – Site Title. Should I Use a Conveyancer or Lawyer? Tonkin Legal Group - Law for Melbourne's north eastern suburbs. What is an ADVO? – Site Title. When Should I Update My Will? Tonkin Legal Group - Law for Melbourne's north eastern suburbs. 4# Considerations When Challenging a Will – Site Title.
Tonkin Legal Group - Law for Melbourne's north eastern suburbs. Tonkin Legal Group - Law for Melbourne's north eastern suburbs. What is a De Facto Relationship? Tonkin Legal Group - Law for Melbourne's north eastern suburbs. Social Media Use – Advice from Family Lawyers – Site Title. What is the First Home Loan Deposit Scheme? Tonkin Legal Group - Law for Melbourne's north eastern suburbs. Tonkin Legal Group - Law for Melbourne's north eastern suburbs. First Time Buyer? These Incentives Keep Costs Down – Site Title. Blogger What is the Role of an Executor. Tonkin Legal Group - Law for Melbourne's north eastern suburbs. Married? Divorced? It’s Time to Change Your Will – Site Title. Tonkin Legal Group - Law for Melbourne's north eastern suburbs. A Guide to Being Separated Under One Roof. Tonkin Legal Group - Law for Melbourne's north eastern suburbs.
Know the Pros and Cons of Buying Property Off-Plan. Tonkin Legal Group - Law for Melbourne's north eastern suburbs. A Guide to Child Support Agreements in Australia – Site Title. Tonkin Legal Group - Law for Melbourne's north eastern suburbs. Tonkin Legal Group - Law for Melbourne's north eastern suburbs. A Guide – Challenging a Will in Melbourne. Tonkin Legal Group - Law for Melbourne's north eastern suburbs. How Long Does it Take to Get Divorced in Australia? – Site Title. Tonkin Legal Group - Law for Melbourne's north eastern suburbs. Why Should You Get a Prenuptial Agreement? Tonkin Legal Group - Law for Melbourne's north eastern suburbs. Understanding Cooling Off Laws in Victoria. Tonkin Legal Group - Law for Melbourne's north eastern suburbs.