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Building Your Podcast Team – Bello Collective. When A Good Idea For A Podcast Is A Bad Idea For A Podcast - Transom. Download Want to get an editor’s attention?
Start with the subject line in an email.
Podcast Love: The Most Important Question To Ask Yourself About Your Podcast. Hey <<First Name>>, Welcome to the inaugural edition of Podcast Love!
A quick note before I jump in. I envision this as a weekly newsletter with three parts: A feature article, a recommendation from a cool podcast person, and a question of the week. But I'm gonna be experimenting a lot, so we'll see where this all goes... OK.
Want to start a podcast? Read this first. (Joe Dator/The New Yorker Collection/The Cartoon Bank) Here’s one measure that illustrates how big podcasting has become: As of June 2018, Apple says its podcast platform includes approximately 550,000 active shows.
That’s a lot of audio vying for your ears and your time. So it might seem more groundbreaking to stop a podcast rather than start one, as the great New Yorker cartoon above bluntly suggests. But if you, like so many other people and organizations, are considering starting a podcast, we want to help you do it well. Almost anyone who starts a podcast can regale you with lessons they learned the hard way. These tips come from people at NPR who have created multiple podcasts and closely observed the growth of the podcast industry.
Want to start a podcast? Read this first. Podcasts and New Audio Strategies?
Audio is attracting new renewed interest from publishers as mobile listening grows and on-demand technology in the car disrupts linear radio listening.
At home, voice-activated speakers like the Amazon Echo and Google Home are creating new opportunities to distribute linear podcasts as well as create new audio products. In this chapter we explore the popularity of news-related podcasts in 22 countries and also look at which demographics are most likely to access these episodic digital audio files, which can be downloaded, subscribed to, or listened to.
Ouça todos os episódios disponíveis do podcast Presidente da Semana, sobre os presidentes do Brasil - 25/05/2018 - Poder.
Estão disponíveis abaixo todos os episódios já publicados do podcast Presidente da Semana, programa em áudio da Folha que conta a história dos presidentes do Brasil.
Com seu primeiro capítulo publicado em 16 de abril de 2018, o programa em áudio semanal contará em ordem cronológica a história dos presidentes brasileiros até o eleito ou a eleita em outubro deste ano. Produzido e apresentado pelo jornalista Rodrigo Vizeu, editor-adjunto de Poder, o podcast tem edição de som de Victor Parolin.
Los Angeles Times. Found: The 9 Best Podcasts for Road Trips. Found: The 9 Best Podcasts for Road Trips. 15 Podcasts You Should Be Listening to Every Week. A growth mindset is one of the qualities that separates successful people from others.
When you believe you are always learning and growing, you are free to take action, make mistakes, and evolve. Successful people are constantly learning. A big part of the growth mindset is learning -- and podcasts have made learning more convenient than ever. The hardest part is actually finding the best podcasts in which to invest your time and attention.
Top 5 Tips on Landing Your First Podcast Sponsorship - Podcast Websites. Sponsorship: something that all podcasters want, but it can feel like chasing the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
But here’s the thing – you don’t need thousands of downloads, a team of people and tonnes of production experience to successfully monetize your podcast. In fact, all you need is an engaged audience (no matter how small!)
8 Podcasts About Film History to Listen to Right Now. How To Promote And Monetize Your Business Podcast – Paul Hickey. Why does your business need a podcast?
Let’s look at the data:
Thepodcasthost. Thepodcasthost. Evo’s “Not F***ing Around With My Podcast” Equipment Buying Guide. Hi.
I’m Evo. I launch podcasts. This list of podcast equipment for professional podcasting was inspired by this tweet: So, now you know the genesis.
Pulling Back the Curtain. Podcasting Basics, Part 3: Audio Levels and Processing - Transom. Intro from Jay Allison: Transom is as excited as anyone about the possibilities of podcasting, especially the ability of artists and producers to reach their audiences without anyone’s permission.
That freedom, however, does not obviate the need for quality—in content and in sound. Yes, new technology has made a lot possible for regular folk, but the skills and ears of the audio engineer are not obsolete. If you’re venturing into this world, you need to know some stuff. Once again, Jeff Towne can help.
How to Measure Podcast Downloads - Whole Whale. The popularity of podcasting is on the rise again, partially fueled by some run-away successes like Serial. According to tracking for 20,000 top podcasts, the listeners have tripled in monthly podcast listeners over the past 5 years to 75 million (RawVoice). Basically the potential podcast listeners are there – if you have the right content. The most attractive aspect of the medium is how intimate the relationship can be with the audience.
Understanding Public Media’s Most Engaged Podcast Users. We know that audiences for news and information are moving toward digital, mobile news sources. According to Pew Research, 43% of adults “often” get news online, trailing only TV (53%). And most adults (85%) get news from a mobile device at least some of the time. Understanding this audience is essential for news organizations — local and national — that hope to grow and sustain thriving audiences for news. Yet little is known about the preferences and habits of this emerging audience, more oriented around digital, mobile content and consumption. In April and May of 2017, Edison Research — with support from the John S. and James L. In comparing these results with the Edison/Triton Infinite Dial research series, a nationally representative telephone survey of media habits, a portrait emerged of what appears to be the podcasting “super listener” — a highly engaged consumer of informative digital audio content.
The Podcast Consumer 2018. The Podcast Consumer 2018, the latest in Edison’s annual study of the medium, contains all new data on podcast users in America, derived from the Infinite Dial 2018 study (conducted in partnership with Triton Digital), The Smart Audio Report from NPR and Edison, and the latest from Edison’s Share of Ear® research. This report charts the rise of podcasting over the past decade, and also includes new, unreleased information on the following: DemographicsPodcast ConsumptionDevice UsageSocial Media BehaviorsSmart Speakers and PodcastingThe updated Share of Ear® for podcasting Findings of this report include the following:
Podcasting Basics, Part 5: Loudness for Podcasts vs. Radio - Transom. This article evolved from an email to the AIR listserv back in March.
What makes a great podcast? Here are five classics you should hear right now. In A Pod of One’s Own, Caitlin Thompson is your go-to guide and curator of the best shows from the world of podcasts. Allow me to introduce myself: I’ve been making, listening to and generally hyping on-demand audio since the first days of the internet. It is so satisfying − and, I’ll be honest, personally vindicating − to see that in 2018, millions of people around the world and about 10 million and growing just in Canada, are on board with the immersive, intimate and, in some cases, life-changing qualities of audio storytelling. After the industry’s near-death experience in the early 2010s when nobody could find or fund them, podcasts are finally too big to fail (thank you, Apple podcast app!).
Which also means: There are a lot of podcasts. I’ll help you find your way to the best shows out there, from entry-level series and episodes that will convert the uninitiated to deep cuts that’ll surprise and delight the most loyal “Friends of the Pods” out there.
Podcasting models mature and diversify. How do I want to start out my 2018 predictions? By saying “I called it” for 2017. Last year, my predictions centered around the high-touch, high-value propositions that content creators needed to put forth in order to ensure their own survival — from niche print titles (like my own, Racquet magazine), to premium/paywalls that have been the lifeblood of news outlets such as The New York Times, to the flourishing world of audio that I get to explore as content director at Acast.
High touch, high value. This was finally the year that exposed just how fragmented our sources of news, information, and entertainment have become.
University of North Carolina Press. This new revised and expanded edition of Reality Radio celebrates today's best audio documentary work by bringing together some of the most influential and innovative practitioners from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia. With a new foreword and five new essays, this book takes stock of the transformations in radio documentary since the publication of the first edition: the ascendance of the podcast; greater cultural, racial, and topical variety; and the changing economics of radio itself.
Klite codec pack mega for mac. Podcasting from Scratch Zine — alex laughlin. How to Make Your Listener Levitate & Other Magic Tricks. Jad Abumrad at MaxFunCon. What Microphone Do I Get? - Transom. The Audio Producer’s Guide To Loudness - Transom. Basic EQ In Hindenburg - Transom. Improving the Clarity of Sound. How to Submit Your Podcast to Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, and TuneIn. Podcast Listeners Really Are the Holy Grail Advertisers Hoped They'd Be. The Science of Social Media - Buffer Podcast. How to Promote Your New Podcast: 10 Effective Strategies to Try.
We're in the Top 20 Podcasts of 2017 - Up and Vanished. 10 Best Graphic Design Resources, Photos, Fonts, Graphic Tools and More. 15 Trends in Graphic Design for 2018. 9 podcasts no convencionales en español que deberías escuchar. Los mejores podcasts de ciencia. La ciencia en Internet no solo se lee, también se oye.
Los mejores 10 blogs de podcast en 2016. 5 plataformas para subir podcasts. Souvlaki For The Soul - A Food and Travel Experience. Artistas más escuchados de russian funk. Grupo de ticos investiga actividades paranormales. Caminando por la historia: de Turrialba a Siquirres por la linea del tren. How to Make a Robot Voice in Audition. Mapa red ferroviaria – Guías Costa Rica. Los mejores programas de radio sobre viajes. Los mejores programas de radio y podcast de viajes. 10 'podcasts' que deberías escuchar ya. 10 de Los Mejores Podcasts del Momento - Silenzine.
Manual Productores RA. These are the most important developments in the podcast business so far in 2017. Project Shield ofrece protección gratuita a sitios de noticias independientes. Cómo ser escuchado a pesar del ruido: una guía para periodistas que realizan podcast. Call for Pitches — Cuonda.
Liberated syndication (libsyn)
Mypodcastworld. 3 Places to Host Your Podcast. Cultura A. YouTube to mp3 Converter. Youtube to MP3 Converter. Fnpi. Manual: Reportajes Vivos. Mientras dormíamos 2.0. How to record a Skype interview on separate tracks using Adobe Audition (For Macs only)
How to record a Skype interview on separate tracks using Adobe Audition (For Macs only)
Multitrack Recording Techniques. La caja de herramientas del periodista digital para crear clips de audio. Juegos Olímpicos Río 2016: "Toda la piscina huele como si alguien se hubiera tirado un pedo"
La Vía. Call Recorder for Skype - The Skype Audio/Video HD Call Recording Solution for Mac. Multitrack Recording Techniques.