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¿Cuál es la verdadera razón detrás de las adicciones? Lo mejor del yoga sucede cuando aplicamos sus principios y enseñanzas en las situaciones que vivimos cada día.

¿Cuál es la verdadera razón detrás de las adicciones?

Hoy quiero compartirte algunas formas de calmar tu mente y relajar tu cuerpo para enfrentar la ansiedad, una de las emociones predominantes de la actualidad ante la gran cantidad de estímulos, actividades y exigencias a las que estamos expuestos. Haz conciencia sobre la causa B.K.S. Iyengar, fundador del estilo que lleva su nombre y practicante durante más de 75 años, decía que el yoga tiene como objetivo lograr plena conciencia en todo lo que se haga. Aunque parezca algo muy simple, detenerte a pensar por qué sientes ansiedad puede hacer toda la diferencia en cómo enfrentas esos episodios. Sédate con tu propio cuerpo Hay ciertas posturas que tienen un efecto tranquilizante, tanto en nuestro cuerpo físico como en el mental y el emocional. Un “ritual” diario con plena atención Tenemos tantas actividades que para muchas de ellas entramos en un modo automático. Pijamasurf.

El peyote (lophophora williamsii) es una cactácea originaria del desierto del norte de México y sur de Estados Unidos cuyas propiedades medicinales y enteógenas han sido ampliamente debatidas, satanizadas, pero también estudiadas y aprovechadas desde hace cientos de años por las naciones huichol y tarahumara, entre muchas otras.


Mide unos 12cm de diámetro y su color va del verde oscuro al gris azulado, presentando vellosidades blancas parecidas a plumas de algodón y en ocasiones una flor blanca o rosa que crece en su centro. Su raíz es cónica y se hunde profundamente en la tierra, mientras que el cacto asoma apenas unos pocos centímetros fuera de la tierra.

WeedNut Butter in the Microwave (10 Minutes!) 4 enteógenos ilegales que la ciencia está a punto de demostrar que son poderosas medicinas. Marijuana and the slowdown of time perception. Oh!

Marijuana and the slowdown of time perception

Do not attack me with your watch. A watch is always too fast or too slow. I cannot be dictated to by a watch.” Jane Austen, Mansfield ParkEnglish novelist (1775 – 1817) Hurled Away by a Stream of Ideas -Charles Baudelaire The phenomenon of a slowed down perception of time during a high is one of the most well known effects of marijuana – infamous to some, highly valued by others. ..a new stream of ideas carries you away: it will hurl you along in its living vortex for a further minute; and this minute, too, will be an eternity, for the normal relation between time and the individual has been completely upset by the multitude and intensity of sensations and ideas. Vaporizer Highs, Part I. What characterizes a vaporizer high?

Vaporizer Highs, Part I

How much of a difference is there between a vaporizer high and the high from a joint or bong? How different are various vaporizers on the market as to the high they produce? How much does the temperature setting on a vaporizer matter to the quality and character of the high? A Clearer High The Storz&Bickel precision vaporizer „Plenty“ There are many discussions about these and other question concerning the vaporizer high. “(…) traceable amounts of benzene are found in the vapor mist. But the clarity of the vaporizer high compared to highs from burning cannabis cannot only be explained by the absence of some toxins.

Now, given that vaporizers can be set to different temperatures ranging from as low as 130 ºC to 200 ºC and more, it should be clear that they can produce a range of markedly different highs at different temperatures. 10 Sacred Truths I Learned from my Ayahuasca Experiences. For those of you who were blessed to have experienced the great miracles of the plant, a lot of what I will say will resonate with you on many levels.

10 Sacred Truths I Learned from my Ayahuasca Experiences

For those who are not acquainted with Ayahuasca, what it is and what it does, I have to admit from beginning that it’s very hard to give you either a complete picture or a succinct introduction. So please forgive me for trying. Put bluntly, Ayahuasca is a brew reduction made from two different Amazonian plants, one of which contains the psychoactive molecule DMT. It has been used for millennia by tribes for physical, psychological and spiritual healing, accessing deep wisdom and attaining visions and guidance. Psilocybin. Psilocybin[nb 1] (/ˌsɪləˈsaɪbɪn/ SIL-ə-SY-bin) is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound produced by more than 200 species of mushrooms, collectively known as psilocybin mushrooms.


The most potent are members of the genus Psilocybe, such as P. azurescens, P. semilanceata, and P. cyanescens, but psilocybin has also been isolated from about a dozen other genera. As a prodrug, psilocybin is quickly converted by the body to psilocin, which has mind-altering effects similar (in some aspects) to those of LSD, mescaline, and DMT. In general, the effects include euphoria, visual and mental hallucinations, changes in perception, a distorted sense of time, and spiritual experiences, and can include possible adverse reactions such as nausea and panic attacks. History[edit] Early[edit] Modern[edit] Albert Hofmann (shown here in 1993) purified psilocybin and psilocin from Psilocybe mexicana in the late 1950s. Salvia divinorum. Salvia divinorum (also known as Diviner's Sage,[2] Ska María Pastora,[3] Seer's Sage,[4] and by its genus name Salvia) is a psychoactive plant which can induce "visions" and other hallucinatory experiences.

Salvia divinorum

Its native habitat is in cloud forest in the isolated Sierra Mazateca of Oaxaca, Mexico, where it grows in shady and moist locations.[5][6] The plant grows to over a meter high,[1] has hollow square stems, large leaves, and occasional white flowers with violet calyxes. Botanists have not determined whether Salvia divinorum is a cultigen or a hybrid; native plants reproduce vegetatively, rarely producing viable seed.[7][8] Mazatec shamans have a long and continuous tradition of religious use of Salvia divinorum, using it to facilitate visionary states of consciousness during spiritual healing sessions.[1] Most of the plant's local common names allude to the Mazatec belief that the plant is an incarnation of the Virgin Mary, with its ritual use also invoking that relationship.
