22 especialistas aconsejan a un Community Manager para 2014. El consejo es sencillo: demostrar en el tiempo de prueba, de la mejor forma posible, todos los conocimientos prácticos que se tiene en el área.
Investigar sobre la empresa, hacer la tarea de saber para quiénes trabajo y sentirse parte de ellos para poder transmitirlo. ¿Vender más? La mejor forma de vender en las redes sociales es no vendiendo. Es decir, ofrecer contenido de calidad y atención rápida y eficiente es la mejor manera de “vender” a tu empresa.
En un período de prueba es poco lo que tal vez se haga al respecto, pero pueden marcarse caminos a seguir. Saber y dar a entender que con paciencia se logra mucho más que con malos hábitos. como comprar seguidores o vender Tweets. Estoy convencido que la mejor estrategia de un buen community manager pasa por aportar valor y no por la publicidad pura y dura, a pesar de que el primer y último fin de la empresa sea vender. Otro consejo que le daría es que busque la PRODUCTIVIDAD en sus tareas.
Landing Page Design Trends for Selling Digital Products. Web designers and developers have been practicing the art of landing page layouts for over a decade.
The refined techniques we use in modern websites have been crafted from years of failure and strife. But there is still a lot we can learn from by studying common user experience when visiting a product landing page. In this article I hope to introduce a series of ideas for constructing great landing page layouts. It may take a bit of practice utilizing a series of alternate design patterns. I think the best landing pages capture the visitor’s attention and quickly express their goals. Big Catchy Headlines Titles and headlines are usually the biggest text pieces on your webpage.
The landing page for Gridset uses big typography coupled with a full-scale background image. Another great example can be found on the page advertising Flex by Pantech. Expanding on Details All too often I will run into landing pages which barely explain anything about the product. Screenshots and Display Cases. The 20 Best Designed Tourism Websites in the World. Websites created by destination marketing organizations are some of the more underused resources in travel today.
Our recent analysis of the 50 most visited U.S. tourism websites found that no site had more than 570,000 visitors in October. And the most time spent on a site was five minutes, which was far longer than the average. However, these sites are packed with logistical information like how to use public transit to get from an airport to city center, tourism resources like the opening hours to a city’s most famous museum, and beautiful imagery. 10 Web Design Trends for 2013. For starters, we’d like to say thank you for the amazing reception our free eBook Web design and Mobile Trends for 2013 has had since its launch last week, and especially to all those who made it possible by sharing their insightful opinions.
Today we’re doing a review of the end conclusions, where we will identify and analyze 10 of the key trends. This is just a brief overview of the conclusions you can read in the book. In fact, we have now released an updated version of the eBook in PDF format, which includes a few corrections and a new layout for an easier and more enjoyable reading experience. It’s no easy task putting together a short summary of all the interviews, but as far as we’re concerned, there are a few memorable statements in the book which nicely encapsulate the conclusions we’ve come to: Bruce Lawson:“If I go to a train website, I don't really want to see a picture of Richard Branson smiling at me, I don't want to read the Chief Exec's ambitions and life history. 1.
Blog de marketing online, posicionamiento en buscadores y desarrollo Web. Linchpin SEO Blog: SEO Strategy, Digital PR and Content Creation Tips. What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
There has been a range of different definitions of what SEO is, yet through it’s evolution most of them have not changed to keep up with the changing search landscape. So, we thought it was time to redefine SEO with users at the center of the strategies – just like Google does. At its core we believe SEO strategies, above all else, must provide value to a website’s target personas, and the brand as a whole. So everything we do is rooted in long term value.