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U.S. Taxpayer-Funded Contractor Organizes Child Rape Parties In Afghanistan, WikiLeaks Reveals. Wikileaks recently released a cable from Afghanistan revealing U.S. government contractor DynCorp threw a party for Afghan security recruits featuring trafficked boys as the entertainment. Bacha bazi is the Afghan tradition of “boy play” where young boys are dressed up in women’s clothing, forced to dance for leering men, and then sold for sex to the highest bidder. Apparently this is the sort of “entertainment” funded by your tax dollars when DynCorp is in charge of security in Afghanistan.DynCorp is a government contractor which has been providing training for Afghan security and police forces for several years. Though the company is about as transparent as a lead-coated rock, most reports claim over 95% of their budget comes from U.S. taxpayers. That’s the same budget that DynCorp used to pay for a party in Kunduz Province for some Afghan police trainees.

Islam - Female Genital Mutilation.

Alt Sexuality

Mending Ways: The Canela Indians of Brazil. Saharasia. James DeMeo Saharasia: The Origins of Patriarchal Authoritarian Culture in Ancient Desertification Introduction Geographical study of human behavior has revealed a global pattern of social violence strongly correlated to regions of major climate change during early prehistory. (DeMeo 1986, 1998). This conclusion developed from one of the first comprehensive studies to produce global maps of human behaviors and social institutions related to family life, sexuality, childrearing methods, and the status of women.

I specifically focused upon traumatic and repressive attitudes, behaviors, social customs and institutions which were also, as part of my work, cross-culturally correlated with violence and warfare. My focus was upon the biological needs of infants, children, and adolescents, the repressive and damaging effects that certain social institutions and classes of harsh natural environment have upon those needs, and the behavioral consequences of such repression and damage.

Figure 1. Flaws of the Saharasia Hypothesis of James DeMeo. Controversy Over DeMeo’s Saharasia hypothesis Max Dashu I felt impelled to write down my thoughts about the controversy that erupted on the last day of the World Congress on Matriarchy in Luxembourg, 2003. An outcry followed James De Meo’s presentation, which proposed that patriarchy arose in “Saharasia” because of desertification. Many people were upset that the moderator cut off his responses. Others, including me, were much more disturbed at the content of the presentation itself, and felt that De Meo, even before his responses were interrupted, wasn’t addressing the concerns being raised. The North African women felt that De Meo’s analysis seriously misrepresented the Saharan cultures. The distinguished anthropologist Peggy Reeves Sanday called the theory “reductionist and dangerous.” Sanday knows whereof she speaks, having studied with Murdock and worked with these statistical ethnic data collections for decades.

Women’s issues seemed to be an afterthought in De Meo’s exposition. The Mass Psychology of Fasscism. Conservative, religious states consume the most porn. Biggest consumer? Utah. Sex at Dawn. Laurie Santos: Are Humans Naturally Polygamists? Dan Savage: Why Monogamy Is Ridiculous. When Women Wanted Sex Much More Than Men. In the 1600s, a man named James Mattock was expelled from the First Church of Boston. His crime? It wasn’t using lewd language or smiling on the sabbath or anything else that we might think the Puritans had disapproved of. Rather, James Mattock had refused to have sex with his wife for two years. Though Mattock’s community clearly saw his self-deprivation as improper, it is quite possible that they had his wife’s suffering in mind when they decided to shun him. The Puritans believed that sexual desire was a normal and natural part of human life for both men and women (as long as it was heterosexual and confined to marriage), but that women wanted and needed sex more than men.

A man could choose to give up sex with relatively little trouble, but for a woman to be so deprived would be much more difficult for her. Yet today, the idea that men are more interested in sex than women is so pervasive that it seems almost unremarkable. Yet the times were clearly changing. So what happened? What Do You Desire? On a Monday last April, I stood in line at JFK Airport to board a plane to San Francisco.

Before me stood a silver-headed West Coast businessman. His skin had the exfoliated, burnished sheen of the extremely healthy; his glasses were of an advanced polymer; he had dark jeans. He wore the recycled ethylene-vinyl acetate shoes that are said never to smell. His fleece coat was of an extraordinary thickness and quality, with a lissome external layer that would not pill. He seemed like the sort of man who would pronounce himself a minimalist and say that everything he bought was selected for its extraordinary craftsmanship and beautiful design. Until I left San Francisco it never went away.

My first day in the city I sat in a sunlit café in the Mission District, drank a cappuccino, and read a paper copy of the San Francisco Chronicle that lay anachronistically on the counter. The people of San Francisco were once famous for their refusal of deodorant and unnecessary shearing. DONNAI did. The problem with monogamy. The classic 1960s feminist critique of marriage was that it suffocated women by tying them to the home and stifling their identity. The hope was that in a non-sexist society marriage could be a harmonious, genuine connection of minds. But 40 years after Betty Friedan, Laura Kipnis has arrived with a new jeremiad, Against Love: A Polemic, to tell us that this hope was forlorn: Marriage, she suggests, belongs on the junk heap of human folly.

It is an equal-opportunity oppressor, trapping men and women in a life of drudgery, emotional anesthesia, and a tug-of-war struggle to balance vastly different needs. The numbers seem to back up her thesis: Modern marriage doesn't work for the majority of people. The rate of divorce has roughly doubled since the 1960s. Half of all marriages end in divorce. What's curious, though, is that even though marriage doesn't seem to make Americans very happy, they keep getting married (and remarried). Kipnis' answer to that question is a resounding no.

Hardt and Negri’s Politics of Love - Melissa Gregg. ForthcominginJackZ. Bratich(ed), JournalofCommunicationInquiry SpecialIssueonAutonomismandCommunication,October2011. Pre-publicationversion ForHardtandNegri(2009,pp.182-3),love’s“corruption”takestwoprimaryforms:“identitarianlove”(loveofthesame,whichculminatesintheextremesofpatriotismandfascism),and“loveasunification”(whentwobecomeone,asinsomanyprevailingmarriagemetaphors).

Commonwealth showsthatlovehasbeenafoundationalquestionforphilosophyatleastasfarbackas TheSymposium . TheSecondSex Iflovehasbeenaconstitutivequestionforfeministphilosophy,then–andthisisnottosaythatithas only beenexploredbyfeministphilosophers(seeArmstrong,2003)–anxietiesabout“sentimentality”saylessabouttheconceptthanthegendereddistinctionsstillpermeatingapparentlyradicalphilosophy.

Criticalthinkingaboutloveanditspoliticsisofcourseongoingandextensive(Seccomb,2007). The Origins of Sex Differences in Human Behavior:Evolved Dispositions Versus Social Roles. S Log - The short instructional manifesto for relationship anarchy. This is a new translation/adaptation to English of a relationship anarchy pamphlet by me, Andie Nordgren, published in Swedish as “Relationsanarki i 8 punkter” by Interacting Arts in 2006. More in Swedish on - a website I ran actively between 2004 and 2008, where relationship anarchy was defined and explored by myself and others. Love is abundant, and every relationship is unique Relationship anarchy questions the idea that love is a limited resource that can only be real if restricted to a couple. You have capacity to love more than one person, and one relationship and the love felt for that person does not diminish love felt for another.

Don’t rank and compare people and relationships - cherish the individual and your connection to them. One person in your life does not need to be named primary for the relationship to be real. Each relationship is independent, and a relationship between autonomous individuals. Love and respect instead of entitlement Trust is better. Early Human Kinship Was Matrilineal AS SUBMITTED JULY 20 2007.doc - Early-Human-Kinship-Was-Matrilineal.pdf. Summer solstice: It's all about sex. In many parts of the world there is no better time to work on your mojo than on the longest day of the year. In Belarus girls and boys take the opportunity to celebrate the midnight sun on Ivan Kupala Day by bathing in lakes. During the Swedish national holiday of Midsommar the usually cool, calm and collected Swedes turn to their raucous Viking roots and consume a copious amount of vodka and dance around -- according to some -- a rather phallic-looking Maypole.

Perhaps unsurprisingly research shows a lot of babies are born nine months after the festivities. During the Greek solstice celebration Klidonas, bachelors across the country try to impress single ladies by building tall fires and jumping over them. According to custom, anyone who jumps the flames three times is rewarded with a good year ahead but more importantly a likely date for the evening. In neighboring Belarus girls place candle offerings into rivers as they celebrate Ivan Kupala Day. The summer of love Sexy Swedes. The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory. The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory: Why An Invented Past Will Not Give Women a Future is a book by Cynthia Eller that seeks to deconstruct the theory of a prehistoric matriarchy.

This hypothesis, she says, developed in 19th century scholarship and was taken up by 1970s second wave feminism following Marija Gimbutas. Eller, a professor of Women's Studies and Religious Studies at Montclair State University, argues in the book that this theory is mistaken and its continued defence is harmful to the feminist agenda. Thesis[edit] Eller sets out to refute what she describes as feminist matriarchalism as an "ennobling lie".[1] She argues that the feminist archaeology of Marija Gimbutas had a large part in constructing a late twentieth-century feminist myth of matriarchal prehistory. Criticism[edit] Editions[edit] The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory: Why An Invented Past Will Not Give Women a Future, Beacon Press (2000), ISBN 978-0-8070-6792-5. See also[edit] References[edit] Marler, Joan. Review: Eller's _Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory_ In the past thirty years an uproar has arisen over ideas that women once had power; that people traced their descent through the mother; that ancient religions embraced goddess veneration.

Academia rejected these interpretations of history in the 1960s, and their massive comeback as a result of the women's movement has caused an alarmed reaction. The straw doll of " matriarchy" is again thrown up, its impossibly narrow definition shot down, and the matter is declared settled. Robert Schaeffer of <> can then proclaim that "The feminist / New Age 'Idyllic Goddess' theory is not an intellectually respectable hypothesis. " Matriarchy, Luxembourg, Sept 5-7, 2003] Jomon culture, ancient Japan >>> The introduction to The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory acknowledges "substantial dissension" within the "matriarchal myth," [Eller, 3-4] but the body of the book paints a different picture, relegating diverse opinions mainly to the footnotes. <<< Southern Illinois Copyright 2000 Max Dashu.

Controlling Sex: Purity or Propaganda | The Eccentric Eclectic's Blogs About Everything and Anything. SEX — – the very word immediately grabs people’s attention. So why is it such a taboo subject? In today’s supposedly modern society, sex has become something so ghastly that we would rather watch movies like Saw and Hellraiser than allow ourselves to watch people having sex. Sexuality has been banned from the public eye. Our society treats sex in this fashion because we have been religiously and socially trained to do so; in other words, we are being controlled with anti-sex propaganda. Think about it — – how do you control a large amount of people? Humans need food, shelter, social interaction, and sex. Each method of control is utilized to avoid problems. Of all the power structures that aim to control people, religion has been among the strongest.

Specifically using religion to control sex keeps the church in power by solving the following problems: First, religion can’t exist without followers. But social control does not stop at racism. Like this: Like Loading... The courts should keep out of our sex lives | Nigel Scott. On 8 August 2011, a British man was jailed for grievous bodily harm (GBH) after passing genital herpes to his partner. This is the first time someone in the UK has been imprisoned for spreading herpes. How did a ‘cold sore gone south’ get to be so feared, misunderstood and stigmatised? The history of the genital herpes stigma dates back a mere 30 years. Before then, the condition, which was first named by the Ancient Greeks, was well known to doctors – but it was not invested with the terror it commands today and the word herpes barely registered with the public.

Two viruses are responsible for genital herpes and facial cold sores. They are called herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2). The start of modern sexual health services Little changed in the intervening 60 years. The role of antiviral drugs Meanwhile, antibiotics had succeeded in vanquishing previously feared bacterial infections like syphilis and gonorrhoea. The herpes stigma is born Enter the law. Contrary To Popular Belief, Herpes Is So Whatevs. I got the herp from my fiance the second time we had sex. (We were already engaged at the time, but our relationship was long-distance, so we didn't get to have sex too often.)

He showed no symptoms whatsoever and didn't even know he had it. A week after our visit, I ended up in the ER at midnight with genital sores so painful that I could barely walk and couldn't pee without crying. I had a fever of 101 and a pulse that was twice what it normally is, and I was dehydrated because I felt too ill to eat or drink. When I told the fiance the diagnosis, he got tested, and sure enough, he had HSV-I (type 1 herpes, which typically infects the mouth).

He'd never had a cold sore. The good news, as STD infection goes, is that since HSV-I favors the oral area and HSV-II favors the genital area, if a strain of the virus is in its "non-preferred" region, it tends to be much weaker. Oh, did I mention that I had my first pelvic exam ever that night at the ER? ETD: Ayers, Lindsey. Pan, Xi. "Type 2 Diabetes in China: Health Behaviors, Diabetes Self-Management, and Self-Rated Health. " Electronic Thesis or Dissertation. Miami University, 2014. View Malek, Ramtin. "Lean principles application in public-private partnership project procurement. " Hoffmann, Loren C. Qiu, Kui. Manning Dantis, Jacquelyn. Did Derek Jeter Gave Poor Jessica Alba Herpes? The “Cervical Cancer” Vaccine, STD Stigma & the Truth about HPV » Girl w/ Pen. STDs are Normal. Unpacking a Bag Full of STI Stigma. Marriage Practices in Lowland South America - marrriage.pdf. A critical examination of popular assumptions about the benefits and outcomes of monogamous relationships | Amy C. Moors.

Can You Love More Than One Person at the Same Time? A Research Report | Helen Gerth. Stoya on the Pitfalls of Heteronormativity and Monogamy. What exactly is biblical marriage? | XKV8R: The Official Blog of Dr. Robert R. Cargill. Why is Christianity opposed to sexuality? Fascist Irrationalism: Wilhelm Reich | Pakistan internet users top Google searches for gay sex despite being one of the world's most homophobic countries. Sexual Paradox. Sexual Paradox: The Warrior.

Politicized Gender