Bags. Sewing. Light Fun Crafts. Lights. Pictures. Candles. Flowers. Norfolk - Stallfinder Ltd. UK stallholders events fundraising and party plan. Home made beauty products. Storage. Jewellery. Clothes and shoes. Annie Sloan About the Chalk Paint. Page corner bookmarks. This project comes to you at the request of Twitterer @GCcapitalM. I used to believe that a person could never have too many books, or too many bookmarks.
Then I moved into an apartment slightly larger than some people’s closets (and much smaller than many people’s garages) and all these beliefs got turned on their naïeve little heads. But what a person can always look for more of is really cool unique bookmarks. Placeholders special enough for the books that are special enough to remain in your culled-out-of-spacial-necessity collection. Page corner bookmarks are cute, practical and deeply under-represented in the world.* They’re easy to make, easy to customize, and will set you apart from all those same-same flat rectangular bookmarks. If you like this tutorial, here are a couple others that might be up your alley. For the monster-loving adults in the room, try some googly-eyed paper monster wine charms. What you’ll need: Putting it all together: 1) Follow steps 2 and 3 from above.
Homemade Mamas. Home. Buttons. Skruben: How To: Self-Watering Seed Starter Pots.