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Bloglovin’ Best free Google Slides themes and Powerpoint templates. Sketchnotes Lesson There’s an increasing trend in education regarding visual techniques to help students learn concepts, and it’s called sketchnotes.
This free presentation template focuses on this design, so you can turn a lesson into an easy teaching experience. Orange Memphis Surround yourself with colors thanks to this new template. Its design is focused on the popular Memphis style, so you will be able to get a marvelous result with ease. Puress Online There are times when you need a beautiful presentation, something that can leave everybody amazed.
(1) TechFifteen. 3 Quick Ways to Capture Student Learning. How do you capture student learning?
This question can go in lots of directions. We know that students can snap a picture of their work. And we know that kids can capture their learning by recording their voice or typing a response. To capture student learning, you can give kids a way to create a product that shows what they know. In this blog post, I want to share with you three quick ways to capture student learning using the Adobe Spark tools.
The Book Bug. The Best Typing and Keyboarding Websites for Classrooms. After dozens of hours testing typing programs, we recommend TypingClub and for students and teachers.
Learning to type with accuracy and speed has clear practical benefits, but there's more to it than that. Typing lessons help students with spelling and word decoding, and can free up cognitive space for students to focus on what they want to say. While keyboarding may not be the most exciting class for students, online programs have evolved over the years, making a skill that can feel rote more entertaining and meaningful. To help you choose the best one for your classroom, we explored in-depth some of the best typing tools on the market and selected the best of the best below.
4 Tips for Spotting a Fake News Story. But mixed in with all the fair, factual, and well-researched reporting was something more sinister: Fake news, stories that seemed accurate, but were actually downright false.
While fake news has been circulating as long as its legitimate counterpart, it's been getting a lot of play recently, thanks to the way we consume information. According to Pew Research Center, people under age 50 get half of their news online. And for those under 30, online news is twice as popular as TV news.
Teach Inference - YES you can, the ultimate list of teaching inference ideas! - Classroom Freebies. Share on StumbleUpon0 shares on StumbleUpon Ready to teach inference or teach inferring?
Let’s go there! This was another one of those scary words initially when as a new teacher I peeked into what my students had to master… Digging deep to uncover it really is just about reasoning and using clues from the text to figure something out….well then…crisis averted.
Resources – ASGCLA Direct. The Digital Citizenship Survival Kit - A Teacher, Coach & Dad. It's a simple little prop I use when teaching Digital Citizenship to our K-8 #aurorahuskies students.
I love utilizing props to try to get my point across to students. To me, it helps a student retain the lesson better. Let me introduce you to Mr.
Libraries: trends, news, and ideas. As we lay out our rooms and organize our spaces, we can make our learning environments more positive spaces to interact, collaborate and work together.
Today Kevin Stoller gives us ideas to make our learning environments more positive places to interact. Sponsor: The U.S. Toyota Dream Car Art Contest invites youth, ages 4-15, to submit their […] Have you ever made the mistake of giving other people the kind of feedback you want to receive – but it just fell flat?
My Favorite Free Websites for the Computer Lab. Sometimes we (and the students) need a break from the constant academic work we do.
Sometimes the students earn some free time. Either way, I like to have some websites on hand for moments like this where students can work independently and I can be hands-off. Introducing my favorite free sites to use in the computer lab.
Multicultural Literature. How To Write Measurable Learning Objectives: Essentials of Blended Learning Course Design. Books to Support Social-Emotional Learning - tammie.allen - Lincoln County School District Mail. November Picture Books - Amy Lemons. With only a few weeks until Thanksgiving, I thought it would be a good idea to share some of my favorite November Picture Books for the classroom (or at home!).
You can see all of my book picks in one easy click HERE Turkey Picture Books Y’all. I’ve read every stinkin’ Turkey book out there. There are a lot of cute books, but these are by far my favorite ones.
We Need Diverse Books – Everyday Diversity. SEL Implementation Tools and Resources. CASEL has an online suite of tools accessed by users worldwide that provides guidance and support for districts and schools to implement high-quality, evidence-based SEL in their communities.
Free Resource Library - Teach Create Motivate. - Free Articles & Strategies. Updated: May, 2015 © 2019 Think Social Publishing, Inc. The ILAUGH Model of Social Thinking is a core (and critical) framework created and developed by Michelle Garcia Winner to help professionals and parents understand and think about the struggles faced by those with social learning challenges. The Framework is based on an extensive literature base of both seminal and current research and represents the foundation of all Social Thinking concepts. ILAUGH is an acronym for the research-based concepts that contribute to challenges in those with social learning issues across academic, community, vocational, and social contexts. The sections of the ILAUGH are not only grounded in the literature, but also represent a rich clinical base. Although the ILAUGH Model is divided into six key areas, there is commonly an overlap between and within each of the sections.
Position Statements. Skip to main content Position Statements The following position statement is currently under review to align with the National School Library Standards: Support for National Board of Professional Teaching Standards Certification. Ten Tools for Telling Stories With Pictures - Updated for 2019-20. Four years ago I published a PDF that outlined ten tools and how students can use them to tell stories with pictures. On Monday I received an email from a reader who had recently stumbled upon that PDF. She rightly pointed out that a couple of the tools featured in that document were no longer available for free and one was not available at all anymore.
This morning I created an updated version of Ten Great Tools for Telling Stories With Pictures.
How to Use Digital Word Walls and Dictionaries in Google Drive™
Are you looking for digital ways students can keep track of their sight words or vocabulary words? Look no further!
End of the School Year Chromebook Tips - tammie.allen - Lincoln County School District Mail. Free 1-12 multiplication chart for teachers [Plus memorization tips]
Tools & Resources – ASGCLA Direct. How Google Took Over the Classroom. But that also caused problems in Chicago and another district when Google went looking for teachers to try a new app — effectively bypassing district administrators.
In both cases, Google found itself reined in. Unlike Apple or Microsoft, which make money primarily by selling devices or software services, Google derives most of its revenue from online advertising — much of it targeted through sophisticated use of people’s data. Questions about how Google might use data gleaned from students’ online activities have dogged the company for years. “Unless we know what is collected, why it is collected, how it is used and a review of it is possible, we can never understand with certainty how this information could be used to help or hurt a kid,” said Bill Fitzgerald of Common Sense Media, a children’s advocacy group, who vets the security and privacy of classroom apps. Google declined to provide a breakdown of the exact details the company collects from student use of its services.
Mr. Mr.
Best Websites for Teaching & Learning 2018 - National School Library Standards. 16 Curation Tools for Teachers and Students. Home Page. K5engineers. Elementary Competition. Bloglovin’
DDC 23 Summaries. MDS: 357. 10 Reasons Librarians Are More Important Than Ever. Read how these passionate and savvy educators support schools and students every day. It's National Library Week, and we couldn't resist paying homage to one of the most important members of the school community: librarians. Also known as library media specialists, librarians play a unique role in our schools. Often asked to take on a wide range of duties, these passionate and savvy educators deserve more than only a week of praise. And in case you need a reminder of all that librarians do for our students and our schools, we've put together a list -- but it's only a start. 1. In many schools, the library media specialist is the go-to expert on all things tech. 2.
In the age of fake news and viral video remixes, the library media specialist leads the charge on citation, copyright and fair use, research, and news literacy. 3. If you think the library is a quiet place meant only for research and studying, you clearly haven't been in a school library with a makerspace. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Digital Tools for School Libraries and Media Centers. Technology Skills Checklist: Google Docs. Flipgrid - Video for student engagement and formative assessment. Elementary school teaching resources. TEI Practice Sites & Chrome Apps/Extensions for Students - tammie.allen - Lincoln County School District Mail. Slides Pop - Free Google slides themes and Power Point templates. Tour Creator. Techie Randomness You Don't Want to Miss□ - tammie.allen - Lincoln County School District Mail.
TEI Practice Sites□ - Google Slides. Bloglovin’
Accessibility Tools. Bloglovin’
Glenside Library / What's Happening.