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De-Load, the Overlooked Technique. Push-Ups, Face Pulls, and Shrugs. By Bill Hartman and Mike Robertson Tech note: This article contains videos delivered in Flash.

Push-Ups, Face Pulls, and Shrugs

You will need the latest version of the Flash Player (at least version 7) to view them. If you cannot see the videos, please CLICK HERE to download and install the latest player now. It is free, quick, and easy. That's right, screw it. "My shoulder hurts when I bench press. " "Well, you need to strengthen your rotator cuff. " "It hurts when I reach overhead or do barbell presses. " "You're probably impinging your rotator cuff. " "I hurt my shoulder pitching and now I can't collect my million dollar performance bonus. " "Sounds like you tore your rotator cuff. " We've had it up to our shoulders with the rotator cuff! Allow us to introduce the real star of the show: the scapula! The scapula is our favorite bone and we're not afraid to admit it. Since the scapula is half of the glenohumeral joint (the shoulder joint) and is essentially the foundation of the shoulder, this becomes an important point.

Balanced? Strength Standards. Carb, Protein, Fat Calorie Calculator. <div class="alert">Hey!

Carb, Protein, Fat Calorie Calculator

You have JavaScript disabled on your browser. The calculator will not work. <a target="_blank" href=" how to enable JavaScript on your browser. </a></div> How much carbohydrate, protein, and fat should you be eating each day? Directions Enter daily Calorie goal amount. Results show exact number of Calorie and grams required for each nutrient. How Does This Work? If you have figured out your ideal daily calorie intake, the Macronutrient Calculator helps you convert this into grams of food. Food are grouped into Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats.

Various diet regimes propose different ratios for each macronutrient. Figuring Out the Macronutrients in Food Packaged foods have nutritional information posted on them, but fresh foods or restaurant meals have to be figured out manually. However, there are a few great tools that do all the work for you. There are many other options. Do Macronutrients Matter? There is a difference of opinion on this. It's not all about calories. Monthly Photos: Front. Cosgrove's 5 "Ah-Ha!" Moments. By Alwyn Cosgrove In my career I've had several moments of clarity when I learned something new, or when something I had believed was either verified, brought into question, or flat out disproved.

Cosgrove's 5 "Ah-Ha!" Moments

These mini-epiphanies are what I call my "ah-ha! " moments. In every case, these "ah-ha! " moments allowed my thought processes to take a significant step forward, which in turn brought me to a new level in my training education. An Ah-ha moment. I was talking to Mike Boyle ("the Barbara Walters of the fitness industry") at a recent seminar and I shared this idea of the "ah-ha! " Anyway, here are a few things that I became aware of at some point over the past couple of decades that made a significant change in how I do things. This was from a Gray Cook presentation. So obviously, he has a problem with mobility, right? The answer is maybe none of the above, because when we put these guys on their backs and remove the load, look what happens: The mobility issue seems to resolve itself. The Top Seven Biceps Movements. Homemade power rack made out of wood and pipe..

You know how valuable power racks are in the quest for muscle, and how expensive they can be.

Homemade power rack made out of wood and pipe..

I ran across this homemade one in a forum and I had to share this with you. This is by far the BEST homemade power rack I've seen, along with very detailed plans on how to build it. Instructions and photos by Aaron Gipperich. Building vs. buying a power rack. MiniAchilles get owned by Ice1cube and Hanh Part 1. So You Think You Can Squat Part 1. So You Think You Can Squat Part 2. So You Think You Can Squat Part 3. So You Think You Can Squat Part 4. So You Think You Can Squat Part 5. Frank Yang - BIG SQUAT MILESTONE. Frank Yang 楊士毅 - Training Mixtape.