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Gathering Valid and Reliable Evidence of Learning: video series on triangulation. OneNote—triangulation of evidence for learning and building 21st-century skills. Today’s post was written by Michelle Hollingsworth, teacher and curricular head for the Earth and Life Sciences department at the North Park Secondary School.

OneNote—triangulation of evidence for learning and building 21st-century skills

Technology is pervasive in our school communities and using it effectively in our teaching practice is the utmost goal. Recognizing areas of need in our practice and then identifying solutions to work around those issues is a regular practice of teachers. Effectively utilizing the various technologies available for those solutions is a challenge we all face. In my own practice, one of my greatest areas of need was identifying a method that would accurately record and log my evidences for triangulation of data.

Choice Literacy - Articles & Videos - Full Article. Assessment of Learning: Triangulation of Assessment. Sandra Herbst and Anne Davies: Triangulation: I Understand the “Why,” Now Please Tell Me the “When” In the last four weeks and across several provinces, there is one question that is being asked over and over again – “I know that it is a good idea to gather evidence of student learning from more than product, but when does it make sense to gather evidence from observations and conversations?”

Sandra Herbst and Anne Davies: Triangulation: I Understand the “Why,” Now Please Tell Me the “When”

Maybe this question is surfacing as a result of impending mid-semester report cards or perhaps it is because curricular redesign is resulting in a renewed focus on triangulated evidence. Whether it is because of these reasons or something else, it is a question worth asking and one worth thinking more about. Triangulation – gathering evidence from multiple sources over time – is based on research in the areas of social sciences. Triangulation. Whether conducting assessment FOR learning or assessment OF learning, a teacher must have sufficient proof of a students’ learning.


By using a process known as triangulation, teachers can obtain data of student learning from three different sources, thereby ensuring sufficient data is collected in order to evaluate student learning. By collecting data from multiple sources, teachers are able to verify the data they collect against each other thus allowing them to gain an accurate portrayal of student progress. What is triangulation? Triangulation is a process by which a teacher collects evidence about student learning; this evidence is collected from three different sources.