Gnostique. Gnostic. Gnosis. Gnosticism. Janusunaj. Glorian Gnosis. Christian Gnosis. Gnose. What Does it Mean to Be a Gnostic?
Demiurge. In the Platonic, Neopythagorean, Middle Platonic, and Neoplatonic schools of philosophy, the demiurge (/ˈdɛmiˌɜrdʒ/) is an artisan-like figure responsible for the fashioning and maintenance of the physical universe.
The term was subsequently adopted by the Gnostics. Although a fashioner, the demiurge is not necessarily the same as the creator figure in the familiar monotheistic sense, because both the demiurge itself plus the material from which the demiurge fashions the universe are considered either uncreated and eternal, or the product of some other being, depending on the system. Platonism and Neoplatonism[edit] Middle Platonism[edit] In Numenius's Neo-Pythagorean and Middle Platonist cosmogony, the Demiurge is second God as the nous or thought of intelligibles and sensibles.[4] Neoplatonism[edit] Henology[edit] The Demiurge of Neoplatonism is the Nous (mind of God), and is one of the three ordering principles: Arche (Gr. Iamblichus[edit] Gnosticism[edit]
The Gnostic World View: A Brief Summary of Gnosticism. Gnosis Archive | Library | Bookstore | Index | Web Lectures | Ecclesia Gnostica | Gnostic Society GNOSTICISM IS THE TEACHING based on Gnosis, the knowledge of transcendence arrived at by way of interior, intuitive means.
Although Gnosticism thus rests on personal religious experience, it is a mistake to assume all such experience results in Gnostic recognitions.
Gnostics, Gnostic Gospels, & Gnosticism. Projet Université Gnostique. Gnostic Society Library. Almost all of the several dozen internet sites with collections of texts similar to our own obtained their material by directly or indirectly copying some files present at the Gnosis Archive.
Ours was perhaps the first major collection of such texts to appear on "the web" in 1994, and thus has served as a source for others creating "their own" collections. Unfortunately transcription errors, typos, and primitive HTML formatting were present in the massive amount of material added to the Gnosis Archive in our first years; in a repeated process of "copying" they have been very widely propagated around the internet. Over nearly two decades we have made many corrections to these texts.
The Gnosis Archive: Resources on Gnosticism and Gnostic Tradition. The Gnostics and Their Remains Index. Sacred Texts Gnosticism Buy this Book at Contents Start Reading Page Index Text [Zipped] In the mid-19th century, eighty years before the chance discovery of a treasure trove of Gnostic manuscripts in a dump in Egypt, C.W.
King collected what was known about the Gnostics in this book.
Gnose rose croix d'or. Le gnosticisme. Les thèses gnostiques.
Ce mouvement religieux ésotérique, peut-être influencé par l’hermétisme hellénistique, se développa au cours des IIe et IIIe siècles après J.
-C. et constitua un défi majeur pour le christianisme orthodoxe. "La gnose (du grec gnosis = connaissance révélée) est une doctrine ésotérique, proposant à ses initiés une voie vers le salut par la connaissance de certaines vérités cachées sur Dieu, le monde et l'homme.
Early Christian Writings: New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, Ch. “Sull’Origine del Mondo”, Codice di Nag Hammadi – Visionaire Blog. Figli di un Dio minore: elementi gnostici nei manoscritti di Nag Hammadi – A X I S ✵ m u n d i. Le don d'Isis. Découverts par hasard dans une grotte, miraculeusement préservés des ravages du temps, les manuscrits de Nag Hammadi contiennent, entre autres merveilles, ce texte majeur :
L'évangile de Thomas #1 : Réenchanter le monde (1/3) - Les carnets du Haut Royaume - High Kingdom Notebook. Les principes de la gnose tiennent en peu de lignes : l’Homme est prisonnier d’un monde brumeux mélange de corps ténébreux et lumineux.
Dans cette prison, il y a été projeté non par la décision arbitraire et inique d’un Dieu dictatorial suite à un soi-disant péché mais bien en tombant dans le piège d’une puissance mauvaise et parasite. Dans la narration gnostique, ce n’est pas le péché qui provoque l’exil mais bien l’exil qui provoque le péché. C’est-à-dire que coupé de son pouvoir d’amour et de perception juste, l’Homme est sujet à toutes les erreurs et peut être l’objet de toutes les influences néfastes. Fondamentalement et ontologiquement libre, l’homme doit s’extraire de sa prison non en fuyant le monde ou en le diabolisant mais en retrouvant en lui et dans le monde les éclats de lumière qui rendent toutes choses authentiques et merveilleuses.
The Gospel According to Mary Magdalene. Chapter 4 (Pages 1 to 6 of the manuscript, containing chapters 1 - 3, are lost.
The extant text starts on page 7...) . . . Will matter then be destroyed or not? 22) The Savior said, All nature, all formations, all creatures exist in and with one another, and they will be resolved again into their own roots. 23) For the nature of matter is resolved into the roots of its own nature alone. 24) He who has ears to hear, let him hear. 25) Peter said to him, Since you have explained everything to us, tell us this also: What is the sin of the world? Chapter 5 1) But they were grieved.
Christian Gnosticism. The 8-pointed Star of the Essenes. Gnostic Teachings - Gnosis - Ancient Knowledge for a Better Life. Chiesa Gnostica Universale Chiesa Gnostica Italiana.
Hiérogamie ou Mariage Sacré. 1.1 La fascination pour l’Orient Ex oriente lux: c’est de l’Orient que vient la lumière.
Cet adage en vogue chez les alchimistes et les théosophes durant la Renaissance, illustre bien la fascination exercée par le mysticisme oriental sur les mentalités occidentales[1]. Cette fascination se trouve pour une large part à la racine du mouvement gnostique, aussi bien dans son expression antique qu’à notre époque.
Archons, Annunaki & The Nag Hammadi Codices. For those of you who have never heard of the 'Archons' ...
The first references to the Archons can be seen in ancient Nag Hammadi Text ... The Nag Hammadi Library, a collection of thirteen ancient codices containing over fifty texts, was discovered in upper Egypt in 1945. The Nag Hammadi material contains reports of visionary experiences of the initiates, including first-hand encounters with inorganic beings called Archons.
The Duality of Philosophy. tHE dUALITY oF pHILOsOPHY The Etymology of "Wisdom;" The Coiling helix of Time; The 2 names of Mary.
Le serpent guérisseur et l’origine de la gnose ophite. Catari e Manichei a confronto - Tradizioni Culti Simboli Mitologie - - Associazione Culturale Archeologia e Misteri. Di Federico Polidori ll Catarismo fu una religione molto attiva in Europa tra l’XI e il XIII secolo; si può definire come una forma di Cristianesimo fondato su di una lettura dualista del Nuovo Testamento, dove la salvezza dell’uomo è raggiungibile mediante la rivelazione di Cristo.
Mandaeism. "Mandaean" redirects here. For the ethnoreligious group, see Mandaeans.
Bogomilism. The development of Bogomillism The Bogomils called for a return to early Christianity, rejecting the ecclesiastical hierarchy, and their primary political tendencies were resistance to the state and church authorities. This helped the movement spread quickly in the Balkans, gradually expanding throughout the Byzantine Empire and later reaching Kievan Rus', Bosnia, Dalmatia, Rascia, Italy, France.
L'eredità bogomila e l'Islam bosniaco - East Journal. C.G. Jung - The Seven Sermons to the Dead (Septem Sermones ad Mortuos)
(Seven Sermons to the Dead) C.G.
MUNDUS IMAGINALIS. Terence McKenna - On Gnosticism. Gabriele La Porta e l'amore per la Sophia. Fantastic Planet: The Visionary Body and Gnostic Evolution – Evolve + Ascend. The Gnostic: A Journal of Gnosticism, Western Esotericism and Spirituality - Home. The New Gnosticism. One of the advantages of living in a city whose airport is a major transportation hub is that there’s a good chance, when on the way to a conference, one will run into others going to the same place.
Last time I set out for the Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture Since 1900, I ran across Rae Armantrout in the departure lounge. This year I was nearly knocked over by Patrick Pritchett, the chair of my panel, whose route to Louisville from Harvard took him through O’Hare Airport. When we arrived in Kentucky, we were promptly met by Mark Scroggins—another participant in our double-barreled pair of sessions on the New Gnosticism in American Poetry. We piled into a small yellow Ford Scroggins had rented, and were off to what was, for me, one of the stronger iterations of the Louisville conference. All of the above were present at one or both of the New Gnosticism panels, where I also saw Ben Friedlander, Linda Kinnahan, and other Worthies of Poetry.
Gnosi Antica e Gnosi Moderna. L'affascinante storia della Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
Questo è il breve racconto dell’affascinante e tormentata storia di uno dei più importanti centri culturali di tutti i tempi: la Biblioteca di Alessandria. Alessandria d’Egitto (al-Iskandariyya; Alexándreia; Alexandrea ad Aegyptum in arabo, greco e latino) si trova sulla costa mediterranea dell’Egitto, a pochi chilometri a ovest del delta del Nilo (oggi è la seconda città egiziana e il maggiore porto nazionale).
Ipazia di Alessandra, la morte della filosofa e matematica alessandrina. Nel marzo dell’anno 415, in piena Quaresima, un crimine scosse la città di Alessandria: una folla chiassosa attaccò la rispettata e sapiente Ipazia, la uccise e ne bruciò i resti.
Gli assassini facevano parte di «una moltitudine di credenti in Dio», che «si misero alla ricerca della donna pagana che aveva ingannato le persone della città e il prefetto con i suoi incantesimi». Così parla della filosofa – come di una strega – la cronaca di Giovanni, vescovo di Nikiu, una diocesi del delta del Nilo.
The Matrix.