Pruning can be done for several purposes. Remove the excess vegetation, remove the damaged branches, cut the sick or poorly located segment; give a decorative shape to the tree, facilitate its growth, increase the fruits or improve the quality of its wood, among other things.
Pruning is the partial or total cut of the live or dead branches of a plant. It is recommended that the pruning of a tree be carried out during the vegetative rest period of the tree, that is, during the autumn or winter. In the case of plants with deciduous leaves, it must be done after the fall of the same. When you have to prune trees with evergreen leaves, whose foliage is more or less always in physiological activity, the ideal thing is to prune during the winter, when the cold is well established.
Pruning should be done while the branches to be cut are still small and can be extracted without much work. If this is done, the knot will be small and there will be enough time for a clean wooden bark to develop.
To prune trees from the public road, it must be taken into account that they must grow straight, with pyramidal tops, and with a bare trunk up to a height of 3 to 5 meters. It must maintain its natural shape, even with repeated pruning. Follow us on: Facebook
The pruning of the excess vegetation consists of cutting the diseased or dead branches, and those that are too close together. We must also eliminate those that grow towards the center of the tree. Intense pruning should be done at the end of winter; the branches should be cut flush and the wounds painted with oil-based paints.
Winter pruning stimulates the vegetative development of the tree. If a plant has a weak development, it is advisable to vigorously prune it, which will eliminate half of it. If the tree grows strongly, pruning has to be very light.
Pruning indiscriminately or badly done can cause damage to the tree, allowing wounds to extend through the bark to the cambium and even to the wood. The wounds are produced by blows against the stem, poorly directed cuts, and tears of the bark and wood, which damage the quality of the wood.
Fruit tree
The good use of the pruning technique in fruit trees should seek not only to achieve the good formation of the tree itself, the correct placement of the branches for the mechanical strength in the structure and adequate luminosity and aeration, but fundamentally, to induce the trees to remain for many years in a stage of high productivity, without aging, without producing alternate harvests, and without diminishing quality.
A good pruning by Tree Services Ermington takes into account the habits of vegetation and fructification, which are very variable according to the plant species.
A badly done pruning can have more disastrous consequences than the lack of it. Good pruning must be accompanied by good tools, which must be appropriate, clean and sharp.
Give shape to the tree
The pruning to give a certain shape is also done at the end of winter, and it is important to give a general outline to the tree when it is still young. That outline is formed by the main branches that start from the trunk; those that are born of them are called secondary. The most convenient is to minimize the number of branches that make up the skeleton.
Some Tree Pruning Ermington technicians maintain that with the shape of a glass of wine, light is allowed to reach the heart of the tree; however, others prefer the skeleton of the tree in the form of a pyramid. The reason is that the shorter branches of the pyramid are less likely to break under the weight of fruits, than the branches extended in the form of a cup.