Part 2 of 3: The Art of the Bounce Back. Richard Branson Shares His #1 Piece Of Business Advice With Vishen Lakhiani — Upmarket Magazine. Before telling you about Richard Branson’s #1 piece of business advice, I want to tell you about the remarkable man who elicited this invaluable information from Sir Richard while together with him on Necker Island, Branson’s private getaway in the British Virgin Islands.
If you don’t yet know Vishen Lakhiani, it is my great pleasure to introduce him to you. Vishen is the founder of Mindvalley, one of the most unique and forward-thinking companies on the planet. Mind Valley is an online publisher for personal growth and spirituality teachers and authors, with a lofty mission to “spread enlightened ideas” to 500 million people worldwide. They take their formidable tech and marketing savvy and use it to package and promote the content of some of the most consciousness-raising and quality-of-life-enhancing minds on the planet. Just have a look at Mindvalley’s site and you’ll see that they do things differently. The lesson for you is: How clear is your vision and mission? 00inShare. Chain Reaction Marketing 2.0 Review - Legit or Scam?
Vishen lakhiani Archives. World's Greatest Workplace: Vishen Lakhiani at TEDxAjman. Living the AIESEC Life: Vishen Lakhiani and Mindvalley. By Heather Blahnik (Madison ’96, US ’98, AI ’99) AIESECers generally have three common characteristics: they are driven, they are globally minded, and they want to make a difference in the world.
Vishen Lakhiani (Michigan ’99, US ’00) has more of these qualities than the average AIESECer. After spending a year on the AIESEC US staff, Vishen went on to start a company with a few other AIESECers, but it went bust. That left him broke and looking for a job right as the bubble burst in 2001. He sent out resumes to every single job posting on craigslist in Silicon Valley and he got one reply – from a fellow AIESEC alumnus, Wayne McDonald. “Working in that company was really stressful and so one of the things that happened is that I took up meditation to relieve the stress … Another thing that happened is that the company put me in charge of their Google Adwords campaigns and I became sort of an expert in Google Adwords, this whole new advertising platform.
Millionaire Vishen Lakhiani How to be a Millionaire ~ How To Be Wealthy and Successful - Why Live a Mediocre Life - Life is Too Short, Live Large! Vishen Lakhiani is the co-founder of quirky, award winning-company Mindvalley, comprising of 50 innovators, artists, dreamers, and geniuses from 20 countries.
Mindvalley’s mission is to bring together marketing and technology to help spread enlightened ideas. Vishen works with authors, thinkers, authors and leaders who have pioneered new ways of doing traditional things: parenting, entrepreneurship, spiritual growth, self-development and more. Mindvalley’s team of programmers and marketers then work to build the systems to take these ideas mainstream. The result is a new kind of publishing company; one that merges software, mixed media, video, mobile apps and social networks to put authors in the personal development movement in front of the internet generation while bypassing traditional media like printed books. Something special happens when you interacting with so many thought leaders, philosophers and business and personal development coaches.
Vishen Lakhiani. » Relaxing Meditation Music – Exercise. During Awesomeness Fest 2011 in Maui, CEO and founder of Mindvalley – Vishen Lakhiani – led the room of over 250 attendees through a simple daily practice that he does every day to get in a state of blisscipline.
You know that feeling where you’re on top of your game and it seems like the Universe has your back…. yep, that’s the state this practice gets you in So check out the video above where Vishen leads you (along with the Awesomeness Fest tribe) through a guided meditation with 6 steps using the Omharmonics binaural beats technology. Vishen will talk you through the steps, but here’s a quick overview: Step 1: Grounding. You imagine your Consciousness is expanding, sending your love to everyone in around you in the room… then expanding to encompass the building you’re in, then expanding further and further so eventually you feel your energy encompassing the entire planet. Vishen Lakhiani - GratitudeLog. REPLAY: Double Your Productivity, Using What You Already Have!