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Nidia Ñañez & César García

Hi dear students we are: My name is Nidia Ñañez Minda, I hold a Bachelor Degree in Modern languages from Distrital University. Currently I´m studying a Master program in translation at Autonoma de Manizales University. I´m César Augusto García. I hold a Bachelor Degree in Education with Emphasis in English from Mariana University. Currently I´m studying a Specialization in Pedagogy for the Development of the Autonomous Learning at UNAD University. we are very happy of sharing this e-space with you in order to strength English Language. we wish you the best and God Bless you.


Pronunciation. Estructuras Gramaticales. SIMPLE PAST. Simple Present. PRESENT PERFECT. FUTURE. CONDITIONALS. MODAL VERBS. WH QUESTIONS. PREPOSITONS. VERBS. READING EXERCISES. Adjectives. Verb to Be. Let´s start our English Course.